Chapter 20 and 21 Key Terms Flashcards
substance for killing microorganisms on the skin
blood, saliva, and other body fluids
broad-spectrum activity
capable of killing a wide range of microbes
chlorine dioxide
effective, rapid-acting environmental surface disinfectant or chemical sterilant
clinical contact surface
surface touched by contaminated hands, instruments, or spatter during dental treatment
chemical used to reduce or lower the numbers or microorganisms on inanimate objects
environmental surface
surface within a healthcare facility that is not directly involved in patient care, but that may become contaminated during the course of treatment (eg countertops, floors, walls, instruments control panels)
product that is capable of killing fungi
environmental protection agent (EPA) registered high-level disinfectant
greener infection control
minimizing the environmental impact of infection control products and procedures
high-level disinfectant
hospital disinfectant with TB activity
hospital disinfectant
disinfectant with the ability to kill staphylococcus aureus, salmonella choleraesuis, and pseudomonas aeruginosa
housekeeping surface
surface that is not contaminated during dental treatment (floors, walls etc)
immersion disinfectant
disinfectant used for immersion (soaking) of heat-sensitive instruments
intermediate-level disinfectant
liquid disinfectant with EPA registration as a hospital disinfectant with tb activity; it is used for disinfecting operatory surfaces
EPA registered, intermediate-level hospital disinfectant
liquid sterilant
chemical for sterilizing at room temperature those items that damaged by heat sterilization
low-level disinfectant
disinfectant that destroys certain viruses and fungi; used for general housecleaning (walls and floors)
removal of bioburden before disinfection
residual activity
action that continues long after initial application, as with disinfectants
reuse life
time period that a disinfectant should remain effective during use and reuse
shelf life
how long a product may be stored before use
single-use items
items that are used on only one patient and them are thrown away
sodium hypochlorite
surface disinfectant commonly known as household bleach
splash, spatter, and droplet surface
surface clurface that does not contact members of the dental team or contaminated instruments or supplies
capable of killing bacterial spores
process that kills all microoganisms
surface barrier
fluid-resistant material used to cover surfaces likely to become contaminated
synthetic phenol compound
EPA-registered intermediate-level hospital disinfectant with broad-spectrum disinfecting action
touch surface
surface directly touched but not often contacted by contaminated instruments
transfer surface
surface not directly touched but often contacted by contaminated instruments
capable of inactivating tuberculosis-causing microorganisms
capable of killing some viruses
equipment for sterilization by means of moist heat under pressure
biologic indicators
vials or strips, also known as spore tests, that contain harmless bacterial spores; used to determine whether sterilization has occuredb
biologic monitoring
verifies sterilization by confirming that all spore-forming microorganisms have been destroyed
chemical vapor sterilization
sterilization by means of hot formaldehyde vapors under pressure
clean area
place where sterilized instruments, fresh disposable supposes, and prepared trays are stored
contaminated area
place where contaminated items are brought for precleaning
critical instrument
item used to penetrate soft tissue or bone
dry heat sterilizer
equipment for sterilization by means of heated air
resistant, dormant structure formed inside of some bacteria that can withstand adverse conditions
event-related packaging
instruments in packages should remain sterile indefinitely unless an event causes them to become contaminated (torn or wet packaging)
multiparameter indicators
strips placed in packages that change color when exposed to a combination of heat, temperature, and time; also known as process integrators
noncritical instrument
item that comes in contact with intact skin only
process indicators
tapes, strips, or tabs with heat-sensitive chemicals that change color when exposed to a certain temperature
process integrators
strips placed in packages that change color when exposed to a combination of heat, temperature, and time
safety data sheets
occuational safety and health administration (OSHA) newer term for material data sheets; SDS are required for each hazardous chemical in a facility
semicritical instrument
item that comes in contact with oral tissues but does not penetrate soft tissue or bone
single-parameter indicators
tapes, strips, or tabs with heat sensitive chemicals that change colour when exposed to a particular temperature; also known as process indicators
ultrasonic cleaner
equipment that loosens and removes debris by sound waves traveling through a liquid
period of time during which a germicidal solution is effective after it has been prepared for use
process of microorganisms being drawn through wet or damp paper packaging; contaminating the instrument inside