Chapter 2 - Mini-quiz Flashcards
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Testing how a component should calculate compound interest
Component testing, functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Testing how the banker handles approving or declining a credit application
Acceptance testing, functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Portability tests to check whether the presentation layer works on all supported browsers and mobile devices
System testing, non-functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Exercising all possible inquiry types sent to the credit score microservice
System integration testing, white-box
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Security tests for buffer overflow vulnerabilities due to data passed from the user interface to the business logic
Component integration testing, non-functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
All tests for a given workflow are re-executed if any screen on that workflow changes
System testing, change-related
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
All previously-failed tests are re-executed after a defect found in acceptance testing is fixed
Acceptance testing, change-related
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Testing how account information captured at the user interface is passed to the business logic
Component integration testing, functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Usability tests to evaluate the accessibility of the banker’s credit processing interface for people with disabilities
Acceptance testing, non-functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Tests are designed to cover sequences of web pages that can occur during a credit line application
System testing, white-box
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Tests are designed to achieve complete statement and decision coverage for all components that perform financial calculations
Component testing, white-box
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Tests are designed to cover all supported financial data file structures and value ranges for bank-to-bank transfers
Acceptance testing, white-box
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Tests are designed to confirm fixes to interface-related defects as the fixes are checked into the code repository
Component integration testing, change-related
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Testing how the system uses an external microservice to check an account holder’s credit score
System integration testing, functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Automated regression tests are built for each component and included within the continuous integration framework
Component testing, change-related
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Reliability tests to evaluate system robustness if the credit score microservice fails to respond
System integration testing, non-functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Testing how account holders can apply for a line of credit on their checking accounts
System testing, functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Performance tests to evaluate the number of CPU cycles required to perform a complex total interest calculation
Component testing, non-functional
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Exercise how each screen in the browser interface passes data to the next screen and to the business logic
Component integration testing, white-box
For a banking application, what test level and test type are being used in the following test?
Tests of the application interacting with the credit scoring microservice are re-executed daily as part of continuous deployment of that microservice
System integration testing, change-related