congenital blockage of the aqueduct connecting the third and fourth ventricles, which causes their dilatation
aqueductal stenosis
severe hypoxia, or inadequate oxygenation
the ventricle is measured at this site (anterior, occipital, and temporal horn junction) on the axial view
atrium (trigone) of the lateral ventricles
transducer is placed above the ear (above the canthomeatal line)
axial plane
part of the brain connecting the forebrain and the spinal cord; consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
brain stem
area of the brain that forms the lateral borders of the anterior horns, anterior to the thalamus
caudate nucleus
prominent structure best seen in the midline filled with cerebrospinal fluid in the premature infant
cavum septum pellucidum
area of the brain that lies posterior to the brain stem below the tentorium
largest part of the brain consisting of two equal hemispheres
congenital defect in which the cerebellum and brain stem are pulled toward the spinal cord (banana sign); frontal bossing or “lemon head” is also evident on ultrasound
Chiari malformation
echogenic cluster of cells important in the production of cerebrospinal fluid that lies along the atrium of the lateral ventricles
choroid plexus
reservoir for cerebrospinal fluid
transducer is perpendicular to the anterior fontanelle in the coronal axis of the head
coronal plane
prominent group of nerve fibers that connect the right and left sides of the brain; found superior to the third ventricle
corpus callosum
abnormal development of the fourth ventricle, often accompanied by hydrocephalus
Dandy-Walker malformation
treatment for infants with severe respiratory failure who have not responded to maximal conventional ventilatory support
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
echogenic fibrous structure (portion of the dura mater) that separates the cerebral hemispheres
falx cerebri (interhemispheric fissure)
soft space between the bones; the space is usually large enough to accommodate the ultrasound transducer until the age of 12 months
fragile periventricular tissue (includes the caudate nucleus) that easily bleeds in the premature infant
germinal matrix
congenital defect characterized by abnormal single ventricular cavity with some form of thalami fusion; caused by an extra chromosome, the prosencephalon fails to divide into hemispheres during embryonic development
ventriculomegaly in the neonate; abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid with the cerebral ventricles, resulting in compression and frequently destruction of brain tissue
decreased oxygen in the body