Chapter 2 Trait and Factor Theory Flashcards
what are the three steps in trait and factor theory
gaining self - understanding
obtaining knowledge about the world of work
integrating information about one’s self and the world of work
a test designed to reveal how much an individual has learned
achievement test
a test that measures maximum performance and reveals the level of a person’s present ability to perform a task
ability test
a test that reveals a person’s probable futre level of ability to perform a task
aptitude test
aptitude, ability, and achievement test measure what three things
past achievement
present ability
future aptitude
what has become the most important trait used in occupational selection
some individuals may ____ some things that they do not do well, and others may be good at activities they do not ____.
like, like
what type of inventory has scales for specific occupations
interest inventories
name two well known interest inventories that use occupational scales
Kuder DD
Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
name three inventoriess that measure a broad spectrum of general interests
Kuder Career Search (KCS)
Basic Interest Scales of the SII
California Occupational Preference Survey (COPS)
Neglected by many trait and factor counselors, _______ represent an important but difficult concept to measure
for career counseling, what two types of values are considered important
general values
work - related values
the measurement of personality has been an important area of study for the last 80 years. although much of the work has centered on _______________
abnormal personality
two instruments that measure personality that give insight into the conceptualization of personality for vocational selection are
California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF)
the terms used on the CPI are inoffensice ones to which clients might not object are called
folk scales
the 16 PF lists 16 primary
personality factors
many counselors who use the trait and factor approach may not use what kind of tests
personality tests
at its most basic level, almost all occupational information includes
description of the occupation qualifications required for entry necessary education working conditions salary employment outlook
what is the most comprehensive listing of occupations
the Dictionary of occupational titles (DOT)
what classification system was developed to replace the DOT and was designed to be presented on the computer so that it could be updated frequently
Occupational Information Network O*NET
a government classification system that uses a three - digit code somewhat similar to the first three digits of the DOT code, but the codes are more related to the interest requirements of occupations than are the DOT codes.
Guide for Occupational Exploration
what manual has a more complex system, and has three levels: major groups, monor groups, and broad occupations.
Standard Occupational Classification Manual
of the three steps which one is the major goal of career counseling
step 3: integrating info about ones self and the world of work
two of the more comprehensive systems for helping clients meet their own individual needs for self assessment and occupational information and allow an opportunity to measure interests, values, and self reported competencies are