Chapter 23: Nucleotide Metabolism Flashcards
In this chapter, we consider the nature of the nucleotide biosynthetic pathways. In doing so, we will examine how they are regulated and the consequences of their blockade, both by genetic defects and through the administration of chemotherapeutic agents. We then discuss how nucleotides are degraded. In following the general chemical themes of nucleotide metabolism, we will break our discussion into sections on purines, pyrimidines, and deoxynucleotides (including thymidylate). The structures and nomenclature of the major purines and pyrimidines are given in Table 3-1
What are purine nucleotides initially derived from?
Purines are initially formed as ribonucleotides rather than as free bases.
The ribonucleotides form IMP which then synthesize AMP and GTP and finally
purine biosynthesis steps:
Ribose-5-Phosphate to IMP synthesis
Synthesis of AMP from IMP
Synthesis of GMP from IMP
IMP is the precursor of both?
Inosine Monophosphate yields Adenine and Guanine ribonucleotides, AMP and GMP
Do we need to know the 11 reactions involved in the synthesis of IMP, AMP, or GMP?
How does AMP differ from IMP?
AMP, which differs from IMP only in the replacement of its 6-keto group by an amino group, is synthesized in a two-reaction pathway
How are Nucleoside Diphosphates and Triphosphates (ATP and GTP) Synthesized ?
By the Phosphorylation of Nucleoside Monophosphates such as AMP and GMP. This is done by Kinases.
To participate in nucleic acid synthesis, nucleoside monophosphates must first be converted to the corresponding nucleoside triphosphates.
First, nucleoside diphosphates are synthesized from the corresponding nucleoside monophosphates by base-specific nucleoside monophosphate kinases.
-For example, adenylate kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of AMP to ADP: AMP + ATP⇌2 ADP
-Similarly, GDP is produced by guanylate kinase: GMP + ATP⇌ GDP + ADP
(These nucleoside monophosphate kinases do not discriminate between ribose and deoxyribose in the substrate.)
Nucleoside diphosphates are converted to the corresponding triphosphates by nucleoside diphosphate kinase; for instance,
In other words, Kinases convert IMP-derived AMP and GMP to ATP and GTP.
How is Purine nucleotide synthesis regulated?
Purine nucleotide synthesis is regulated by feedback inhibition and feedforward activation.
amidophosphoribosyl transferase: different inhibitor binding sites for adenine and guanine nucleotides
The rate of synthesis of GMP increases with [ATP], whereas that of AMP increases with [GTP].
The pathways synthesizing IMP, ATP, and GTP are individually regulated in most cells so as to control the total amounts of purine nucleotides available for nucleic acid synthesis, as well as the relative amounts of ATP and GTP.
The rate of IMP production is therefore independently but synergistically controlled by the levels of adenine nucleotides and guanine nucleotides.
In most cells, the turnover of nucleic acids, particularly some types of RNA, causes what to release? What happens to them?
Releases adenine, guanine, and hypoxanthine. These free purines are reconverted to their corresponding nucleotides (AMP, IMP, GMP) through salvage pathways.
Purine Salvage is a biochemical pathway that recycles partially degraded purine bases to reform purine nucleotides./Salvage reactions convert free purine and pyrimidine bases into nucleotides.
What occurs in the salvage pathways?
In contrast to the de novo purine nucleotide synthetic pathway, which is virtually identical in all cells, salvage pathways are diverse in character and distribution. In mammals, purines are mostly salvaged by two different enzymes. Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) mediates AMP formation using PRPP:
Adenine + PRPP ⇌ AMP + PPi
Hypoxanthine–guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) catalyzes the analogous reaction for both hypoxanthine and guanine:
Hypoxanthine + PRPP ⇌ IMP + PPi
Guanine + PRPP ⇌ GMP + PPi
Summary of Synthesis of Purine Ribonucleotides
- The purine nucleotide IMP is synthesized in 11 steps from ribose5-phosphate, aspartate, fumarate, glutamine, glycine, and HCO3 − . Purine nucleotide synthesis is regulated at its first and second steps.
