Chapter 2: Structure and Functions of Cells of the Nervous System Flashcards
consists of the parts that
are encased by the bones of the skull and spinal column:
the brain and the spinal cord.
The central nervous system
found outside these bones and consists of the
nerves and most of the sensory organs.
The peripheral nervous system
bundles of thousands of individual neurons, all wrapped in a tough, protective membrane.
specialized cells of the PNS
Sensory neurons
Movements are accomplished by the contraction of muscles, which are controlled by ____.
Motor neurons
in between sensory neurons and motor neurons are the ________—neurons that lie entirely within
the CNS.
analyze small pieces of information.
Local interneurons
connect circuits of local interneurons in one
region of the brain with those in other regions.
Relay interneurons
contains the nucleus and
much of the machinery that provides for the life processes
of the cell.
SOMA (cell body)
function much like antennas to receive messages from other neurons.
a small space
between the terminal buttons (described later) of the sending cell and a portion of the somatic or dendritic membrane
of the receiving cell.
long, slender tube, often covered by a myelin sheath.
they secrete a chemical called a
Terminal button
an active process
that propels substances along microtubule “tracks” that
run inside the length of the axon.
Axoplasmic transport
Movement from the soma
to the terminal buttons
carries substances
from the terminal buttons to the soma, a
process known as retrograde axoplasmic
A band of white matter composed of many axons crossing between the right and left hemisphere of the brain.
Corpus callosum
4 structures or regions of a neuron.
Cell body or soma
Terminal buttons.
Basic message the axon carries.
Action potential
Little knobs at the ends of the branches.
Terminal button
Anterograde axoplasmic transport is accomplished by molecules of a protein called?
Movement from the terminal buttons to the soma.
Retrograde axoplasmic transport
Defines the boundary of the neuron; consists of a double layer of lipid (fatlike) molecules.
Cell membrane
gives the neuron its shape
are bundles of thirteen
protein filaments arranged around a hollow core.
complex and varies considerably across
types of cells, but it can most easily be characterized as a jel-
lylike, semiliquid substance that fills the space outlined by
the membrane.
round or oval structure
found in the soma. T
responsible for the production of ribosomes
small structures that are involved in protein
which consist of
long strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
contain the organism’s genetic information
cause production of another
complex molecule,
which receives a copy of the informa-
tion stored at that location.
information from DNA (which cannot
leave the nucleus) is transcribed into a portable
form: mRNA.
the ribosomes use the infor-
mation from the mRNA and create proteins.