Chapter 22 Flashcards
Lotus Eaters
men consume a lotus that hold a drug making them forget their desire to go home; Odysseus had to force men back on the ship
cyclops; son of Poseidon; trapped Odysseus and men in his cave with his ship; Odysseus got him drunk and blinded him and snuck his sheep out by having them hold on to the belly of sheep; Polyphemus cursed the Odysseus and the crew so they would not make a quick return home
island; wind-king inhabits; gave Odysseus bag of winds which his crew opened and blew them away from Ithaca when they were close to being home
end up on their land; cannibals eating the men; some of Odysseus’s men and him escape
daughter of Helius and sister of Aeetes; turns Odysseus’ men into pigs; Hermes gives him moly so can’t be turned by her magic; she invites him to bed; crew remains on island for a year before they attempt to return home
approach their island whose song no man can resist; Odysseus plugs his men’s ears and has them hold him down as sirens sings
whirlpool that sucks down and spits up a torrent of water three times a day
monster with 12 misshapen feet, 6 long necks each with own head, 3 rows of teeth; eats some of Odysseus’ men as they pass by
lives on Ogygia for 7 years; nymph loves and offer Odysseus eternal life if he marries her; misses his wife so goes to shore and weeps for home; Athena asks Zeus to free him and he agrees
Builds a raft that drifts to their island; Poseidon conjures up storm in anger for blinding his son that the raft breaks and throws Odysseus into the sea; saved by sea-goddess Leucothea (Ino); arrives on island and falls asleep in a bush
daughter of Phaeacian king Alcinous; finds Odysseus when washing clothes; he flatters her and her and the maids bathe him
Odysseus’s son; in danger of suitors; Odysseus reveals identity to his son
Odysseus’s dog notices his master and drops dead in excitement
leader of the suitors; revile Odysseus the beggar; Penelope does not recognize husband dressed as a beggar