Chapter 2 Part 1 - Mycology and Virology Flashcards
the process of reproduction in yeast that begins with a weakening and outpouching of the yeast cell wall and then formation of a cell wall septum between the mother and daughter yeast cells. Presence of Bud scar on the surface of the mother cell
The loose intertwined network of basic structural units of the molds (matlike structure) that penetrates the substrate from which it obtains the necessary nutrients for growth is called?
The presence of pigmentation within the hyphae or the spores
Hyaline molds
Large, usually multiseptate and club-shaped or spindle-shaped spores
small, nonseptate teardrop-shaped spores
A scotch tape preparation is made from a mold growing on solid media presenting a CONIDIOPHORE is an isolate of
Aspergillus fumigatus
Organism from a Skin scraping grows on SDA agar with a light-tan front and salmon colored reverse. Microscopically it produces rare distorted macroconidia and rare microconidia. there was no growth on sterile rice media
Microsporum audouinii
KOH: large, spherical, thick-walled yeast cells, usually with a single bud that is connected to the parent cell by a Broad Base
Blastomyces dermatitidis
A key characteristic of Coccidioides immitis
Prdouces endosporulating spherules in tissue
PAS stain was used in a respiratory specimen from a px with lung disease. Based on the microscopic morphology, , the dimorphic fungi, large, soherical, thick walled, showing a broad-based budding is what organism
Blastomyces dermatitidis
A landscaper noticed a hard, unmovable lump under the skin of his index finger which developed further up the wrist and forearm. A histologic stain showed elongated yeast cells resembling cigars. This disease is called
This organism is a soil saprobe and a thermal dimorph. It’s often associatied with occupational risk and referred to as Rose Gardeners Disease. Its disease involves chronic cutaneous and subcutaneous mycosis characterized by ulcers and abscesses along lymphatic channels
Sporothrix schenckii
Germ tube (-)
Urease (-)
Dextrose, maltose or sucrose (-)
CMT agar morphology showed blastoconidia only
Torulopsis glabrata
A key characteristic by which an unknown Cryptococcus spp. can be identified as Cryptococcus neoformans
Positive niger seed agar test
True or False: Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis can be used as positive and negative controls, respectively
An immunocompromised patient exhibited fever, nonproductive cough, and shortness of breath. the respiratory specimen was stained with Grocott’s methenamine silver stain and showed “cups and saucers” or “deflated balls” morpphology. What organism is this?
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Yeast cell exhibited:
Clusters of blastoconidia along pseudohyphae, terminal chlamydoconidia
Germ tube (+)
Sucrose (+)
Candida albicans
It is responsible for tinea Versicolor and catheter-related infections in patients on long-term intravenous lipids. Macroscopically, the organism appears as cream/brown wrinkled colonies that grow better in the presence of oil. Microscopically, it grows as yeastlike cells, often with distinct cigarettes.
Malassezia furfur
Conidiation of dematiaceous fungi that resembles a tree, in which conidiophoe is trunk and branched chains of conidia form the branches
Conidiation of dematiaceous fungi that resembles short conidiophores plus phialide, vase-shaped conidia extruded from phialide and then clustered
Conidiation of dematiaceous fungi that resembles stalked conidiophores that become knobby as conidia. Conidia are produced sequentially until a Cladosporium-type conidiation is reached.
Rhinocladiella type
A mold isolated in the lab displays a white cottony macroscopic morphology. Microscopically, hyalin, septate hyphae, and “toothbrush”-like conidiophores are seen
Acremonium sp.
A mold is isolated in the lab that displays a velvety, gray-green colony morphology. Microscopically, flask-shaped conidiophores arranged in a brushlike formation are seen
Penicillium sp.
The organism from a patient with systemic fungemia has grown from the blood cultures macroscopicallly and showed blue-green color to to the colony. Microscopically, Foot cells were seen and the phialides were uniserate with a round vesicle and columnar conidia
Aspergillus fumigatus
The protein that surrounds the nucleic acid of a virion is called?
During viral assembly, how are viral envelopes acquired?
