Chapter 2 Study Guide Flashcards
Earth population
Nearly 8 billion people
Where are most of the world’s population growing
In developing countries
When the number of people exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living
The single most important data source for a geographer
The portion of Earth’s surface occupied by permanent human settlement
An area that does not have permanent human settlements
4 lands that are sparsely populated
Dry, Wet, Cold, and High
Arithmetic Density
Total number of people divided by the total land area
Physiological Density
Number of people per unit of area of arable land, which is land suitable for agriculture
Agricultural Density
Number of farmers per unit area of farmland
Doubling Time
Number of years needed to double a population
Current doubling time
54 years
Regions with high CBR
Africa, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa
Regions with low CBR
Siberia, North America, and Europe
Scientific study of population characteristics; look at how people are distributed spatially
Total Fertility Rate
Average number of children a woman is expected to have throughout her childbearing years
World TFR
Regions with high TFR
Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Regions with low TFR
Europe and North America
Demographic Transition
Change in a population from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates
Inductrial Revolution
A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods
Medical Revolution
Medical technology invented in Europe and North America that has diffused to developing or poorer countries
Zero Population Growth
A decline of the TFR to the point where the natural increase rate is 0
The health of women affects them and
their children
Sex ratio
Number of males per 100 females in the population
Regions that don’t adhere to the standard sex ratio
India, China, and the Middle East
What is the root cause of the China, India, and the Middle East not adhering to the sex ratio
Gender inequality
Maternal mortality rate
Annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births
Maternal mortality rate in developed countries
Maternal mortality rate in developing countries
100 to 500+
Population pyramid
A bar graph that displays the percantage of a place’s population for each age and gender
Dependency Ratio
Number of people who are too young or old to work compared to the number of people in their productive years
Large dependency ratio means
greater financial burden on thos working to support those who do not work
Region with the highest dependency ratio
Sub-Saharan Africa
Infant mortality rate
Annual number of deaths of infants under the age of 1 compared to live births
Elderly support ratio
Number of working age people divided by the number of people 65 and older
How is the US different when it comes to health care
It is the only developed country that does not offer universal health care, and t a lot of the government budget is spent on health care
Branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that a prevalent among a population at a particular time
Stage 1 of the DTM
Epidemic and pandemics are the principal cause of human death “natural checks”
Stage 2 of the DTM
Receding pandemics because of improved sanitation, nutrition, and medicine(chlorea)
Stage 3 of the DTM
Decrease in deaths from infectious diseases and more deaths due to chronic disorders associated with aging
Stage 4 of the DTM
Delayed degenerative diseases linger, but the life expectancy of older people is higher due to medical advancements
Thomas Malthus Theory
The population increase would overrun the resource growth, population was growing geometically while the resource growth was arithmetically
People who believe in Malthus
Beliefs of Neo-Malthusians
The world population is outgrowing the food, water, and energy in the world
The gap between population growth and resources is wider than anticipated
Beliefs of crictics of Neo-Malthusians
Carrying capacity is higher
Population growth is slower than Malthus predicted
Some foods are being produced faster than Malthus predicted
Characteristics of Stage 5 of the DTM
Very low CBR, increasing CDR, and declining NIR
Country would have a low number of young woman aging into childbearing years
Regions on the brink of Stage 5
Japan, some European countries, and Russia
Causes of Stage 5
Evolution of diseases, poverty, and increased connections(globalization)
What diffusion causes the spread of infectious diseases like AIDS and Ebola
Relocation diffusion
What diffusion results in the spread of medical advancements
Expansion diffusion
What 2 strategies reduce CBR
Education and contraception
What countries have had successful reductions in CBR due to contraception
Colombia, Morocco, and Thailand
Family planning methods
Birth control, IUDs, and sterilization
Country with the highest rate of family planning