- IMP is the precursor of AMP and GMP, which are phosphorylated to produce the corresponding di- and triphosphates.
What are pyrimidine ribonucleotides, UTP and CTP derived from?
UMP is the precursor
How is UMP synthesized?
UMP Is Synthesized in Six Steps
1. Synthesis of Carbamoyl Phosphate
2. Synthesis of Carbamoyl Aspartate
3. Ring Closure to form dihydroorotate
4. Oxidation of Dihydro Orotate
5. Addition of ribose Phosphate moiety
6. Decarboxylation to form UMP
UMP is synthesized as a pyrimidine base to which ribose-5-phosphate is added.
Difference between purine and pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis regarding the ring.
In contrast to purine nucleotide synthesis, the pyrimidine ring is coupled to the ribose-5-phosphate moiety after the ring has been synthesized.
How is UMP converted to UTP and CMP?
The synthesis of UTP from UMP is analogous to the synthesis of purine nucleoside triphosphates (Section 23-1B). The process occurs by the sequential actions of a nucleoside monophosphate kinase and nucleoside diphosphate kinase:
CTP is formed by the amination of UTP by CTP synthetase (Fig. 23-7). In animals, the amino group is donated by glutamine, whereas in bacteria it is supplied directly by ammonia.
Where is Pyrimidine Nucleotide Biosynthesis regulated?
Pyrimidine Nucleotide Biosynthesis Is Regulated at ATCase or Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase II
In bacteria, the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway is primarily regulated at Reaction 2, the ATCase reaction (Fig. 23-8a). In E. coli, control is exerted through the allosteric stimulation of ATCase by ATP and its inhibition by CTP (Section 12-3). In many bacteria, however, UTP is the major ATCase inhibitor.
Summary of Synthesis of Pyrimidine Ribonucleotides
- The pyrimidine nucleotide UMP is synthesized from 5-phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate, aspartate, glutamine, and HCO 3 − in six reactions. UMP is converted to UTP and CTP by phosphorylation and amination.
- Pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis is regulated in bacteria at the ATCase step and in animals at the step catalyzed by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II.
How does DNA chemically differ from RNA?
DNA differs chemically from RNA in two major respects: (1) Its nucleotides contain 2′-deoxyribose residues rather than ribose residues, and (2) it contains the base thymine (5-methyluracil) rather than uracil. In this section, we consider the biosynthesis of these DNA components.
How are deoxyribonucleotides synthesized?
Deoxyribonucleotides are synthesized from their corresponding ribonucleotides by the reduction of their C2′ position rather than by their de novo synthesis from deoxyribose-containing precursors.
Ribonucleotide Reductase uses a free radical mechanism to Convert Ribonucleotides to Deoxyribonucleotides
uses NDP as substrate
Ribonucleotide Reductase Converts NDPs to dNDPs
(Enzymes that catalyze the formation of deoxyribonucleotides by the reduction of the corresponding ribonucleotides are named ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs). There are three classes of RNRs, which differ in their prosthetic groups, although they all replace the 2′-OH group of ribose with H via a free-radical mechanism involving a thiyl radical)
Here we discuss the mechanism of Class Ia RNRs, which have an Fe-containing prosthetic group and which occur in all eukaryotes and many aerobic bacteria (Class Ib RNRs have a similar mechanism but have an Mn-containing prosthetic group)
Class Ia RNRs reduce ribonucleoside diphosphates (NDPs) to the corresponding deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates (dNDPs). T
Do we know the detailed steps of the Ribonucleotide Reductase mechanism like Thioredoxin?
pg. 815
1.3′-Ribonucleotide 1 radical formation
2.Base-catalyzed elimination of water and radical migration
3.Disulfide bond 3 formation
4.Re-formation of 4 the thiyl radical
5.Reduction of the 5 disulfide bond
What reduces Ribonucleotide Reductase ?
