Chapter 24-25 Flashcards
Active listening p.327
means being attentive to what a patient is saying both verbally and nonverbally.
assertiveness p.325
allows you to express feelings and ideas without judging or hurting others.
autonomy p.324
Ability or tendency to function independently.
channel p.319 (communication channel)
methods used to the teaching-learning process to present content: visual, auditory, taste, smell. In the communication process a method used to transmit a message: visual, auditory, touch.
circular transactional communication process p.319
communication model that enhances the linear communication by enabling the sender and receiver to view perceptions, attitudes, and potential reactions of others via a mental picture. This is a continuous and interactive activity.
circular transactional model p.319
includes several elements: the referent, sender and receiver, message, channels, context or environment in which the communication process occurs, feedback, and interpersonal variables.
communication p.316
Ongoing, dynamic series of events that involves the transmission of meaning from sender to receiver.
complementary p.319
complementary role relationships function with one person holding an elevated position over the other person. For example: a nurse provides education to a patient about a new medication.
electronic communication p.319
is the use of technology to create ongoing relationships with patients and their health care team.
emotional intelligence (EI) p.317
is an assessment and communication technique that allows nurses to better understand and perceive the emotional of themselves and others.
empathy p.328
is the ability to understand and accept another person’s reality, accurately perceive feelings, and communicate this understanding to the other.
environment p.320
is the setting for sender-receiver interaction. an effective communication setting provides participants with physical and emotional comfort and safety.
feedback p.319
is the message a receiver receives from the sender.
interpersonal communication p.318
is one-on-one interaction between a nurse and another person that often occurs face to face. Exchange of information between two persons or among persons in a small group.
interpersonal variables p.320
are factors within both the sender and receiver that influence communication. Perception provides a uniquely personal view of reality formed by an individual’s culture, expectations, and experiences.
intrapersonal communication p318
is a powerful form of communication that you use as a professional nurse. This level of communication is also called “self-talk”.
lateral violence p.324
or workplace bullying between colleagues sometimes occurs and includes behaviors such as withholding information, backbiting, making snide remarks or put downs, and nonverbal expressions of disapproval such as raising eyebrows or making faces. New nurses are especially prone to bullying behavior.
message p.319
is the content of the communication. It contain verbal and nonverbal expressions of thoughts and feelings.
meta-communication p.321
dependent not only on what is said but also on the relationship to the other person involved in the interaction. It is a message that conveys the sender’s attitude toward self and the message and the attitudes, feelings, and intentions toward the listener.
motivational interviewing p.323
interviewing technique used to identify patient’s thoughts, beliefs, fears and current health care behavior with the aim of helping them to identify improved self-care behaviors.
nonverbal communication p.320
includes the five senses and everything that does not involve the spoken or written word. Communication using expressions, gestures, body posture, and positioning rather than words.
perceptual biases p.317
an individual’s culture and education that influence the nurses’ biases. Critical thinking helps nurses overcome perceptual biases that interfere with accurately perceiving and interpreting messages from others.
public communication p.318
interaction of one individual with large groups of people. Is interaction with an audience.
receiver p.319
is the person who receives and decodes the message.
referent p.319
the referent motivates one person to communicate with another. In a health care setting sights, sounds, sensations, perceptions, and ideas are examples of cues that initiate the communication process.
sender p.319
is the person who encodes and delivering a message.
small-group communication p.318
is the interaction that occurs when a small number of people meet. This type of communication is usually goal directed and requires an understanding of group dynamic.
stereotypes p.317
an individual’s culture and education that influence the nurses’ biases. Critical thinking helps nurses overcome stereotypes that interfere with accurately perceiving and interpreting messages from others.
Therapeutic communication p.327
techniques are specific responses that encourage the expression of feelings and ideas and convey acceptance and respect. These techniques apply in a variety of different situation. Process in which the nurse consciously influences a patient or helps the patient to a better understanding through verbal and/or nonverbal communication.
verbal communication p. 320
uses spoken or written words. Verbal language is a code that conveys specific meaning through a combination of words .Sending of messages from one individual to another or to a group of individuals through the spoken words.
Affective learning p.339
deals with expression of feelings and development of values, attitudes, and beliefs. Acquisition of behavior involved in expression feelings about attitudes, appreciation, and value.
Analogies p.349
Supplement verbal instruction with familiar images that make complex information more real and understandable. Resemblances made between things otherwise unlike.
Cognitive learning p.339
requires thinking and encompasses the acquisition of knowledge and intellectual skills. Acquisition of intellectual skills that encompass behaviors such as thinking, understanding, and evaluating.
Functional illiteracy p.345
the inability
Functional illiteracy p.345
the inability to read above a fifth-grade level, is a major problem in America today.
Health literacy p.344
the cognitive and social skills that determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand, and use information in ways that promote and maintain good health. Patients’ reading and mathematics skills, comprehensive, ability to make health-related decisions, and successful functioning as a consumer of health care.
Learning p.337
Is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills through an experience or external stimulus. Acquisition of new knowledge and skills as a result of reinforcement, practice, and experience.
learning objective p.338
Written statement that describes the behavior that a teacher expects from an individual after a learning activity.
Motivation p.340
is a force that acts on or within a person (an idea, emotion, or a physical need) to cause the person to behave in a particular way.
Psychomotor Learning p.339
involves acquiring motor skills that require coordination and the integration of mental and physical movements such as the ability to walk or use an eating utensil.
Reinforcement p.348
requires the use of a stimulus to increase the probability of a desired response. A learner who receives reinforcement before or after a desired learning behavior is more likely to repeat that behavior. Provision of a contingent response to a learner’s behavior that increases the probability of recurrence of the behavior
Return demonstration p.349
demonstration after the patient has first observed the teacher and then practiced the skill in mock or real situation.
Self-efficacy p.340
a concept included in social learning theory, refers to a person’s perceived ability to successfully complete a task.
Teach back p.351
is a closed-loop communication technique that assesses patient retention of the information imparted during a teaching session.
Teaching p.337
Is the concept of imparting knowledge through a series of directed activities. Implementation method used to present correct principles, procedures, and techniques of health care; to inform patients about their health status; and to refer patients and family to appropriate health or social resources in the community.