Chapter 2: The C's Flashcards
Taking on a new client
- We will focus in this element on the regulatory issues lawyers need to consider when taking on a new client.
- There are three key tasks, the three Cs:
- Customer due diligence
- Client conflict check
- Client care letter.
- These issues are important whether you work in a law firm or in-house. In-house lawyers need to consider ‘know your client’, the level of service they provide to their in-house client, and whether they are conflicted.
- This element will refer to provisions in the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (‘SRA’) Principles, the SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors, Registered European Lawyers and Registered Foreign Lawyers (‘CCS’) and Code of Conduct for Firms (‘CCF’), (together the ‘Codes’), so have these documents to hand.
Taking on a new client
As well as the three Cs, as a lawyer you need to consider whether there are any reasons why you should not take on the new client. In this element we will consider three reasons why you might NOT be able to accept instructions from the client:
- Would you be breaching the law or the Codes?
- Can you deliver the service in a competent or timely manner?
- Are you authorised to act on your client’s behalf?
Breaching the law or codes
You cannot accept the client’s instructions if you would be breaching the law.
Principle 1: acting in a way that upholds the constitutional principle of the rule of law, and the proper administration of justice.
Principle 2: act in a way that upholds public trust and confidence in the solicitors’ profession and in legal services provided by authorised persons.
If your client asked you to commit a fraud, for example lie to a lender about how much the client’s property is worth in order to obtain a mortgage, you would not be able to act for the client.
If accepting your client’s instructions would lead to a conflict of interest with another client, you would not be able to act as you would be breaching CCS.
Provide a competent service
CCS 3.2: ‘You ensure that the service you provide to clients is competent and delivered in a timely manner.’
Examples where you may be at risk of breaching CCS 3.2 include:
Are you a corporate lawyer being asked to advise on a property matter? If so, you are unlikely to provide a competent service to your client, so you should refer your client to another lawyer.
Are you too busy to be able to provide a service in a timely manner to the client? If so, you should refer the client to another lawyer. This could be someone else in your team.
Are you authorised to act on your client’s behalf?
CCS 3.1: ‘You only act for clients on instructions from the client or from someone properly authorised to provide instructions on their behalf. If you have reason to suspect that the instructions do not represent your client’s wishes, you do not act unless you have satisfied yourself that they do. However in circumstances where you have legal authority to act notwithstanding that it is not possible to obtain or ascertain the instructions of your client, then you are subject to the overriding obligation to protect your client’s best interests.’
Are you authorised to act on your client’s behalf?
For example, if you are acting for a married couple on a matter you need to be sure that you have authority to act for both spouses. So if your instructions come from one spouse, ensure that you have confirmation in writing from the other spouse that they are happy for you to act on their behalf.
If you have reason to believe that the instructions do not represent the wishes of your client, you cannot act.
Are you authorised to act on your client’s behalf?
Let’s look at another example of CCS 3.1:
You attend a meeting with a new client, Jason Shelley. He says he is a director of Libris Limited (‘Libris’). He wants to instruct your firm to advise Libris on the acquisition of Braxton Books Limited for £3 million.
What issues does this give rise to under CCS 3.1? Note down the issues and how you would address them, then check your answer on the next slide.
Are you authorised to act on your client’s behalf?
You attend a meeting with a new client, Jason Shelley. He says he is a director of Libris Limited (‘Libris’). He wants to instruct your firm to advise Libris on the acquisition of Braxton Books Limited for £3 million.
There are two issues here:
1) How do we know Jason is a director of Libris?
2) How do we know whether Jason has authority to instruct your firm on behalf of Libris?
1) You need to identify Jason. You should carry out a search at Companies House to check that he is a director of Libris.
2) You need to see evidence that Jason is authorised to instruct your firm on behalf of Libris. A good example would be the board minutes authorising Jason to instruct your firm on the acquisition.
Other obligations
Remember also that you must always comply with your ongoing obligations under the SRA’s requirements, which may affect the way you provide advice to your client. These include:
Principle 6: acting in a way that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion.
CCS 1.1: You do not unfairly discriminate by allowing your personal views to affect your professional relationships and the way in which you provide your services.
Remember when you take on a new client, that there are some situations where you will NOT be able to act for the new client. These include. Would you be breaching the law or the Codes? Can you deliver the service in a competent or timely manner? Are you authorised to act on your client’s behalf? You will also need to carry out certain steps that can be remembered as the three Cs: Customer due diligence, Client conflict check Client care letter.
Conflicts of Interest - Introduction
We will be considering:
· the rule that you cannot act if there is a conflict of interest
· the meaning of own interest conflict and conflict of interest
· the exceptions to the rule that you cannot act if there is a conflict of interest and
· the steps you should take to identify conflicts.
Conflicts of interest
There are two types of conflicts of interest which the Codes (that is the code of conduct for solicitors (or CCS as we call it) and the Code of Conduct for Firms (or CCF as we call it) are concerned about.
First there is an ‘Own interest conflict’: under section 6.1 of both of the Codes – ‘You do not act if there is an own interest conflict or a significant risk of such a conflict.’
