chapter 24 - The Urinary System Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT a function of the Urinary system?
Excretes excess albumin molecules
Each of the following organs is part of the urinary system EXCEPT
Typical renal blood flow is about _______ percent of cardiac output under resting conditions
All of the following are true of the kidneys EXCEPT that they are
Located partly within the pelvic cavity
The prominent indentation on the medial surface of the kidney is the
The renal sinus is
An internal cavity lined by the fibrous capsule
The cavity of the Kidney that receives urine from the calyces is called the
Renal Pelvis
Triangular or conical structures located in the renal medulla are called
Renal Pyramids
Renal columns are
Bundles of tissue that extend between pyramids from the cortex
The expanded beginning of the ureter connects to the
Renal Pelvis
Major calyces are
Large tributaries of the renal Pelvis.
Which of the following descriptions best matches the term renal papilla?
Tip of the medullary pyramid
ID the structure labeled “9”
Renal Pelvis
ID the structure labeled “10”
ID the structure labeled “6”
Renal Column
ID the structure labeled “8”
Renal Papilla
ID the structure labeled “5”
Renal Pyramid
The U-shaped segment of the nephron is the
Nephron loop
The functional unit of the kidney is the
Nephrons located close to the medulla with long nephron loops are called
Juxtamedullary Nephrons
_____________ are essential to water conservation and the production of concentrated urine.
The glomerular capsule and the glomerulus make up the
Renal Corpuscle
A glomerulus is
A knot of capillaries within the renal corpuscle
The filtrate first passes from the glomerular capsule to the
Proximal convoluted tubule
The portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the
Distal convoluted tubule