Chapter 2: Medical Microbiology Review Flashcards
Acid-Fast Stain (Zeihl-Neelson)
a bacterial staining procedure in which application of acid-alcohol does not cause decolorization, maintaining a dark stain
in the presence of oxygen
in the absence of oxygen
Asexual Reproduction
without sex; a mode of reproduction in which
offspring arise from a single parent and inherit
the genes of that parent only, making the offspring a genetic copy
a natural or synthetic substance that destroys
microorganisms or inhibits their growth to
prevent or treat infection in plants, animals, and
capable of killing
to install automatic procedures
a genus of gram-positive, spore forming, often aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria in
the family Bacillaceae that exist singly or in
chains and mostly inhabit soil or water
scientific study of bacteria
inhibiting the growth
of bacteria
Broad-Spectrum Drug
drug that acts on a wide range of disease-causing bacteria
Binary Fission
method of asexual
reproduction in which DNA is replicated and the cell splits into two genetically identical daughter cells
Broth Dilution
process of taking a known concentration and doing several serial dilutions to determine the lowest concentration needed to inhibit or kill
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
The fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. A lumbar puncture or spinal tap can be
performed to sample CSF fluid to test for the
presence of microorganisms
a sheath or continuous enclosure around an
organ or structure
a bacterial type that is spherical or ovoid
Comparative Research
a research methodology in the social sciences
that aims to make comparisons across different countries or cultures
Culture and Sensitivity Test (C&S)
a diagnostic lab procedure used to identify the type of bacteria or fungi and to determine which
antimicrobials can successfully fight an infection by collecting urine, blood, or other body fluid and culturing it in a medium and analyzing for antimicrobial susceptibility
Dependent Variable
a variable (often denoted by y) whose value depends on that of another; what is being observed in an experiment
Disk Diffusion
test that uses antibiotic-impregnated wafers to
test whether particular bacteria are susceptible
to specific antibiotics
Descriptive Research
used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It does not
answer questions about how/when/why the
characteristics occurred
Empiric Therapy
use of antimicrobials to treat an infection before
the specific causative organism has been
identified with laboratory tests
a lipopolysaccharide that is part of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria released after the cell’s death
Experimental Research
experiment where the researcher manipulates
one variable, and controls/randomizes the rest of the variables
a poisonous substance produced by certain
threadlike structures that provide motility for certain bacteria and protozoa and for spermatozoa
in taxonomy, the classification between the family and the species
a thin layer of glycoprotein and oligosaccharides on the outer surface of cell membranes that
contributes to cell adhesion and forms antigens involved in the recognition of “self”
Gram stain
a method of differentiating bacterial species into two large groups (gram-positive and gram-negative) based on chemical and physical properties of their cell wall
Health Care-Associated Infections (HAIs)
infections patients get while receiving medical
Independent Variable
a variable (often denoted by x) whose variation does not depend on that of another; what is
being tested or changed in an experiment
the interval between exposure to infection and the appearance of the first symptom
Infection Control and Prevention
policies and procedures used to minimize the
risk of spreading infections, especially in
hospitals and human or animal health care
Medical Microbiology
a branch of medicine and microbiology that
deals with the study of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that are of
medical importance and are capable of causing
infectious diseases in human beings
the science of structure and form of organisms without regard to function
the scientific study of microorganisms, that is, of bacteria, fungi, intracellular parasites,
protozoans, viruses, and some worms
the science and study of fungi
Narrow-spectrum Drug
effective against specific families of bacteria
Normal Flora
mixture of bacteria normally found at specific body sites
productive of disease
the study of parasites
and parasitism
Opportunistic Infections
any infection that results from a defective
immune system that cannot defend against
pathogens normally found in the environment
a lack of response of a pathogen to treatment
such as antibiotic therapy
knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation
Scientific Inquiry
the activities through which individuals develop
knowledge and understanding of scientific
ideas, as well as an understanding of how
scientists study the natural world
Scientific Hypothesis
the initial building block in the scientific method.
Many describe it as an “educated guess,” based
on prior knowledge and observation, as to the
cause of a particular phenomenon
the scientific study of fluid components of the
blood, especially antigens and antibodies
Scientific Theories
a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect
of the natural world that is acquired through the
scientific method and repeatedly tested and
confirmed through observation and
Social Ethics
the philosophical or moral principles that, in one
way or another, represent the collective
experience of people and cultures
a category of classification for
living organisms; group is just below the genus
cells produced by fungi for reproduction; a
resistant cell produced by bacteria to withstand
extreme heat or cold or dehydration
flagellated aerobic bacteria with
an elongated spiral shape, of the genus
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
infection of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder by
microorganisms that either ascend from the
urethra or that spread to the kidney from the
the study of viruses and viral diseases
the relative power and degree
of pathogenicity possessed by organisms
productive of disease
the science of structure and form of organisms without regard to function
the relative power and degree of pathogenicity possessed by organisms
Scientific Hypotheses
the initial building block in the scientific method.
Many describe it as an “educated guess,” based
on prior knowledge and observation, as to the
cause of a particular phenomenon
Dependent Variables
a variable (often denoted by y) whose value
depends on that of another; what is being
observed in an experiment
Independent Variables
a variable (often denoted by x) whose variation
does not depend on that of another; what is
being tested or changed in an experiment
the science and study of fungi
the study of viruses and viral diseases
the study of parasites
and parasitism
Binary Fission
method of asexual
reproduction in which DNA is replicated and the cell splits into two genetically identical daughter
in taxonomy, the classification
between the family and the species
a category of classification for
living organisms; group is just below the genus
threadlike structures that provide
motility for certain bacteria and protozoa and for
a bacterial type that is spherical or
a genus of gram-positive, sporeforming, often aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria in
the family Bacillaceae that exist singly or in
chains and mostly inhabit soil or water