- newly formed disulfide bond has to be re-reduced by electron (hydrogen) donor, Thioredoxin
regulation of ribonucleotide reductase ?
activity site: ATP binding activates enzyme, dATP binding inhibits
a4 b 4 form, inactive, induced by dATP binding to activity site
The final step in the production of all dNTPs is
the phosphorylation of the corresponding dNDPs:
(ATP can be any NTP or dNTP)
This reaction is catalyzed by nucleoside diphosphate kinase, the same enzyme that phosphorylates NDPs (Section 23-1B). As before, the reaction is written with ATP as the phosphoryl donor, although any NTP or dNTP can function in this capacity.
How is Thymine (dTTP) synthesized?
The dTTP substrate for DNA synthesis is derived from dUTP, which is hydrolyzed to dUMP by dUTP diphosphohydrolase (dUTPase):
dUTP + H2O → dUMP + PPi
The dUMP is then methylated to generate dTMP by thymidylate synthase:
dUMP + N5 ,N10 -methylene-THF → dTMP + dihydrofolate
Finally, the dTMP is phosphorylated to form dTTP by nucleoside monophosphate kinase and nucleoside diphosphate kinase:
dTMP → dTDP → dTTP
What is the reason for the energetically wasteful process of dephosphorylating dUTP and rephosphorylating dTMP?
is that cells must minimize their concentration of dUTP in order to prevent incorporation of uracil into their DNA (the enzyme system that synthesizes DNA from dNTPs does not efficiently discriminate between dUTP and dTTP; Section 25-2A).
- appears to waste energy
- necessary to keep dUTP concentration low
- DNA polymerase does not discriminate efficiently between dUTP and dTTP
In what way is the thymidylate synthase reaction biochemically unique?
The thymidylate synthase reaction is biochemically unique in that it oxidizes THF to DHF because it goes from a methylene to methyl group. No other enzymatic reaction employing a THF cofactor alters this coenzyme’s net oxidation state. The DHF product of the thymidylate synthase reaction has to be returned to its N5,N10-methylene-THF form through two sequential reactions:
(only known C 1 transfer reaction involving THF where the oxidation state of THF is changed)
-THF is oxidzed to DHF; no other reaction alters the THF oxidation state
How is THF regenerated from DHF?
Two ways:
1.DHF is reduced to THF by NADPH as catalyzed by dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR;)/THF is regenerated from DHF by the NADPH-dependent activity of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)
2.Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (Section 21-4A) transfers the hydroxymethyl group of serine to THF yielding N5 ,N10 -methylene-THF and glycine.
Inhibition of thymidylate synthase or DHFR blocks what? What is this the basis for?
Answer: blocks dTMP synthesis and is therefore the basis of certain cancer chemotherapies (inhibitors used in cancer therapy)
-dTMP synthesis is a critical process for rapidly proliferating cells, such as cancer cells, which require a steady supply of dTMP for DNA synthesis. Interruption of dTMP synthesis can therefore kill those cells.
-5-Fluorodeoxyuridylate (FdUMP)is an irreversible inhibitor of thymidylate synthase. This substance, like dUMP, binds to the enzyme (an F atom is not much larger than an H atom) and undergoes the first two steps of the normal enzymatic reaction (Fig. 23-15). In Step 3, however, the enzyme cannot abstract the F atom as F + (F is the most electronegative element) so that the enzyme is frozen in an enzyme–FdUMP–THF ternary covalent complex.
Enzyme inhibitors, such as FdUMP, that inactivate an enzyme only after undergoing part or all of the normal catalytic reaction are called?
Enzyme inhibitors, such as FdUMP, that inactivate an enzyme only after undergoing part or all of the normal catalytic reaction are called mechanism-based inhibitors (alternatively, suicide substrates because they cause the enzyme to “commit suicide”). Because of their extremely high specificity, mechanism-based inhibitors are among the most useful therapeutic agents.
aminopterin, amethopterin and trimethoprim do what?
inhibit dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), thus blocking THF-dependent reactions because the THF converted to DHF by the thymidylate synthase reaction cannot be regenerated.
Thymidylate synthase is inhibited by? Dihydrofolate reductase is inhibited by ?
