Chapter 2: Useful Phrases Flashcards
Wela ka lā.
The sun is hot.
Wela kēia lā.
Today is hot. / It’s hot today.
Wela ‘o Kalā.
Kalā is hot.
Wela ke kālā.
The money is hot.
ka lā wela.
the hot sun. / the hot day
Akamai ke kauka.
The doctor is smart.
Akamai ‘o Kauka.
Kauka is smart.
Akamai ‘o ia.
She is smart.
kēlā kaula akamai
that smart doctor
ko‘u hale ‘olu‘olu
my comfortable house
Aloha nō!
Too bad! / How sad!
A hui hou!
See you later!
Aloha a hui hou!
Goddbye ‘till we meet again!
E mālama pono!
Take care!
The sun is hot.
Wela ka lā.
Today is hot. / It’s hot today.
Wela kēia lā.
Kalā is hot.
Wela ‘o Kalā.
The money is hot.
Wela ke kālā.
the hot sun / the hot day
ka lā wela
The doctor is smart.
Akamai ke kauka.
Kauka is smart.
Akamai ‘o Kauka.
She is smart.
Akamai ‘o ia.
that smart doctor
kēlā kaula akamai
my comfortable house
ko‘u hale ‘olu‘olu
Too bad! / How sad!
Aloha nō!
See you later!
A hui hou!
Goodbye ‘til we meet again!
Aloha a hui hou!
Take care!
E mālama pono!