Capitulo Uno-El nino que vivio Flashcards
the man lived in number 4
El hombre que vivian en el numero 4.
use que with people in the past tense who do the verb
they were proud to say that they were very normal
ellos estaban orgullosos de decir que eran muy normales
- de decir que, to say that. we use this form if there is a conjugated verb first, or if someone is blank to say, happy to say, sad to say etc.
- eran vs estaban
use estaban for a feeling, in this case being proud, and eran is used if its past tense is something more permanent in this case being normal
They were the last people that you would expect to find related (connected) with anything strange or mysterious
Eran las ultimas personas que se esperaria encontrar relacionadas con algo extrano o misterioso.
- They were/eran-again that can be said by itself. descrbing
- se esperaria- you yourself would expect (you are doing the expecting)
- algo-something
- extrano-strange
Mr. Dusrley was the director of a firm called Grunnings that made drills
El senor Dursley era el director de una empresa llamada Grunnings, que fabricaba teladros.
empresa-frim, company
fabricar- to make, to fabricate, produce-
aba because the action can still be ongoing
because they were not for such nonsense.
porque no estaban para tales tonterias
para-for (in favor of)
tonteria-nonsense, silly, runnish
He was a chubby and burly man, with hardly (without) any neck, although he had a big mustache
El era un corpulento y rolizo, casi sin cuello, aunque con un bigote inmenso
ser-Ser is used to talk about permanent or lasting attributes.
DOCTOR, which stands for Descriptions, Occupations, Characteristics, Time, Origin, and Relationships.
so essential qualities that cant easily change like being fat
corupletno-cvroad, stalky, heavy built
rolizo-chubby, plump
casi-hardly,almost, nearly
inmenso-vast, enormous, great
notice we dont have to re conjugate and re ownerize the mustache part becasue the context was set up in the same sentence
que se esperaría encontrar relacionadas
se esperaria- “you would expect.” so the you is general and not specific. its like saying you yourself would expect so in this case you would put se before it and use the conditional form which is the unconjugated
verb plus ia
encontrart-to find
relaciondades-related involved, notice how its plural
El señor Dursley era el director de una empresa llamada Grunnings
empresa- firm, business
era-was a director, a director is a job so use the imperfect form of ser, because we dont know what time it ended or if it did
it was called _____
fabricaba taladros
fabricabar-made, fabricate as in an industrial sense
notice the form is imperfect because again we dont have a time associated with this past action
corpulent-fat, stalky, broad
plump, chubby
casi sin cuello
casi- almost, nearly,
Book- “with hardly any neck”
aunque con un bigote inmenso
aunque-although, even though
inmenso-very large
Book-the book didn’t put any more past tense in this because the SAME sentence already had past tense so the context is already set up
thin person
un cuello casi el doble de largo de lo habitual,
el doble- twice as much
el doble de largo de lo habitual,
twice as long as usual
de ___ de ___
format for description..
de lo habitual actually directly translates as than usual
Los Dursley tenían todo lo que querían
imperfect tense
todo= all
lo que = that
querian = they wanted
pero también tenían un secreto
but they also had a secret
su mayor temor era que lo descubriesen
mayor temor = greatest fear
era que lo descubriesen
was that they would be discovered
so the sentence doesn’t mention who would discover them..its a general fear of someone doing the action to them
“Mas o menos” is, in fact, the correct translation for the English “so, so” or “more or less”.
so so
no habrían soportado que se supiera lo de los Potter.
soportar = to stand, bear, endure
no habrían soportado
they wouldnt bear
in this case que means if
se supiera lo de los Potter.
anyone knew about the potters
supiera is subjective of saber
The subjunctive mood is used to talk about desires, doubts, wishes, conjectures, and possibilities.
porque no estaban para tales tonterías.
because they were not for such nonsense.
spanish such
tal or tales depending…it depends on the number of nouns
nonsense, foolishness
lo que le resultaba muy útil, ya que pasaba
la mayor parte del tiempo estirándolo por encima de la valla de los jardines
para espiar a sus vecinos.
that was very useful
ya que= since
pasaba = spent (time)
la mayor = most
estirándolo = stretching it
encima = on top, over, above
valla= fence
vall de los jardines = garden fences
para espiar = (in order) to spy
sus vecinos = her neighbors
notice you would use “a” when the verb is done to another person…she is spying on her neighbors
Los Dursley tenían un hijo pequeño llamado Dudley,
y para ellos no había un niño mejor que él.
The Dursely’s had a small son named Dudley and for them (according to them) there was not a better boy than him
La señora Potter era hermana de la señora Dursley,
use era (ser) for relationship to people. i.e. things that are considered permament…mrs potter will always be her sister
pero no se veían
desde hacía años
but they had not seen eachother for (since) several year
its refelxive because they are seeing themselves. so conjugate as ellos but just hrpow a se in front of it
desde = from, since (indicating time)
tanto era así que la señora Dursley fingía que no tenía
hermana, porque su hermana y su marido
tanto era asi que = lit. so much was like this that. or more loosely just in fact
fingir = to pretend
no tenia hermana
she didnt have a sister
marido = husband
Pero nada había en aquel nublado cielo que sugiriera los acontecimientos extraños y misteriosos que poco después tendrían lugar en toda la región.
but there was nothing in that cloudy sky that would suggest the strange and mysterious events that would shortly thereafter take place across the region.
que poco despues = shortly after
nublado=cloudy, overcast
sugerir = suggest, hint at
extrano = strange
tendrian lugar en toda la region = would happen (take place ) all over the country.
un completo inútil, eran lo más opuesto a los Dursley que se pudiera imaginar
un completo inutil
(a) completely useless
eran lo mas opuesto a los dursely que pudiera imagnia
were the most unDursleyish (most opposite from) that they (themselves) could (possibly) imagine
The subjunctive mood is used to talk about desires, doubts, wishes, conjectures, and possibilities.