Dihydrofolate reductase-the antifolates methotrexate (amethopterin), aminopterin, and trimethoprim
Summary of the Formation of Deoxyribonucleotides
- Deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates (dNDPs) are synthesized from the corresponding NDPs in a free radical-mediated oxidation reaction catalyzed by ribonucleotide reductase, which contains a binuclear Fe(III) prosthetic group, a tyrosyl radical, and three redox-active sulfhydrylgroups. Enzyme activity is regenerated through disulfide interchange with thioredoxin.
- Ribonucleotide reductase is regulated by allosteric effectors, which ensure that deoxynucleotides are synthesized in the amounts and ratios required for DNA synthesis.
- dTMP is synthesized from dUMP by thymidylate synthase. The dihydrofolate produced in the reaction is converted back to tetrahydrofolate by dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR).
Look at google docs for image representing summary of nucleotide metabolism or pg 822
Nucleotides are synthesized from amino acids and ribose-5-phosphate by pathways in which the base is built onto the sugar (purine synthesis) or the sugar is added to the base (pyrimidine synthesis). Nucleotide catabolism yields a derivative of the base and releases the sugar as ribose-1-phosphate.
Most foodstuffs, being of cellular origin, contain nucleic acids. How do dietary nucleic acids survive the acidic medium of the stomach? What happens to the ionic nucleotides that cannot pass through cell membranes?
In other words, what are the 2 fates of nucleotides regarding degradation?
- they are degraded to their component nucleotides, mainly in the intestine, by pancreatic nucleases and intestinal phosphodiesterases.
- They are then hydrolyzed to nucleosides by a variety of group-specific nucleotidases and nonspecific phosphatases.
Essentially, there are 2 fates for nucleotide degradation,
1. Salvaged for recycling into new nucleic acids (most cells; from internal, not ingested, nucleic acids).
2. Oxidized (primarily in the intestine and liver) by first converting to nucleosides, then to
–Uric Acid (purines)
–Acetyl-CoA & Oxidation succinyl-CoA
AKA Purine and pyrimidine nucleosides can either be degraded to waste products and excreted or can be salvaged as nucleotide components/Purine and pyrimidine nucleosides can either be degraded to waste products and excreted or salvaged to form NUCLEOTIDE COMPONENTS
Out of the 2 fates of nucleic degradation, which is more likely to occur?
Only a small fraction of the bases of ingested nucleic acids are incorporated into tissue nucleic acids. Evidently, the de novo pathways of nucleotide biosynthesis largely satisfy an organism’s need for nucleotides. Consequently, ingested bases are mostly degraded and excreted.
Cellular nucleic acids are also subject to degradation as part of the continual turnover of nearly all cellular components.
Nucleoside + H2 O ― ⟶ base + ribose
nucleoside phosphorylase
Nucleoside + P i ――― ⟶ base + ribose-1-P
What events do these reactions describe?
Nucleosides may be directly absorbed by the intestinal mucosa or further degraded to free bases and ribose or ribose-1-phosphate through the action of nucleosidases and nucleoside phosphorylases:
What are purines broken down into?
Uric Acid
ribose-1-phosphate, a product of the reaction catalyzed by purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), is a precursor of PRPP.
Adenosine and deoxyadenosine are not degraded by mammalian PNP. Rather, adenine nucleosides and nucleotides are deaminated by?
adenosine deaminase (ADA) and AMP deaminase to their corresponding inosine derivatives, which can then be further degraded.
The nucleoside, adenosine, is then deaminated and hydrolyzed to form hypoxanthine via adenosine deaminase and nucleosidase respectively. Hypoxanthine is then oxidized to form xanthine and then uric acid through the action of xanthine oxidase.
What is The Purine Nucleotide Cycle and what does it generate?
This pathway functions in muscle to prime the citric acid cycle by generating fumarate.
-The deamination of AMP to IMP, when combined with the synthesis of AMP from IMP, has the net effect of deaminating aspartate to yield fumarate.
-Has an important metabolic role in skeletal muscle.
-Muscle replenishes its citric acid cycle intermediates with fumarate generated in the purine nucleotide cycle.
* important metabolic role in muscle
- muscle activity requires increase in activity of citric acid cycle
- muscle lacks many enzymes for anaplerotic reactions
- uses fumarate generated in the purine nucleotide cycle
Why is the purine nucleotide cycle important in muscle metabolism during a burst of activity?