Conflicts of interest
Then there is a ‘conflict of interest’: under section 6.2 of both of the Codes – ‘You do not in relation to a matter or particular aspect of it if you have a conflict of interest or a significant risk of such a conflict in relation to that matter or aspect of it, unless either of 6.2(a) or (b) apply.’
Note that there doesn’t have to be an actual conflict for either type of conflict situation; a significant risk of one arising will be sufficient to trigger these sections.
Own interest conflict – CCS/CCF 6.1
Firstly, looking at an own interest conflict, this is defined in the Glossary and it is:
‘any situation where your duty to act in the best interests of any client in relation to a matter conflicts, or there is a significant risk that it may conflict with your own interests in relation to that or a related matter.’
So, it’s really important that the conflict relates to the client’s instruction to you – not some other issue. An example of where the conflict relates to the matter you are instructed on is if you are buying a property from a client and you are instructed on the sale.
Own interest conflict – CCS/CCF 6.1
If there is a significant risk of a conflict arising, rather than an actual one having arisen, that is enough to be caught within CCS/CCF 6.1.
Paragraph 6.1 of the Codes states that you cannot act if there is an own interest conflict - there are no exceptions to this. However, these conflicts are very rare.
Own interest conflict - examples
Some examples of circumstances when an own interest conflict would arise are in the SRA’s guidance on conflicts of interest and include:
· A financial interest of yours or someone close to you: for example a client asks you to carry out due diligence on a company you or your spouse/partner own shares in.
· A personal or business relationship of yours: for example, you are asked to advise on a claim against a relative of yours, a friend, or someone you are involved with in a financial or business enterprise.
· Your role as an employee: for example a client asks for advice in relation to a dispute involving your employer or a fellow employee.
· Your own conduct as a firm or individual: for example, where the wrong advice has been given to a client or a wrong action taken on their behalf.
Conflict of interest – CCS/CCF 6.2
The second category of conflicts, which is less rare than an own interest conflict, is a conflict of interest. Conflict of interest is defined in the SRA glossary as: ‘a situation where your separate duties to act in the best interests of two or more clients in relation to the same or related matters__conflict’.
The most obvious example is where there is a dispute and you are instructed to act for the parties on both sides of the dispute, or you are instructed to act for both the buyer and the seller on a transaction.
This type of conflict is a lot more common than an own interest conflict.
Conflict of interest – CCS/CCF 6.2
So, let’s look at the key elements of a conflict of interest, remembering that under SRA Principle 7, we have a duty to act in the best interests of each client.
The key elements of a conflict of interest are:
· the conflict has to arise out of the ‘same or related matters’ – this is not defined but look for the same asset or liability or a reasonable degree of relationship between the assets or liabilities for the conflict to arise.
Conflict of interest – CCS/CCF 6.2
· the duties owed to your clients’ conflict – would advising one client to do what is best for it prejudice the course of action you would recommend to another? Or even completely conflict with it?
As with own interest conflicts, if there is a significant risk of a conflict arising, rather than an actual one having arisen, that is enough to be caught within CCS/CCF 6.2.
If you fall within the scope of CCS/CCF 6.2, you cannot act unless you fall within one of two exceptions.
SCI exception
There are only 2 exceptions to the rule in CCS/CCF 6.2.
The first one is set out in the Codes at paragraph 6.2(a) and is where:
· the clients have a substantially common interest, defined in the SRA Glossary as:
‘a situation where there is a clear common purpose between the clients and a strong consensus on how this is to be achieved.’
· all of the criteria in 6.2(i) –(iii) are met.
SCI examples
So, let’s look at some examples of a SCI:
Firstly, two people are buying a house to live in together. They both have a clear common purpose, buying the house. They also both have a strong consensus on how it is to be achieved as they will both have the same interest in there being no problems with the title to the house they buy.
Secondly, two clients instruct you on setting up a business together. The common purpose is setting up the business. To demonstrate a strong consensus, they will need to have agreed the key terms, for example how the business will be owned, and its purpose.
SCI is quite rare in practice and even if you have an SCI you still have to comply with the conditions set out at CCS/CCF 6.2(i)-(iii), which we will look at in a moment.
CSO exception
The second exception to the rule in CCS/CCF 6.2 is set out at paragraph 6.2(b) and is where:
· the clients are competing for the same objective, defined in the SRA Glossary as: ‘two or more clients are competing for an objective which, if attained by one client, will make that objective unattainable to the other client or clients.
· all of the criteria in 6.2(i) –(iii) are met.
CSO exception
So what is an objective?
Objective is defined in the SRA Glossary as:
- an asset; or
- a contract; or
- a business opportunity
which two or more clients are seeking to acquire or recover through a liquidation (or some other form of insolvency process); or by means of an auction or tender process or bid or offer which is not public.
CSO exception
The CSO exception might be used for example, where two clients are competing to buy a business at an auction or through a tender process. One of the clients winning the action or tender process means that the objective (ie the business) will be unattainable to the other client.
