Chapter 27 - Medical Physics Flashcards
X-ray wavelengths
10^-13 –> 10^-8 m
Producing x-rays
Eject electrons from a cathode in thermionic emission with a p.d. of 50 to 200kV
They are attracted to an anode (tungsten), reducing the kinetic energy of electrons and converting to photons
A continuous spectrum of energies of x-rays emitted as electrons lose kinetic energy
Characteristic x-rays
Emitted from the anode as electrons move between energy levels in the anode
Shortest wavelength of x-rays
λ = hc/eV
Hard and soft x-rays
Hard (0.10 to 0.01nm) are more penetrative than soft (10 to 0.1nm)
An aluminium sheet is used to filter out ionising but less useful soft x-rays
Collimated x-rays
A parallel beam
The linear attenuation coefficient (the percentage reduction in intensity per unit length)
The decrease in intensity of EM radiation
X-ray intensity formula
I = I0 e^-μx
Simple scattering
X-rays <20keV cannot remove electrons from atoms so they are scattered and intensity is reduced
Soft x-rays are filtered so not significant in radiography
Photoelectric effect
If hf > Φ, electrons absorb a photon and are emitted, meaning the intensity is reduced as photons are lost
Compton effect
0.5 to 50 MeV energy
A photon with momentum collides with an electron, knocking it out of the nucleus, reducing its own momentum
The energy is reduced and likely no longer an x-ray photon
Pair production
Energy >= 1.02 MeV
A photon exchanges its energy for mass, producing an electron-positron pair
Contrast media
Compounds with high atomic numbers create scattering in soft tissue
μ ∝ Z^3
e.g. barium
Used to detect the boundaries between media
CAT scan
Computerised Axial Topography
An x-ray tube is mounted on a ring with a sensing detector array opposite
The tube and detector rotate around the ring and a patient moves slowly through it to create a “spiral” of slices
The images are overlayed by a computer
CAT scan advantages and disadvantages
+ much higher contrast resolution than x-rays, much more precise than x-rays
- much more ionising than x-rays, take longer
Small amounts of radioactive material into the body to follow blood flow or to investigate metabolic pathways
Tracer uses
To replace a stable atom and act as labels to follow the path of a compound
Tc-99m is a gamma emitter with a 6 hour half life
(m is for metastate before gamma is emitted)
Stable Tc-99 then emits beta minus
Gamma camera
Detects gamma photons from the body and a collimator ensures only photons from the body are detected
A scintillator converts the gamma photons to visible photons and a photomultiplier converts photons to many electrons
- Photon emits a photoelectron
- Increasing pds attract these to release electrons from dynodes
- The amount of electrons continually increases
PET scan
Positron Emission Topography
Uses F-18, a beta plus emitter
PET scan process
The F-18 decay will release a positron that will travel a few mm before annihilating with an electron in the body. This releases a pair of gamma photons in opposite directions so this and the time difference tells you the location
PET scan F-18 production process
O-18 + proton –> F-18 + neutron
Must be done on site due to the short half life
Ultrasound frequencies
Above the limit of human hearing 20 kHz
1-3 MHz are used in scans
Piezoelectric effect
Piezoelectric crystals produce a net p.d. across its sides as it is stretched or compressed
An imbalance of charge causes a net charge on opposite sides
Passing an A/C causes the crystal to stretch and compress as the charge on each side changes, choose a p.d. and frequency to generate ultrasound
Ultrasound transducer
A piezoelectric crystal between electrodes, connected to a computer by a cable
Surrounded by damping material
An acoustic window focuses the sound waves
Surfaces between media of different densities partially reflect ultrasound
The reflected ultrasound is detected by the transducer and causes the crystal to change shape
average speed x distance gives twice the distance from the scanner
A 2D image built up from A-scans
Each A-scan produces a series of dots between boundaries between tissues
Acoustic impedance
Z = ρc
Acoustic impedance = density x speed of sound in a material
Reflected intensity formula
I(r)/I(0) = (Z2 - Z1)^2/(Z2 + Z1)^2
Intensity-reflection coefficient
Impedance matching
99.9% of the ultrasound should be reflected by the skin based on the acoustic impedance difference to air
A coupling gel with a similar acoustic impedance to skin must be used to remove the air gap
Doppler ultrasound
If an ultrasound wave is reflected from red blood cells, the reflected wave has a different frequency to the initial due to the doppler effect. Only possible for blood vessels with fast blood flow
A computer can colour-code the images
Doppler ultrasound formula
Δf/f = 2vcosθ/c
θ is the angle between the pulse and the motion of the blood
c is the speed of sound in the medium