Chapter 2 section 1 and 2 1-30 Flashcards
Why wouldnt you find many factories in the south?
Because there are a lot of fields in the south that grow cotton tobacco and indigo
Where does manufacturing usually take place?
In cities on waterways or railroad tracks and in the northeast/ midwest
What did Henry Bessemer do?
Henry Bessemer came up with the Bessemer steel process that made it easier and cheaper to make steel.
What was steel used for?
Railroads barbed wire plows and beams for buildings
What is Thomas Edison known for?
Electricity and a safe lightbulb
What was the Gilded Age?
It was when the poverty of 11 million families was being masked by the success of a few people.
What is a patent?
A term for a protected invention (registered with the government)
What is a trust?
A legal body created to hold stock in many companies.
Who was the man who heard the first words through the telephone
Mr. Watson
First time a stock is available
Initial public offering
Who coined the term the gilded age?
Mark Twain Charles Warner
Who invented flat bottom bags?
Margaret Knight
Term given when one company controls and industry
This man thought if you make the best product you dont need to use questionable tactics to be successful.
Andrew Carnegie
Robber Baron
John D Rockefeller
Inventor of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Term given to individuals who own parts of a corporation
name a financial disadvantage to forming a corporation
to have to share profit with others
corporate tax
First practical useable typewriter
Latham Sholes
name a product that needed steel for it’s production
barbed wire
beams for buildings
railroad tracks
who founded the University of Chicago?
John D Rockefeller
what college did Andrew Carnegie found?
Carnegie Mellon College
what is the business cycle?
Sometimes business is good sometimes it is bad
What is it called when a business is doing good?
boom or booming
what is it called when a business is doing bad?
bust recession or depression
what is a layoff?
when a worker is fine but the business doesn’t have enough money to support him/her.
How are businesses connected
if one business is doing poorly some people will get laid off so then those people wont spend money at other places then those places start to do poorly.
What is urbanization?
when a bunch of people move into a city
Horatio Alger
He was the author of the rags to riches story.
what were some problems with urbanization?
overcrowding, unemployment
what is a tenement?
a run down apartment building that is not well maintained.
what was the problem with rats?
what is the diff b/tween emigrate and immigrate
when you emigrate you leave your own country and when you immigrate you come into a country
Where is Angel Island
Sanfransico California
what did skyscrapers lead to?
fist brand of elevator
was the reaction to immigrants good?
no negative
What did the protestants do about the Catholics and Jews?
They demanded a law to restrict amount coming in.
Why would the immigrants take jobs away from other people?
Because they would be more desperate for a job and would ask for less money than a natural born americans.
A factory with terrible working conditions.
What did the Chinese Exclusion act do?
It banned any chinese people from entering for 10 years
what is peonage?
When someone is forced to work because of debt, supreme court rules no
Why is the united states called the melting pot?
Because the US has adopted many other cultures and blended them together.
what is the US called now? why?
The US is now called the salad bowl b/c we are all different and we keep our own identity but we are all together as a nation.
What is assimilation?
The process of blending in and adapting to a new area
blend by language, food, customs…
What is Naturalization? What do you have to do?
becoming an american citizen later in life
- live here for 5 years
- pass a test
- swear an oath to the constitution
- say you are no longer italian, chinese, where ever you came from
- background test
- prove write and read eng.
What is a settlement house?
A place that offers daycare education and healthcare
Where is the Hull House and who created it?
Chicago Jane Adams
What did Jane Addams do?
first american woman to win the nobel peace prize
What is the ACLU and what does it do?
American Civil Liberties Union
makes sure the constitution is being followed
What is the NAACP?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
What settlement house is in NYC?
Henry Street Settlement
Lillian Wald
What was the Social Gospel Movement?
it was a movement that stopped child labor.
What is a Political machine?
An illegal gang that influenced voters or votes to control a local government.
what were some of the things the political machines would do?
What is extortion?
get something through violence.
what were some of the good things political machines did?
Built parks schools roads sewers
helped immigrants settle in
who invented the sewing machine?
Elias Howe and Isaac Singer.
what is Hamas and what do they do?
terrorist group
in charge of Gaza Israel
does good stuff for support
Granville Woods
invents/improves a better telegram machine