Chapter 1 Introduction Flashcards
decisions that individuals make at any point in their career about particular work, leisure, or other activities that they choose to persue at that time.
career choice
positions requiring similar skills within one organization.
similar jobs found in many organizations
purposeful activity to earn money or other reward and possibly to produce a product or service for others
a group of logically organized laws or relationships that constitute explanation in a discipline
what are the four general principles for judging the appropriateness of a theory
explicit about rules and theorems
precise about limitations of predictions
need to be tested
consistent and clear
grouping concepts or ideas for learning pourposes
according to Carl Rogers, what four basic conditions are necessary for counseling change
unconditional positive regard
the acceptance of a person as being worth while and valuable, regardless of age, gender, race, or what he or she has done
unconditional positive regard
sincerity - the need for the counselor to be honest with the client
the counselors voice tone, body language, and verbal statements are consistent with one another
the ability to communicate to the client that the counselor understands the clients concerns and feelings from the point of view of the client
counselors face their clients squarely, adopting an open posture, and leaning slightly toward the other person. maintaining good eye contact, but not staring. Also maintain a relaxed presence
attending position
basic counseling skill of the counselors nonverbal presence in the situation
attending skill
used to get specific information or to help clients describe or elaborate on certain subjects, feelings or events
question that requests specific information and the answers are often of the yes or no variety
closed ended question
questions that encourage a broader response, asking the cleint to explain more fully the what, how, when, or where of a situation, feeling, or event
open ended question
type of skill that rephrases what a client has said, and forcusing on the cognitive or emotional content of a clients statement. by doing this it directs attention to the situation, the person, or the general idea.
statements and reflections
type of skill requests more information from a client by a non verbal gesture such as nodding or using verbal comments such as hmm, go on, or tell me more.
continuation responses (minimal encouragers)
skill that counselors use to give clients information about educational or occupational opportunities. information must be accurate, up to date, and clear.
giving information, not opinion
skill that is a behavioral technique that uses verbal reinforcement of the clients behavior
skill that explores the role of the family (and others) in career decision making
familly background exploration
what skill is described as an important career counseling intervention is interpretation of tests and inventories
assessment interpretation
what type of assessment refers generally to ability and achievement and has has correct answers and the individual attempts to perform as well as possible on