Chapter 22 Psychiatry Flashcards
is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness
Psychiatric Disorders:
Sigmund Freud and personality structure: id-Unconcious ego-Central coordinating branch of the personality superego-Internalized Defense mechanisms Anxiety disorders-GAD, worry… Delirium and dementia-Drug withdrawal Dissociative disorders-loss of personality or split Eating disorders-Bulemia Mood disorders-Bi-Polar Personality disorders-Schizophrenia
Anxiety Disorders:
characterized by unpleasant tension, distress,
troubled feelings, and avoidance behavior
Types Anxiety Disorders:
Phobic disorders:
Post-traumatic stress disorder: fear, helplessness, insomnia, nightmares
GAD: chronic anxiety and exaggerated worry and tension
Delirium and Dementia:
Disorders of abnormal cognition
thinking, perception, reasoning, judgment)
mental confusion, incoherent speech, sensory misperception, disorientation, memory impairment
gradual loss of intellectual abilities involving impairment of judgment, memory, abstract thinking, and personality
Eating disorders:
Anorexia nervosa: refusal to maintain body weight, conscious relentless attempt to diet, excessive over activity and exercise
Bulimia: binge and purge eating using vomiting and misuse of laxatives or enemas
Mood Disorders:
prolonged emotion that dominates a person’s entire mental life
Bipolar disorder:
alternating manic and depressive episodes
Cyclothymic disorder:
mild bipolar with at least 2 years of hypomania and numerous depressive episodes
Depressive disorder:
major depression, severe dysphoria
Personality Disorders:
Impaired ways of thinking and relating to and perceiving the environment and self, leading to conflict, distress, and inflexibility
no loyalty to or concern for others, no regard
severely distorted self-image and feel worthless and fundamentally flawed
long standing attention seeking behaviors
unfounded fears take over
low self-esteem by developing a superficial sense of perfection and behavior that shows a need for constant admiration
loner, lack of social ineraction
Pervasive Developmental Disorders:
group of childhood characterized by delays in the development of socialization and communication skills
evident during the 3 years of life, i marked by difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication and in social and play interactions
Asperger syndrome:
referred to as a less sever type of autism, normal language and normal intelligence, usually want to interact with others but don’t know how to do it
chronic psychotic disorder characterized by disturbed thinking and disorganized speech
Schizophrenia symptoms:
delusions, hallucinations, thought disorder, disorder of movement, flat affect, impaired interpersonal functioning and relationship to the external world, positive syptoms