Chapter 22: Complications Occurring During Labor and Delivery Flashcards
Exam 2
Group BStreptococcus(GBS):
How is GBS colonization for adults v infants?
GBS colonization is often asymptomatic for patients but canbe devastating for infants.
Group BStreptococcus(GBS):
Signs and symptoms of GBSinfections in infants include:
Signs and symptoms of GBSinfections in neonates include:
or meningitis.
Group BStreptococcus(GBS):
When should patients be screened for GBS?
Patients should be screened for GBSat 35 to 37 weeks of gestation.
Group BStreptococcus(GBS):
How are GBS positive patients treated? When?
GBS-positive patients are treated inlabor with antibiotics that must bestarted at least 4 hours before birth.
Group BStreptococcus(GBS):
How are patients with preterm labor treated?
Patients with preterm labor aretreated for GBS without screening.
Five Ps of Labor:
What is abnormal labor?
Abnormal labor is any labor with abnormally fast or slow progression.
What is a precipitous labor?
A precipitous labor lasts 3 hours or less.
Five Ps of Labor: What are they?
Five Ps of Labor:
Power- What does it refer to?
refers to uterine contractions and pushing efforts
Five Ps of Labor:
Passageway- What does it refer to?
refers to the maternal bony pelvis and soft tissues
Five Ps of Labor:
Passenger—What does it refer to?
refers to fetal factors
Five Ps of Labor:
Psyche—What does it refer to?
refers to maternal state of mind
Five Ps of Labor:
Position- What does it refer to?
refers to maternal position
Abnormal Labor Risk Factors:
What are abnormal labor risk factors in the first stage of labor?
Pelvic abnormalities
Large fetus
Abnormal Labor Risk Factors:
What are abnormal labor risk factors in the Second Stage of Labor:
Prolonged 1st stage
Occiput posterior
Short stature
High station at complete dilation
Abnormal Labor includes what kind of problems?
Problems with POWERS
Problems with PASSAGEWAY
Problems with PASSENGER
Problems with PSYCHE
Abnormal Labor: Problems with POWERS
Hypertonic uterine dysfunction
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction
Protracted or arrest disorders
Precipitous labor
Abnormal Labor: Problems with POWERS
Hypertonic uterine dysfunction- What phase?
Hypertonic uterine dysfunction - latent phase
Abnormal Labor: Problems with POWERS
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction- What phase?
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction- active phase
Abnormal Labor: Problems with POWERS
Protracted or arrest disorders- What phase?
Protracted or arrest disorders- dilation or descent
Abnormal Labor: Problems with POWERS
Precipitous labor- how long?
Less than 3 hours
Abnormal Labor:
Problems with PASSAGEWAY include?
Pelvic contraction
Obstructions in maternal birth canal
CPD- cephalopelvic disproportion
Abnormal Labor:
Problems with PASSENGER include?
Fetal lie
Abnormal Labor: Problems with PSYCHE
Abnormal Labor Assessment and Management:
Nursing Assessment- What to collect?
History of risk factors
Maternal frame of mind
Vital signs
Uterine contractions
Fetal heart rate, fetal position
Abnormal Labor Assessment and Management: Nursing Management
Promoting labor progress
Providing physical and emotional comfort
Promoting empowerment
Five Ps of Labor: Power
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction- What is it?
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction is a condition where uterine contractions are either too uncoordinated or too weak to effectively dilate the cervix.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
When does Hypotonic uterine dysfunction occur?
Occurs in the active phase of labor
Five Ps of Labor: Power
What is Hypotonic uterine dysfunction related to?
Is related to polyhydramnios, macrosomia, or multiple pregnancy.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
How do hypotonic contractions occur?
Hypotonic contractions palpate soft and occur at a rate of less than three or four every 10 minutes lasting less than 50 seconds.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
What may be indicated for hypotonic uterine contractions?
Internal contraction monitoring may be indicated.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
What is treatment for hypotonic uterine dysfunction?
Treatment may include rest, an amniotomy, or oxytocin (Pitocin) administration.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
What is Hypertonic uterine dysfunction?
A condition where uterine contractions are frequent, irregular, ineffective.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
Where does Hypertonic uterine dysfunction occur?
What is not present?
Occurring in midsection of the uterus
No cervial dilation or effacement
Five Ps of Labor: Power
Who does Hypertonic uterine dysfunction occur to the most?
Five Ps of Labor: Power
What phase is Hypertonic uterine dysfunction seen?
Seen in latent phase of first stage of labor
Five Ps of Labor: Power
In Hypertonic uterine dysfunction, how is the uterus?
Uterus does not completely relax- Category 2 or 3
Five Ps of Labor: Power
What doe Hypertonic uterine dysfunction differ from?
Not the same as tachsystole- contractions are strong, regular and fundal
Five Ps of Labor: Power
Second Stage issues: Power
What can prolong labor?
Ineffective pushing by the patient can also lead to prolonged labor.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
Second Stage issues: What is laboring down?
Laboring down is a process of allowing the primary powers to facilitate fetal descent in the second stage.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
When does pushing resume in labor?
Pushing resumes when the patient feels the urge to bear down.
Five Ps of Labor: Power
Second Stage issues:
What this slide mean IDK
Frequently used in patients with epidurals.
Five Ps of Labor: Passageway
What does passageway complications occur in conjunction with?
Passageway complications often occur in conjunction with passenger issues.
Five Ps of Labor: Passageway
What can lead to dystocia?
A maternal pelvis that is smaller than normal, or contracted can lead to dystocia.
Five Ps of Labor: Passageway
What is pelvimetry associated with?
Pelvimetry is associated with higher cesarean risks but not overall improved outcomes.
Five Ps of Labor: Passageway
What can lead to soft tissue dystocia?
Soft tissue dystocia can be caused by a full bladder or bowel.
Scar tissue on the cervix can lead to soft tissue dystocia.
Pushing before the cervix is fully dilated can lead to swelling and soft tissue dystocia.
Five Ps of Labor: Passenger
What is Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)?
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is a mismatch between the size of the fetal head and the size of the maternal pelvis.
Five Ps of Labor: Passenger
What can impact labor progress?
Fetal position in relation to the maternal pelvis can impact labor progress.
Five Ps of Labor: Passenger
What is the most common fetal malpresentation?
The most common fetal malpresentation is the occiput posterior (OP) position.
Five Ps of Labor: Passenger
What does the OP position do to the patient?
OP position often causes low back pain for patients in labor.