Chapter 23- Cardiovascular/Lymph/Systemic Flashcards
Puerperal Fever (Childbed Fever)
Causative: Caused by Streptococcus pyogenes
Transmission: It can be introduced during delivery by medical personnel.
Symptoms:chills, fever, pelvic distention, bloody vaginal discharge
Treatment: penicillin
Group B Streptococcal Disease
Streptococcus agalactia is found in 30% of women’s vaginal flora. Women are tested in third trimester and given ampicillin or immune globulin before labor. Completely preventable disease
Rheumatic Fever
Causative: Streptococcus pyogenes
Transmission:Onset of the disease usually occurs 2 to 3 weeks after strep throat
Symptoms: fever, arthritis, rash
Treatment: Penicillin
Bacterial Endocarditis
Subacute: fever, malaise, bacteremia,heart murmur
acute: Death within a few days :(
-Organisms from anoter body site of infection are transported to the heart. A vegetation develops in which exposed collagen fibers on damaged valvular surfaces trigger fibrin deposition
Diagnosed by blood culture
treated with penicillin
caused by blood flukes in the genus schistosoma, each requiring a particular snail as an intermediate host. Humans are infected with the free swimming cercaria, that penetrate the human skin. The flukes go into the blood, mature and migrate to the lungs/liver/
Adults can coat themselves in our antibodies and thrive
Wucheria Bancrofti
Repeated infections over a period of years can lead to elephantiasis.
Diagnosed by finding microgilaria in thick blood smears
Causative: bacilus anthracis
Cutaneus anthrax: mortality rate of 10-20% occurs when spores are introduced into the skin through abrasions
Respiratory: almost always fatal, occurs when spores are inhaled
Intestinal: 25-50% mortality. can lead to speticemia and meningitis
Treated with ciprofloxacin
Causative: Yersinia Perstis
Symptoms: Lymph node enlargements (Buboes) hemorrhages turn the skin black
Causative: Francisella tularensis
Transmission:usually enter through minor cuts, abrasions or bites. can also be inhaled, or can be acquired by consumption of contaminated water
Treatment: Steptomycin
Brucellosis (Undulant fever/bang’s disease/malta fever)
Brucella melitensis
it enters host through digestive tract through the digestive tract via contaminated dairy/ animal feed