Chapter 22 Critical Questions and Learning Objectives Flashcards
What are three provisioning services of biodiversity?
Food, water, materials
Why are regulating services considered to be an instrumental value of biodiversity?
It’s considered instrumental because protects against flooding so protects our homes, filters air so our effect on global warming is less. It is instrumental since it serves us an actual purpose, and a monetary value can be assigned to it
Why is it difficult to assign an economic value to intrinsic values of biodiversity?
It is difficult to assign an economic value to intrinsic values of biodiversity because it does not technically provide a direct service to humans. Economists have not found a way to capture intrinsic values in a meaningful economic way, so this value has been excluded from any economic determination scheme
What data can we use to determine if we are in the midst of a sixth extinction?
at least 75 percent of the existing species go extinct within a 2-million-year period for it to be considered a mass extinction. We can quantify the rates of extinction during the first five mass extinctions and then compare them with the current rate of extinction.
Which groups of animals are the most threatened?
Amphibians, they have the most threatened animals. Amphibians are a cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. Fish are also threatened due to over fishing.
Why have we lost the genetic diversity of many crop plants?
Because farmers want to make more of the plant that sells the most. Production favored only the top-producing crop varieties. In addition new varieties have been bred that have improved disease resistance or improved flavor. As a result, many of the older, local varieties of crops are no longer available.
How has forested habitat been changing in North America?
The destruction and degradation of habitat have been the largest cause of declining biodiversity. In the United States, for example, most old-growth forests were cut down in the eighteenth century. Now more forests is being planted, but a lot of biodiversity has been lost
What evidence indicates that over harvesting animals is not a recent problem?
Overharvesting of animals is not a recent problem and it is evident because For instance, during the past 3 centuries, commercial hunters in North America have hunted to extinction the Steller’s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), great auk (Pinguinus impennis), passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), and Labrador duck (Camptorhynchus labradorius). Each of these once-abundant species was valued for food or feathers, and they were easily killed. Also years ago a lot of shellfish and stuff was overharvested cuz easy to get.
Describe how some pollutants biomagnify through a food web.
DDT in water, plankton absorb, other fish eat plankton, then it goes up the food chain and bioaccumulates. When small fish eat the zooplankton and large fish eat the small fish, DDT is further concentrated, by about 30-fold. Finally, when a fish-eating bird such as an osprey consumes a large fish, DDT becomes concentrated another 10-fold. By the time it reaches the top of the food chain, the insecticide is 276,000 times more concentrated in the body of the fish-eating bird than it was in the water.
How has the amount of protected habitat around the world changed over recent decades?
It continually increased over the past 40 years
How has the ban on harvesting marine mammals affected populations of northern elephant seals?
Some species can take a long time to recover their population size, but reducing the harvest of a declining species often leads to a return to abundance. Stopping the harvesting caused seals to be from almost extinct to have thousands
How can investment in a large, charismatic species also favor the conservation of other species?
Investing in a large charismatic species may allow other species to flourish. Ex. introducing wolves, so more plant species become abundant in the population.
Why might different people or groups favor different criteria when prioritizing biodiversity hotspots?
Areas with low species richness can still have high conservation value.
Compare and contrast instrumental values versus intrinsic values of species and ecosystems.
Instrumental values represent the value of ecosystems as merely means to an end and are often measured in monetary terms. By contrast, intrinsic values refer to the value of ecosystems as ends to themselves and are often represented as moral duties
How can economic benefits of biodiversity be used as an argument to protect biodiversity?
Food production relies on biodiversity for a variety of food plants, pollination, pest control, nutrient provision, genetic diversity, and disease prevention and control. Both medicinal plants and manufactured pharmaceuticals rely on biodiversity.