Chapter 2 - The Crime Picture Flashcards
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program
a statistical reporting program run by the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) division.
The UCR Program publishes “Crime in the United States”, which provides an annual summation of the incidence and rate of reported crimes throughout the United States.
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
An annual survey of selected American households conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics to determine the extent of criminal victimization - especially unreported victimization in the United States.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
A U.S. Department of Justice agency responsible for the collection of criminal justice data, including the annual National Crime Victimization Survey.
crime measures based on surveys that ask respondents to reveal any illegal activity in which they have been involved. Self-reports may provide knowledge about previously unreported crimes.
unreported crime
crime that is not reported to justice agencies, and which is generally not known to the police (unless it is otherwise discovered).
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
an incident-based reporting system that collects detailed data on every single crime occurrence.
summary reporting system
The name given to the FBI’s traditional UCR system in order to distinguish it from the more advanced and contemporary NIBRS.
violent crime
a UCR/NIBRS summary offense category that traditionally includes murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
property crime
A UCR/NIBRS summary offense category that traditionally includes burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
an unbalanced ratio between the percentage of persons in one or more racial or ethnic groups at a particular point in time.
the unequal treatment of members of various groups.
a state of being unequal.
used to describe unequal outcomes experienced by one racial or ethnic group when compared to another.
systematic discrimination
a term that implies that racism is not just an isolated practice, but that it is an integral part of the justice system -
(or of the financial, economic, educational, or other social system).
systemic bias
predilections for unjust outcomes based on race (or some other unmodifiable personal characteristic) that are an inherent part of the justice system (whether by conscious intent, or not).
clearance rate
a measure of investigating effectiveness that compares the number of crimes reported or discovered to the number of crimes solved through arrest or other means (such as the death of the suspect).
the unlawful killing of a human being.
Part 1 offenses
A traditional UCR/NIBRS offense group used to report:
aggravated assault
motor vehicle theft
unlawful sexual intercourse achieved through force and without consent.
sexual battery
intentional and wrongful physical contact with a person, without his or her consent, that entails a sexual component or purpose.
date rape
unlawful forced sexual intercourse with a person, without his or her consent, that occurs within the context of a dating relationship.
the unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.
an unlawful attack by one person upon another.
aggravated assault
the unlawful, intentional inflicting, or attempted or threatened inflicting, of serious injury upon the person of another.
the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft
(excludes tents, trailers, and other mobile units used for recreational purposes).