This exception is very rare and is usually only applicable to sophisticated clients.
The conditions for SCI and CSO
So, what are the criteria or conditions which also need to apply before the SCI or CSO exceptions to a conflict of interests can apply?
They are set out in paragraph 6.2(i)-(iii) of the Codes and are as follows:
(i) all the clients have given informed consent, given or evidenced in writing, to you acting;
(ii) where appropriate, you put in place effective safeguards to protect your clients’ confidential information; and
(iii) you are satisfied it is reasonable for you to act for all the clients.
Steps to take to identify conflicts
We have seen that you cannot act if there is a conflict, either an own interest conflict or a conflict of interests, unless one of the exceptions to a conflict of interests applies (which is rare). So, as a practical point, one of the things you will have to do is take steps to identify whether there is a conflict.
CCF 2.1 says that firms must have in place effective systems to identify conflicts. You will see that a conflict check is something you carry out when you take on a new client.
Steps to take to identify conflicts
If you are instructed by a new client you need to find out if you or your firm has acted for or against any of the parties to the transaction or owners of the parties in the past
You here means you personally and you the firm. Note that there is no standard conflict check, each firm has their own.
· You cannot act if there is a conflict or a significant risk of one.
· There are two types of conflict: an own interest conflict and a conflict of interest.
· An own interest conflict has no exceptions but is very rare.
· A conflict of interests is more common but has two exceptions.
· The exceptions to the rule about not acting where there is a conflict of interests are 1) where there is a substantially common interest between the clients and 2) where the clients are competing for the same objective. In both cases, the three conditions set out in CCS/CCF 6.2 also need to apply.
· The competing for the same objective exception to not acting where there is a conflict of interests is very rare. The substantially common interest exception is rare.
· Firms must have in place effective systems to identify conflicts.
So, we have considered the rule that you cannot act if there is a conflict of interest, the definitions of own interest conflict and conflict of interest and the exceptions to the rule that you cannot act if there is a conflict of interests.
Do remember to go to the primary source and read the provisions in the SRA Code on this to consolidate your knowledge.
Conflict of Interest
In this element we will explore:
- the general rule that you cannot act where there is a conflict; and
- the two types of conflict:
- own interest conflict, and
- conflict of interest.
Conflicts of interest
This element will refer to provisions in the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (‘SRA’), the SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors, Registered European Lawyers and Registered Foreign Lawyers (‘CCS’) and Code of Conduct for Firms (‘CCF’) , (together the ‘Codes’), so have these documents to hand. .
You should read CCS 6.1 and 6.2 and the SRA Guidance on Conflicts of Interest whilst studying this element. These can be found on the SRA website at the links below.
SRA Guidance on Conflicts:
SRA requirements relating to Conflict of Interest
What are the SRA’s requirements regarding conflicts of interest?
CCS 6.1: ‘You do not act if there is an own interest conflict or a significant risk of an own interest conflict.’
CCS 6.2: ‘You do not act in relation to a matter or a particular aspect of it if you have a conflict of interest or a significant risk of such a conflict in relation to that matter or aspect of it unless…’
These prohibitions apply to individuals under CCS and also to firms (CCF 6.1 and 6.2).
NB CCS 6.2 goes on to set out two exceptions when it is possible to act if you meet certain conditions.
SRA Principles
Why are lawyers subject to this prohibition? Remember the overarching Principles:
Principle 2: You must act in a way that upholds public trust and confidence in the solicitors’ profession and in legal services provided by authorised persons.
Principle 3: You must act with independence.
Principle 4: Act with honesty.
Principle 5: Act with integrity.
Principle 7: Act in the best interests of each client.
Why are lawyers prohibited from acting where there is a conflict of interest?
Principle 7: You must act in the best interests of each client.
Imagine you are acting for a company (‘seller’) that plans to sell its business to another company (‘buyer’).
The transaction will involve negotiation on a number of issues: the price, the protections afforded to the buyer etc. The interests of the buyer and the seller will conflict on many aspects.
You will not be able to act in the best interests of both the seller and the buyer on the transaction. You may also have difficulty complying with Principles 2, 3, 4 and 5.
This is why you are prohibited from acting where there is a conflict of interest.
Own Interest Conflict
An own interest conflict is defined in the SRA Glossary as:
‘Any situation where your duty to act in the best interests of any client in relation to a matter conflicts, or there is a significant risk that it may conflict, with your own interests in relation to that or a related matter.’
The SRA Guidance on Conflicts of Interest contains examples of circumstances that may give rise to an own interest conflict. These include:
A financial interest of yours or someone close to you: for example a client asks you to carry out due diligence on a company you or your spouse/partner own shares in.
Own Interest Conflict
A personal or business relationship of yours: for example, you are asked to advise on a claim against a relative of yours, a friend, or someone you are involved with in a financial or business enterprise.
Your role as an employee: for example a client asks for advice in relation to a dispute involving your employer or a fellow employee.
Your own conduct as a firm or individual: for example where the wrong advice has been given to a client or a wrong action taken on their behalf.