Chapter 2: Screening & Early Detection Flashcards
Primary Prevention
Most effective tx for cancer
Secondary Prevention
Early detection
Measures taken to identify potential for development or existence of a disease in asx ppl
Tertiary Prevention
Effective therapy
Clinical problem solving process applied to asymptomatic individuals who either screen positive or present symptoms
of new cases identified in a specified population in a defined period (generally 1 yr)
% of all individuals with disease at a given point in time in a specified population
- often expressed as proportion of disease cases per 100,000 persons
accuracy of a screening test
Validity is measured by _____ & ______
Sensitivity, Specificity
measure of the tests ability to correctly identify persons with disease (true +)
ex) 100% sensitivity = no false -
measure of the test’s ability to correctly identify persons who do not have the disease in the group being screened (test will not be + in anyone who does not have the cancer)
ex) 100% specificity = no false +
Predictive value
1) + predictive value
2) - predictive value
1) % of persons who screen + who actually have the disease
2) % of persons who screen - who do not have disease