As the virion buds from a host cell membrane
Infectious protein with no associated nucleic acid
The viral nucleocapsid always contains ___ _____
viral genome
Whic virus is thought to predominately cause gastroenteritis
Which group contains the SARS virus
Virus described as:
ssRNA, enveloped,
Pleomorphic/spherical capsid
Large club-shaped spikes on surface gives “corona” effect
Causes approximately 15% of coldlike illness
Specimen of choice for detecting Rotavirus
Feces Sample
Test of choice and most sensitive assay for use with CSF to diagnose asepctic meningitis caused by enterovirus
A specimen from a genital lesion was inoculated into a standard set of cells for virus isolation. Typical fibroblastic cell line was seen showing the rapid development of foci of rounding and degenerating cells. this is typical of what virus
Herpes simplex virus
Trophozoite forms of amoebae are found in what type od stool specimen?
Which preservation method is most suitable and most widely used for subsequent fixed smear preparation
If the ova of this parasite are ingested by humans, the oncosphere form can migrate through the body via the bloodstream, resulting in the condition known as cysticercosis
Taenia solium
Ova recovered from the stool are routinely used to diagnose infections caused by all of the ff except
Necator americanus, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides stercoralis
Strongyloides stercoralis - rhabditiform larval stage is the primary diagnostic stage for strongyloidiasis
Which parasites have migration through the lungs as part of their lifecycle
Necator, Ancylostoma, Strongyloides
An E. coli cyst was found on a wet mount of a fresh stool specimen. What should be done next?
Examine the remaining area of the wet preparation
Taken from a corneal scraping, the parasite appeared as a wrinkled, double-walled cyst and are known to cause corneal keratitis
Acanthamoeba sp.
Whipworm appearance of the adult larva. The male adult larva of this parasite has a curved tail
Trichuris trichiura
Eggs recovered in the urine specimen posses a large terminal spine. What organism is this?
Schistosoma haematobium
A patient involved un a sheep herding operation was diagnosed with cysts in his liver. The adult parasite was passed by his dog and it has a scolex and three proglottids
Echinococcus granulosus
These trophozoites were found in a trichrome-stained slide of a stool sample, it has one nuclei with an eccentric karyosome and irregular peripheral chromatin, vacuolated cytoplasm, and broad pesudopods
Entamoeba coli
An ovoid cyst recovered in a stool sample of a child with diarrhea shows 2-4 nuclei, 2-4 median bodies, and a smooth wall
Giardia lamblia
A round cyst was found in a human fecal smear (from a Px with diarrhea and bloody stool) and it contained 4 nuclei, a rounded chromatin bar
Entamoeba histolytica
Parasite with RBC enlarged, oval, Schuffner’s dots, gametocytes seen by day 4-18
Plasmodium ovale
Parasite with Large RBC, trophozoite irregular, multiple phases seen, gametocytes appear early
Plasmodium vivax
Parasite with delicate ring forms, multiple rings per cell, crescent-shaped gametocytes after 7-10 days
Plasmodium falciparum
Parasite with RBC normal in size and color, trophozoite compact, band forms may be seen, gametocytes seen after weeks
Plasmodium malariae
It is a Microfilariae found in the blood that have a sheath, demonstrate nocturnal periodicity and exhibit nuclei that do not extend to the tail tip
Wuchereria bancrofti
Its rhabditiform larvae has a long buccal cavity and a small genital primordium.
Necator americanus
Its rhabditiform larvae has a short buccal cavity and a prominent genital primordium. Its filariform larvae has a notched tail
Strongyloides stercoralis
A parasite recovered from a fecal smear of a Px with diarrhea shows a large vacuole in the center surrounded by a thin rim of cytoplasm with 2-6 small nuceli that generally stains a teal color with the Trichrome stain.
Blastocystis hominis
Scientific name of the organism causing body louse
P. humanus humanus
Scientific name of the organism causing Bedbug
Cimex lectularius
Scientific name of the organism causing scabies
Sarcoptes scabei
Scientific name of the organism causing Lyme disease
Ixodes scapularis
The only known human tapeworm with an opeculum
Diphyllobothrium latum
These spp. are hemoflagellates that can be identified in PBS as a trypomastigote form assuming a C, S, U shape in blood. Each is characterized by a central nucleus, a posterior kinetoplast, and a full body undulating membrane
Trypanoaoma spp.