Chapter 2-Phrases Flashcards
It had been nearly 10 years since the day that The durslets woke up and found thier nephew on the front step
(front door)
Habían pasado aproximadamente diez años desde el día en que los Dursley se despertaron y encontraron a su sobrino en la puerta de entrada
but Privet Drive had not changed at all
pero Privet Drive no había cam biado en absolut
which was almost exactly the same
que casi exactamente el mismo
where Mr. Dursley had heard the forboding news about the owls
done el Senor Dursely habia oido las ominosas noticias sobre las lechuzas
10 years ago
hacía diez años
the mantle photos
las fotas de la repisa de la chimenea
:las fotas de blank
this time the blank is just a long er word but its the same format
10 years ago
Diez años antes
what seemed to be a large pink ball with different colored bonnets
lo que parecia una gran pelota rosada con gorros de differentes colores.
ya in negative phrases
no longer
at that time
en aquel momento`
the room offered no signs
that another boy lived there
NOTICE THE “there” noun and verb placement!!!!
La habitacion no ofrecia señales de que alli viviera otro nino
subjunctive vivir
alli viveiera otro nino
there lived another boy
another boy lived there
his aunt knocked on the door again
su tia llamó otra vez la puerta
notice the placement of the verb and noun…otra vez is in the middle
the noun gets the least precedence
he had the funny feeling that he had the same dream before
Habia la sensacion de que habia soñado lo mismo antieromente
interesting placement here
are you up yet
?Ya estas levantado?
hurry up
date prisa
i want you to watch the bacon
quiero que vigiles el beicon
and dont you dare let it burn
y no te atrevas a dejar que se queme
subjunctive quemar
why is there an a
why is there a que
i want everything to be perfect on Duddy’s birthday
Quiero que todo sea perfecto el día del cumpleaños de Duddy
subjunctive ser
el dia blank…practice saying those descriptions
what did you say
Qué has dicho?
he put them on
se los puso
When he was dressed he went down the hall and into the kitchen
Cuando estuvo vestido salió al recibidor y entró en la cocina.
notice how into is a verb
not “en a”
notice the al…
to lead to
to involve
although he didnt look like it, Harry was very fast
harry didn’t look it
Aunque no lo parecía, Harry era muy rápido
Becasue of all the times Dudley had punched him in the nose
consecuencia de todas las veces que Dudley le había pegado en la nariz
He had it as long as he could remember
La tenía desde que podía
the most important thing
the first thing
the main thing
lo primero
how he had gotten it
cómo se la había hecho
how it had done to him
That was the first rule you should follow if you wanted to live a quiet life with the Durselys
(one should follow)
ésa era la primera regla que se debía observar si
se quería vivir una vida tranquila con los Dursley
but it made no difference
but it was useless
pero no servía para nada
servir-to serve,to be used for
his hair continued to grow like that-all over the place
su pelo seguia creciendo de aquella manera-por todos lados
de aquel manera-like that, in that way
that’s two less than last tear
Dos menos que el año pasado.
sometimes the “that” is implied
who could see a huge Dudley tantrum coming
que podía ver venir un gran berrinche de Dudley
notice all the verbs together and the subject at the end..
as fast as possible
lo más rápido posible
is that alright
¿Está todo bien?
he grabbed the closest present
cogió el regalo más
Dudleys mouth opened in horror, but Harry’s heart gave a leap
La boca de Dudley se abrió con horror, pero el corazón de Harry dio un
Ms. Figg made him look at all photos of all the cats that she had owned.
la señora Figg le hacía mirar las fotos de todos los gatos que había tenido
Angrily looking at Harry as if he had planned the whole thing
mirando con ira a Harry
como si él lo hubiera planeado todo.
But it wasn’t easy when he remembered that it would be a whole year before he had to see Tibles, Snowy, Mr Paws, or Tufty again
pero no era fácil cuando recordaba que pasaría un
año antes de tener que ver otra vez a Tibbles, Snowy, el Señor Paws o Tufty.
tener-unconguagted because tense is established
otra vez-nouns are still at the end
or rather as if they thought he was so dumb he couldn’t understand them
o más bien como si pensaran que era tan tonto que no podía entenderlos
notice the placements of que which are not always tasnlated
what about Yvonne
Que me dices de Yvonne
Aunt Petunia looked at him as if she had swallowed a lemon
Tía Petunia lo miró como si se hubiera tragado un limón
tragar-to swalled is pronomial and always needs a reflexive pronoun
hubier is imperfect subjunctive of haber
im not going to blow up the house but they didnt hear him
no voy a quemar la casa pero no le escucharaon
In fact he didn’t really cry, it had been years since he really cried, but he knew that, if he twisted his face and yelled, his mom would give him anything he wanted.
En realidad no lloraba, hacía años que no lloraba de verdad, pero sabía que, si retorcía la cara y gritaba, su madre le daría cualquier cosa que quisiera
hacie-notice you can say hacia instead of it had been
Mama will not let him ruin/spoil your special day
mamá no dejará que él te estropee tu día especial
notice dejar que is used
notice pronoun te
He always spoils everything
Siempre lo estropea todo
siempre goes first
lo estropea (he ruins it)
todo at end
face gesture
mocking teasing joking
adverb just
just arrived
right on time
just bood
translate just then
justo entonces
Harry, who could not believe his luck
Harry, que no podía creer en su suerte
notice the use of que as “who”
close together
both location and time
also can be “next to”
His aunt and uncle had not been able to think of a better idea
A sus tíos no se les había
ocurrido una idea mejor
okay there is a shit ton going on here so lets break it down
occurir-means to happen
occurir SE means to think of or have an idea or occur to
its a pronominal verb so we need the reflexive pronoun les
dont know why the se is there actually
I’m warning you
Te lo advierto
I’m wanring you now
Te estoy avisando ahora
whatever it is
whatever it takes
lo que sea
But Uncle Vernon didn’t believe him
no one did
Pero tío Vernon no le creía.
Nadie lo hacía
a menudo
as if he had not gone
como si no hubiera ido
I know they don’t (already)
Ya sé que no lo hacen