Chapter 23 - Nurse Leader and Manager Flashcards
Five Rights of Delegation
- Right Task
- Right Circumstance
- Right Person
- Right Direction/Communication
- Right Supervision
Right Task
One that is delegable for a specific patient
Right Circumstances
Appropriate patient setting, available resources, and other relevant factors considered.
- Have you assessed the client?
- Match the task with the ability of the UAP.
- Can you monitor or supervise the task?
- Verify the UAPs competency?
Right Person
Right person is delegating the right task to the right person to be performed on the right person/patient
Right Supervision
Appropriate monitoring, evaluation, intervention as needed, and feedback
- monitor performance
- provide and obtain feedback
- intervene appropriately
- ensure proper documentation
- evaluate entire delegation process
ANA Principles of Delegating Care
- the nursing profession determines the scope of the nursing practice
- the nursing profession defines and supervises UAPs involved in providing direct nursing care
- the RN is responsible and accountable for nursing practice
- the RN supervises any assistant providing direct patient care
- the purpose of the UAP is to work in supportive role to the RN
Considerations When Delegating Nursing Care
- patient’s condition
- complexity of the activity
- potential for harm
- degree of problem solving and innovation necessary
- level of interaction required with the patient
- capabilities of the UAP
- availability of professional staff to accomplish workload
Pathway to Delegation
- Assess
- Plan
- Assure Accountability
- Supervise
- Evaluate your decision
Right Task - OK to delegate
- VS
- AM care
- bedmaking
- ambulating client
- toileting, dressing
- I&O
Right Task - Not OK to delegate
- medications
- assessment
- evaluating effects of medications
- anything vague
Right Circumstances - OK to delegate
- delegating vital signs on stable patients to a UAP
- delegating AM care to a UAP on stable patients
- asking UAP to help stable patient to bathroom
Right Circumstances - Danger to delegate
- delegating paint assessment to UAP
- delegating first set of VS to UAP on post-op patient
- asking LPN to check patient complaining of chest pain or anything ABC-related
Right Person X 3
- is the nurse the right person to delegate?
- is the patient the right person to receive care from UAP?
- is the UAP the right person for the patient?
Right Person - OK to delegate
-nurse is familiar with patient population and task
-patient is relatively stable
UAP or LPN has demonstrated competency performing task
Right Person - Danger to delegate
- nurse is unfamiliar with patient population and/or task she is delegating
- patient is unstable
- UAP seldom has performed the task
Right Communication
Clear, concise description of the task, including its objective, limits, and expectations
- specific to patient and task
- sufficient detail
- timelines
- patient specific instructions
- expected results/complications
Right Communication - OK to delegate
-check VS on all patients and report them to me by 9 am
Right Communication - Danger to delegate
-start your assignment and let me know if there are any problems.
Right Supervision - OK to delegate
- frequent rounds
- assessment updates
- periodic skill checks
- providing immediate feedback
Right Supervision - Danger to delegate
- not assessing
- not looking at routine date collected
- delegating too much
- assuming competencies that are not verified
- RN fails to assess/interpret documentation by UAP
Legally Safe Delegation
- within scope of practice
- within job description
- UAP has training
- UAP has demonstrated capability
- RN provides supervision and feedback
Nursing Care to Never Delegated Except to Another RN
- initial and ongoing assessment of patient
- determination of nursing diagnosis, plan, progress, and evaluation of care delivered to patient
- supervision and education of nursing personnel
- patient teaching requiring assessment of the patient’s educational needs
- any other nursing intervention requiring professional nursing knowledge, judgment, or skill