Chapter 20 Flashcards
Nationalism’s conflict with Congress of Vienna
Oppose – monarchies/dynasties rather than ethnicity provided political unity, international states, international and domestic order of CoV
Characteristics of Nationalism
People are bonded with similarity– Language, history, culture – be administered by same government
Difficulties of Nationalism
Which ethnic groups should be nations
Regions of nationalistic pressures
England/Ireland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Eastern Europe (Hungry, Czechs, Slovenia), southeastern Europe (Balkans- Serbs, Greek, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria)
Definition of Liberals according to Conservatives
Anyone/anything that challenged their own political, religious, and social values
Political goals of liberals
Legally quality, religious toleration, freedom of press, limit power of government against people/property through written constitutions, redistribution of land
Economic goals of liberals
Abolish restraints for mercantilism and economies of enlightened absolutists, manufacture and sell goods freely – remove international tariffs and barriers, labor - bought and sold freely
Major pillars of conservatism
Throne – legitimate monarchies, land – landed aristocracy,
alter – established churches
Klemens von Metternich
Austrian prince; 1773–1859, epitomized 19th-century conservatism, chief architect of Vienna settlement
Nationalism/liberalism, student associations, replace all provincial attachments with loyalty to idea united German state, Karlsbad decrees
The Spa Field Riots
December 1816; repression, Coercion Acts of March 1817 – suspended habeas corpus, no seditious gatherings, people called for reform = cause, changes civil rights
The Peterloo Massacre
August 16, 1819; reaction to liberal revolts, reform of parliament, Manchester, militia commanded move into crowd, 11 killed, compared with Wellingtin’s victory at Waterloo
The Six Acts
December 1819; forbade large unauthorized meetings, raised fines for seditious libel, sped up trials a political agitators, increased newspaper taxes, forbade training of armed groups, local officials could search homes in disturbed countries
Louis XVIII was monarch
Constitutional monarchy, Louis XVI brother, political realist, The Charter – hereditary monarchy and bicameral legislator, Roman Catholicism, ultraroyalism – royalists demanded revenge, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Major powers of the Congress of Vienna
Russia, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain
Concert of Europe
Consultations between powers, new arrangement for resolving mutual foreign-policy issues, maintain balance of power against French regression and Russian military = goal, maintain peace and power
Ferdinand VII’s rule
Broke promise to rule with written constitution, dissolved Cortés (Parliament), ruled alone, brother of Napoleon
Demands of the Treaty of London
Turkish recognition of Greek independence,
France, Britain, Russia = say government
Spark of independence movements throughout Latin America
Wars from French Revolution and Napoleon
Toussaint L’Overture impact on Latin American independence
Lead Haitian slave rebellion, 1793; France abolishes slavery in Haiti, dominance of Hispanola, Authoritarian Constitution, Gov. Gen. for life, preserved ties with France
Haitian slave rebellion
1791; result of conspiracy amongst slaves, violent, mulattos and free blacks went against white colonial masters, French officials and slaves help, 1793 – abolished slavery
Tsar Alexander I and political reforms
Suppressed liberalism and nationalism – turned away from reform
Event that exposed backwardness of Russia to soldiers
Driving Napoleon around Europe and occupying and defeating France – exposed to enlightenment and French Revolution ideas – Western liberalism
Tsar Alexander I and successor
Constantine (older brother) = next in line, married non-royal woman – no longer able to rule, Nicholas (younger brother) = next next in line
The Northern and Southern Societies
North – constitutional monarchy, protect interests of aristocracy
South – abolition serfdom, representative government
Both – agreed Russian government needs to change, coup d’état, at conflict
Nicholas I views on serfdom
Saw it is evil, but trying to fix it would be even more disastrous; undermined Nobles’ support of him
Slogan of Tsar Nicholas
Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationalism
Significance of the Decembrist Revolt
First rebellion in Russian history with instigators with specific political goals
Russian Tsar and infringements upon other countries
Control Poland = “King of Poland”, Organic statute
Four Ordinances
No freedom of press, no franchise, new elections, no representative policy
Workers barricaded streets unable to control Paris, CoD
Charles X domestic policies
Divine right of kings, reactionary conservative policies, Indemnify aristocrats, restored primogeniture, punished sacrilege with death, less conservative ministry, dominance of education and press eased
Louis Philippe
New king, “King of the French”, tricolor, Catholicism, July Monarch, Algeria, constitutional reforms, July Revolution, chamber of deputies
Great Reform Bill and English electorate
Expanded 50% or 200,000, Property and gender = qualification, wider variety of property represented in House of Commons, working-class desire to revolt = less
Daniel O’Connell
Catholics Association, illegally took seat in Parliament, “the Liberator”, basic organization and funds to finance nationalist activities, Catholics could become members of Parliament, emancipation of Catholics
Great Britain and support for independence in Latin America
Why = economic interests
Major events taking place in 1830
Greece Belgium Serbia and Poland = revolution
July Revolution, Louis Philippe = King, November uprising
French rulers from 1804–1848
Napoleon, Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Philippe, Napoleon III
Latin America and independence
Haiti, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Spain