chapter 20 Flashcards
leader of the ohio gang
warren G. harding
“The business of american is business”, popular throughout his presidency
calvin coolidge
what was the main theme of american’s foreign policy during the 1920s
caused by the violent activities of a few leftist
red scare
secretary of the interior
albert fall
effort to settle war debts
dawes plan
roman catholic candidate
al smith
austrain psychologist
sigmon freud
biased murder trail
theory of relativity
albert einstien
scandal involving the secretary of interior
teapot dome scandal
what was the theme of harding’s presidental campaign
secretive ritualistic group
organized urban african americans into a potent force
marcus garvey
stock market crash
black tuesday
type of credit when you purchase an item and make payments on the balance
installment plan
first non stop flight across the alantic
charles lidburg
in what year did the stok market crash sparking the great depression
teacher convicted of teaching evolution
john t scoope
stock market characterized by optimism and rising stock prices
bull market
defended the bible against the theory of evolution
william jennings bryan
period in which african americans intellectuals and entertainers achieved greatness
harlem resistance
stock market characterized by pessimism and declining stock prices
bear market
legislation set quotes to restrict immigration
national orgins act
he is most associated with the depression
herbert hoover
term refers to borrowing money to buy stock
on the margin
free enterprise economy with minimal government regulations
laissez faire capatilism
most common means of news and enterainment during the 1920s
the washington nval conference sought to limit the growth of
world naval power
agreement to make war illegal
kellogg briand pact
list 4 problems that contributed the great depression
- the repartion of world war
- federal reserve reckless moentary policies
- smoot-hawley tariff of 1930
- the excess of debt
most famous gangester of the 20s
al copone
what was the result of the twenty first amendment
the repeal of prohibition
1920s movement started by christians who believe the bible should be taken serious
man of cultural wars
was fred
and marks
some of the 1920 characters
weakened moral standards
exceptness of radical ideas
chose a president a talk about him in the 1920s era
herbet hoover domestic was working with market captialism.he advocated the higher tariff which hurt the american trade
in his nomination who predicted that america would see poverty
herbert hoover
which president remained very popular throught his adminstration
calvin coolidge
which occupational group experinced hard times throughout the 1920
the characteristcs of flappers
bobbed hair