Chapter 21 (The impact of population increase) Flashcards
Factors affecting BR and DR
Food Demand
- Inc in food demand –> inc intensive farming –> inc secure food supply –> inc BR, dec DR
- Lack of food availability –> malnutrition–> inc DR
Factors affecting BR and DR
Food demand
Medical technology
Disease control
Factors affecting BR and DR
Medical Technology
- Birth control developments –> dec BR
- Antibiotics developed–> dec DR
- Vaccination developed –> dec DR
Factors affecting BR and DR
Disease Control
- Inc spread of disease due to overcrowding –> inc DR
- Poor sanitisation and water treatment –> inc DR
Impact of rising human population size on abiotic factors
- Inc Greenhouse gases emissions –> global climate change.
- Inc use of fertilisers –> eutrophication –> dec populations of species.
- Inc demand for water –> rivers + lakes drained –> ecosystem collapse.
- salinisation –> soil degradation due to irrigation –> ecosystem collapse.
Impact of rising human population size on biotic factors
- Use of pesticides –> decreases population of some species
- Agriculture monoculture –> reduces plant biodiversity –> removes links in food chains –> less food availability
- Deforestation –> destruction of habitats –> reduces biodiversity –> increase risk of extinction of species
- Global warming –> extinction of species, eg frogs are sensitive to temperature change.
Factors affecting human population size
Immigration - inc pop size.
Emigration - dec pop size.
Birth rate - inc pop size
Death rate - dec pop size.
Definition of food security
The state of having access to safe, nutritious, and affordable food.
Definition of food sustainability
Meeting energy and food requirements today without compromising biodiversity or ability to meet requirements in the future.
Definition of food safety
Sufficient hygiene and safety standards to not harm health
Why is growing all food in UK not good?
Total self-sufficiency would make UK's food supplies less secure. Potential concerns - Poor harvest New disease to wipe out livestock Pest issue to wipe out stable crop.
All lead to supply issues and cost inflation.
Factors putting food security at risk
- Inc pop.
- Changing diets (more meat = more energy to produce)
- Transport costs ( higher price of oil - inc cost of storing and distributing)
- Climate change - changes which crops can be grown where.
- Reduced arable land - The drive to produce more biofuels has led to conflicts over what agricultural land should be used for: food or fuel?
Role of United Nations Food + Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- In charge of protecting food security
- Tries to reduce hunger, poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition to ensure resources are managed sustainably.
Role of Food Chain crisis (FCC)
-Responsible for food safety
-Tackle threats to human food chains ( eg, pests, diseases)
Example of food safety crisis - contamination of food with chemicals, eg dioxins.
Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES)
- Promote research of potential crises in food chains and coordinate early warnings at beginning of outbreaks.
- During epidemics of pests and diseases, they promote containment and control of outbreak.
Definition of Food fraud
Food being sold with the intention of deceiving the customer.
Definition of species evenness
Relative abundance of each species
Definition of species richness
Number of species in a habitat
Definition of species diversity?
The measure of the number of species in a habitat, ie, species richness.
relative abundance of each species, ie, species evenness.
Simpson’s diversity index is used to measure biodiversity of an area.
To ensure a valid comparison between 2 different areas:
Equal size of field Same soil Same season for observations Same climate Same time of day for observations Same method of sampling Same time period for observations
What is the challenge for global food security?
To provide the world’s growing population with:
- Sustainable, secure supply of safe, nutritious
- affordable, high quality food, using less land with lower inputs.
- And in the context of global climate change, the environmental changes and declining resources.
SDI info?
Give values between 0 and 1.
0= No diversity, 1 = infinite diversity.
High SDI - high biodiversity so complex food webs, change to environment on ecosystem has relatively small effect, large no. successful species.
Example of a food crime?
Deliberate mislabelling of foods.
What are the names of 3 organisations to help with issues around food?
Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES)
United Nations Food + Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Food Chain crisis (FCC)