Increases in muscle activity create a demand for an increase in the TCA cycle, in order to generate more NADH for the production of ATP. However, muscle lacks most of the important enzymes of the major anapleurotic reactions (Anaplerotic reactions are those that form intermediates of a metabolic pathway). Muscle replenishes TCA-cycle intermediates in the form of fumarate generated by the purine nucleotide cycle.
Function of Xanthine Oxidase
Xanthine Oxidase Is a Mini-Electron-Transport System. Xanthine oxidase converts hypoxanthine (the base of IMP) to xanthine, and xanthine to uric acid
- product H2O2 converted to H2O and O2 by catalase
What are the 3 fates of uric acid after it is produced?
- In humans and other primates, the final product of purine degradation is uric acid, which is excreted in the urine.
- Those organisms, which do not excrete urea, also catabolize their excess amino acid nitrogen to uric acid via purine biosynthesis. This complicated system of nitrogen excretion has a straightforward function: It conserves water./• excretion of excess nitrogen as uric acid instead of urea conserves water
3.In all other organisms, uric acid is further processed before excretion.Mammals other than primates oxidize it to their excretory product, allantoin, in a reaction catalyzed by the Cu-containing enzyme urate oxidase. A further degradation product, allantoic acid, is excreted by teleost (bony) fish. Cartilaginous fish and amphibia further degrade allantoic acid to urea prior to excretion. Finally, marine invertebrates decompose urea to NH4 + .
Excretion of excess nitrogen as uric acid instead of urea conserves what?
What is Gout?
Gout Is Caused by an Excess of Uric Acid.Gout is a disease characterized by elevated levels of uric acid in body fluids.
Its most common manifestation is excruciatingly painful arthritic joint inflammation of sudden onset, most often of the big toe (Fig. 23-24), caused by deposition of nearly insoluble crystals of sodium urate. Sodium urate and/or uric acid may also precipitate in the kidneys and ureters as stones, resulting in renal damage and urinary tract obstruction.
The most prevalent cause of gout is impaired uric acid excretion
→ formation of (nearly insoluble) crystals of sodium urate → crystals deposited in joints → gout
How is Gout treated?
Gout can be treated by administering the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol.
Xanthine oxidase hydroxylates allopurinol, as it does hypoxanthine, yielding alloxanthine (at left), which remains tightly bound to the reduced form of the enzyme (xanthine oxidase), thereby inactivating it.
Allopurinol consequently alleviates the symptoms of gout by decreasing the rate of uric acid production while increasing the levels of the more soluble hypoxanthine and xanthine.
Pyrimidines are broken down to? Difference between it and purines?
Pyrimidines Are Broken Down to Malonyl-CoA and Methylmalonyl-CoA
Animal cells degrade pyrimidine nucleotides to their component bases.
The reactions, like those of purine nucleotides, occur through dephosphorylation, deamination, and glycosidic bond cleavages. The resulting uracil and thymine are then broken down in the liver through reduction (Fig. 23-25, middle) rather than by oxidation as occurs in purine catabolism.
The end products of pyrimidine catabolism, 𝛃 -alanine and 𝛃 -aminoisobutyrate, are amino acids and are metabolized as such. They are converted, through transamination and activation reactions, to malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA.
Fates of Malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA?
Malonyl-CoA is a precursor of fatty acid synthesis (Fig. 20-26), and methylmalonyl-CoA is converted to the citric acid cycle intermediate succinyl-CoA
Summary of Nucleotide Degradation?
- Purine nucleotides are degraded by nucleosidases and purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP). Adenine nucleotides are deaminated by adenosine deaminase and AMP deaminase. The synthesis and degradation of AMP in the purine nucleotide cycle yield the citric acid cycle intermediate fumarate in muscles. Xanthine oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and of xanthine to uric acid.
- In primates, birds, reptiles, and insects, the final product of purine degradation is uric acid, which is excreted. Other organisms degrade urate further.
- Pyrimidines are broken down to intermediates of fatty acid metabolism