Los Dursley se estremecían al pensar qué dirían los vecinos si los Potter apareciesen por la acera
The Dursely’s (themselves) shuddered to think what the neighbors would say if the Potter (themselves) showed up on the street (sidewalk)
apareciesen= to appear (refelxive)
al pensar ( remember we are referring to people here)
estremecer = shudder, tremble
qué dirían los vecinos = what the Neighbor would say..notice decir went before the noun
aparecer= to appear, to turn up
Sabían que los Potter también tenían un hijo pequeño, pero nunca lo habían visto
They knew that the Potters also had a young small, but they had never seen him
nunca lo habian visto = never him had they seen
notice where the object goes, before the verb. Him there had seen
El niño era otra buena razón para mantener alejados a los Potter: no querían que
Dudley se juntara con un niño como aquél.
The boy was another good reason for keeping away from the Potters: they did not want Dudley (himself) to hang out with a boy like that
razon = reason
mantener alejados
mantener = to keep (continue)
alejar = to move away from, keep away from
juntar = to hang out with
como aquel = like that (similar)
Nuestra historia comienza cuando el señor y la señora Dursley se
despertaron un martes
Our story begins when Mr and Mrs Dursely (themselves) woke up one Tuesday
con un cielo cubierto de nubes grises que amenazaban tormenta
with a sky covered by grey clouds that threatened storm
He was a chubby and burly man, with hardly (without) any neck, although he had a big mustache
El era un corpulento y rolizo, casi sin cuello, aunque con un bigote inmenso
ser-Ser is used to talk about permanent or lasting attributes.
DOCTOR, which stands for Descriptions, Occupations, Characteristics, Time, Origin, and Relationships.
so essential qualities that cant easily change like being fat
corupletno-cvroad, stalky, heavy built
rolizo-chubby, plump
casi-hardly,almost, nearly
inmenso-vast, enormous, great
notice we don’t have to re conjugate and re ownerize the mustache part because the context was set up in the same sentence
casi no-can mean hardly, nearly
at 8:30, Mr. Dursely took his briefcase, kissed Mrs. Dursely on the mouth and tried to say goodbye to Dudley with a kis, although he coudn’t (missed) since Dudley (he/the boy) was having a temper tantrum and was throwing his cereal against the walls
A las ocho y media. el Senor Dursley cojiO su maletin, besO a la senora Dursely en la mejilla y tratO de despedirse de Dudley con un beso, aunque no pudo, ya que el nino tenia un berrinche y estaba arrojando los cereales contra las paredes
they were proud to say that they were very normal
ellos estaban orgullosos de decir que eran muy normales
- de decir que, to say that. we use this form if there is a conjugated verb first, or if someone is blank to say, happy to say, sad to say etc.
- eran vs estaban
use estaban for a feeling, in this case being proud, and eran is used if its past tense is something more permanent in this case being normal
They were the last people that you would expect to find related (connected) with anything strange or mysterious
Eran las ultimas personas que se esperaria encontrar relacionadas con algo extrano o misterioso.
- They were/eran-again that can be said by itself. descrbing
- se esperaria- you yourself would expect (you are doing the expecting)
- algo-something
- extrano-strange
Mr. Dusrley was the director of a firm called Grunnings that made drills
El senor Dursley era el director de una empresa llamada Grunnings, que fabricaba teladros.
empresa-frim, company
fabricar- to make, to fabricate, produce-
aba because the action can still be ongoing
because they were not for such nonsense.
porque no estaban para tales tonterias
para-for (in favor of)
tonteria-nonsense, silly, runnish
He was a chubby and burly man, with hardly (without) any neck, although he had a big mustache
El era un corpulento y rolizo, casi sin cuello, aunque con un bigote inmenso
ser-Ser is used to talk about permanent or lasting attributes.
DOCTOR, which stands for Descriptions, Occupations, Characteristics, Time, Origin, and Relationships.
so essential qualities that cant easily change like being fat
corupletno-cvroad, stalky, heavy built
rolizo-chubby, plump
casi-hardly,almost, nearly
inmenso-vast, enormous, great
notice we don’t have to re conjugate and re ownerize the mustache part because the context was set up in the same sentence
casi no-can mean hardly, nearly
at 8:30, Mr. Dursely took his briefcase, kissed Mrs. Dursely on the mouth and tried to say goodbye to Dudley with a kis, although he coudn’t (missed) since Dudley (he/the boy) was having a temper tantrum and was throwing his cereal against the walls
A las ocho y media. el Senor Dursley cojiO su maletin, besO a la senora Dursely en la mejilla y tratO de despedirse de Dudley con un beso, aunque no pudo, ya que el nino tenia un berrinche y estaba arrojando los cereales contra las praedes
Arriving at the corner (when he arrived at the corner)
Al llegar a la esquina
to notice
he noticed
sign (figurative indication)
that something weird was happening
de que sucedía algo raro
to happen, to occur
in a vague sense
The cat was reading (looking at a map
El gato estaba mirando un plano de la ciduad
map plano
for a second
Durante de segundo
darse cuenta de
to realize, become aware of
me di cuenta de
i realized (i became aware of)
what he had seen
lo que había visto
what had he been thinking
en que habia estado pensado
but then he turned his head to look again
pero luego volviò la cabeza para mirar otra vez
to turn (your head)
body parts and ownership
put the le/el/los/las version…dont put su or mi…as the ownership is impled
im going to look again
voy a para mirar otra vez
but he did not see any map
pero no vio nigun plano
what had he been thinking
en que habia estado pensado
must be (likelihood)
deber de