chapter 24 Flashcards
President Johnson used this incident as the reason to ask congress for authority to fight communist aggression in Vietnam
gulf of Tonkin
president Johnson believed this had the resources to eliminate poverty in American
name of the first russian satellite successfully launched into space
country that one-fifth of the nation’s population was slaughtered by communists
pro-communist south Vietnam
viet cong
legislation guaranteeing the rights of african americans dedicated to JFK
civil rights act of 1964
goal was to eliminate poverty and inequality
great society
banned poll taxes
24 amendment
broad legal interpretation to attack social problems
judicial activism
a call for civil rights by ant means necessary
black power
rebellious youth movement of the 1960’s and the early 1970’s
counter culture
law abiding middle class americans
silent majority
relaxation of the US soviet tensions
university where four students killed during a 1970 anti war protest
kent state
government health insurance program was instituted in 1965 to help elderly people pay their medical expenses
organization congress established to conduct the new American space program
this 1968 north vietnamese offensive was a military failure but a political success for communist forces
tet offensive
advocate of judicial activist
earl warren
stolen documents published in 1971 increased sentiment
pentagon papers
south vietnamese villages where hundrands of civillians killed becuase they were suspected of aiding the Viet COng
in what city did the north Vietnamese meet with the US fore peace talks
civil rights leader assassinated April of 1968
MLK junior
the great society
republican nominee for president in 1964
Byry Goldwater
democratic candidate who was murdered in 1968
Robert J. Kennedy
democratic nominee for president in 1968
Hubert Humnney
republican “law and order “ campaign
candidate of the american independent Party in 1968
secretary of state who negotiated with the soviet union
democrat who lost the 1972 election
George Megoun
assassin of president kennedy
Lee Havey Oswall
he was court martialed for massacring vietnamese civillians
Will Calay
the worst urban riot during the 1960s
before becoming president johnson had served as
Senate Majority leader
these men, Eugene McCarthy , Robert Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey were
1968 presidental candite
as ninety day freeze on wages and prices was a provision of the
New econic policy
George Wallace was the governor of
Alan Shepard John Glenn and Neil Armstrong were
NASA atromors
why was the Vitenam war harded to fight then the Korean war
Russian and Chinease support for the communist
what was Nixon greatest forign policy trumpt
established of relations with communist china
what 3 things handled by Nixon in the war
bombing of North Vietnam
raids into Laos
Raids into cambodia
list related to the Vietnam war
- court marshall william calley
- publication of the pentagon papers
- protest a Kent state