chapter 2 powerpoints Flashcards
How many, and which structures are involved in the oral phase of deglutition?
- Lips
- Teeth (24 deciduous, 32 perm)
- Maxilla
- Velum (also oropharynx)
- tongue (except base)
- uvula (isnt this part of the velum?)
- manible
- floor of mouth
- Faucial Pillars (a&p)
- Palatine tonsils
- Sulci (anterior and lateral)
- Salivary glands (parotid,submandibular,sublingual)
List the tongue muscles (how many are there?
16 ms. (4 intrinsic/4 extrinsic) ins= fine motor superior longitudinal inferior longitudinal transverse vertical (alter shape) Exs= protrude,retract,elevate, depress (gross motor) genioglossus styloglossus hyoglossus palatoglossus
Anterior faucial pillar
-consists of the palatoglossus- it pulls velum down and forward against back of tongue
Posterior Facucial Pillar
Palatopharyngeus - it elevates and retracts the velum (VP closure)
Structures involved in the pharyngeal stage? How many and list
- Pterygoid plates on sphenoid bone (nasopharynx)
- Madible
- Velum (oropharynx)
- Base of tongue
- Hyoid bone
- Pharyngeal walls (pharynx)
- thyroid car
- Cricoid Cartilage
- pyriform sinuses
What are the basic muscle groups in the pharyngeal stage of swallowing?
4 basic groups.
- Suprahyoids/submentals
- infrahyoid
- Constrictors
- CP
What do the suprahyoids consist of?
- mylohyoid
- geniohyoids
- Digastricus (anterior)
What constrictors are involved in the pharyngeal stage of swallow?
Superior, medial, inferior
What is the CP attached to? what is its purpose? what does it divide? and what is unusual about this kind of muscle?
- attached to the Cricoid lamina
- prevents air from entering esophagus/prevents backflow from entering pharynx/oral/nasal cavity
- divides pharynx and esophagus
- tonic at rest contracted closed Open/relaxes when activated
how many, and list the structures of the laryarnx
- hyoid
- Epiglottis
- Valleculae
- Laryngeal Vesitibule
- Aryepiglottic folds (lateral vesitibule walls
- Thyroid cart
- arytenoids carts
- False vocal folds
- True Vocal folds
- Ventricles (lateral
Muscles of the larynx How many and list
- IA
- TA
- Thyrohyoid
- Sternothryroid
- Sternohyoid
PCA (name it, locate it and what does it do?)
Posterior crico-arytenoid
- attaches cricoid lamina to the arytenoid
- abducts arytenoids/VFs at the end of swallow for respiration
LCA (name it locate it what does it do?)
lateral cricoarytenoid
- attaches cricoid cart to arytenoid
- adducts arytenoids/VFS
IT (name it locate it what does it do?)
attaches 2 arytenoids adducts arytenoids/VFs
TA (name it locate it what does it do?)
Thyroarytenoid (MAKES UP THE VFS *along with vocalis)
attached thyroid cart to arytenoid
-it tilts arytenoids anteriorly during swallow to assist with airway closure
Laryngeal strap ms. (list them what are they and what do they do?)
- Thyrohyoid -attaches thyroid cart to hyoid bone (elevates/lowers the larynx)
- sternothyroid -attaches ternum to thyroid cart suspends larynx and trachea in neck
- Sternohyoid - attaches sternum to hyoid - lowers and stabilzes hyoid