Chapter 20 Flashcards
Not for profits have 3 characteristics
- Contributors of significant resources to the NFP do not expect a proportionate return.
- The NFP has operating purposes other than providing goods or services for profit.
- The NFP has no ownership interests similar to those of a business entity.
net assets model.
equals the residual interest in the assets of an NFP that remains after subtracting its liabilities.
net assets are classified as the following
- Unrestricted,
- Temporarily restricted,
- Permanently restricted.
The following are an NFP’s general-purpose financial statements:
- statement of financial position
- statement of activities
- statement of cash flows
Define program services for a not for profit
Program services result in goods and services being distributed to beneficiaries, customers, or members to fulfill the purposes of the entity
Define permanently restricted net assets
Permanently restricted net assets result from asset increases and decreases subject to restrictions not removable by passage of time or by the NFP’s actions.
List nfp supporting actvities
(1) management and general,
(2) fundraising,
(3) membership-development activities
Who is required to create a statement of functional expenses?
Voluntary health and welfare entities (VHWEs)
Thus, a conditional promise to give is not recognized until
until the condition is substantially met.
unconditional promises to give expected to be collected in less than 1 year may be recognized at
net realizable value
Contributions of services are recognized
if they create or enhance nonfinancial assets (they also are recognized if they require special skills
Define SIA
split-interest agreements (SIAs), such as trusts or other arrangements, NFPs may share benefits with the donor or third-party beneficiaries.
Voluntary health and welfare entity (VHWEs) must report information about expenses by
Functional and natural classification.
What is the designation or donations to be received in the subsequent year?
Temporarily restricted net assets
if you receive a donation in a SIA, How do you book the JE if you have no variance power?
Dr. Cash
Cr. Liablity
How do hospitals record services that wont be paid
Dr. revenue
Cr. AR