Chapter 2 - Week 3: Hispansim Flashcards
Nationalism was precipitated (influenced) by what events in Europe
Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion
napoleon bonaparte exiled Ferdinand VII and appointed ______ as king of Spain
Established by Spanish rebels
Central Revolutionary Junta at Aranjuez
stressed that the old colonies were an equal and integral part of the Spanish monarchy for whom the Aranjuez Junta was acting—and thus must send their representatives to the reinvigorated Cortes
The decree of 1809
the law-making body of the Spanish government.
What is the new motherland according to the decree?
was to the object of loyalty and must be strengthened so that unity among the component units would remain solid.
- were not to be considered as factories or colonies.
- They were, on the contrary, integral and necessary members of the monarchy
- as a rewards for their assistance and loyalty the provinces had to be represented before the royal person of King Ferdinand VII and to participate in the Junta’s interim government
former imperial possessions
The more complete form of the new national idea or Hispanism was more or less detailed in the Constitution of _____ _ ____
Cadiz of 1812
What is the new nation according to the constitution
- composed of the United Spanish peoples all over the world
- repository of sovereignty and powers of government.
- people were free, independent and not vassal or owned by any single person or family.
- government was to be a constitutional monarchy like in England and autonomy was to be observed in the provincial units
- liberal principles, emphasizing individual rights like the sanctity of personal property, and the freedoms of petition, press, and assembly
When and where was the constitution of Cadiz of 1812
1813 in Manila and other provinces
the nationalism had already begun in ____ to take shape through institutional means when elections for representatives to the Spanish Cortes were held in Manila and the provinces
In 1810, the Spanish Cortes issued a proclamation that showed the nature and character of ____ which it wished to spread in the empire.
What was the oath of the Constitution
-to defend the Catholic church and the new Spanish nation.
- to free the nation from the usurper.
- to defend the king’s possessions and his royal family.
- to respect the laws of Spain.
What is the issued proclamation of the Spanish Cortes in the year 1810?
all provinces in “America and Asia” were integral parts of the monarchy and their peoples were “equal in rights and privileges to those of the Peninsula…”
first government newspaper where the new nationalism was first disseminated
Del Superior Gobierno