Chapter 2 - Mathematics Flashcards
7 Base Units
Second Meter Kilogram Kelvin (K) Mole (mol): amount of substance Ampere (A): electric current Candela (cd): luminous intensity
Fahrenheit –> Celsius
Celsius –> Kelvin
a) F=1.8(C) + 32
b) K=C + 273
One L equals…
One mL equals…
a) 1 dm^3
b) 1 cm^3
Density Formula
Scientific Notation
(Number between 1 and 10) x 10^
Scientific Notation: Addition and Subtraction
Same exponents
Unlike exponents
a) Only add the coefficients
ex. (7.35 x 10^2) + (2.43 x 10^2)= 9.78 x 10^2
b) Make the exponents the same
ex. (2.643 x 10^18) + (7.8 x 10^16)
(2. 643 x 10^18) + (0.078 x 10^18)=2.721 x 10^18
Scientific Notation: Multiplication and Division
a) Multiply coefficients and add exponents]
ex. (2 x 10^3) x (3 x 10^2) = 6 x 10^5
b) Divide coefficients and subtract exponents
ex. (9 x 10^8) / (3 x 10^-4) = 3 x 10^12
Dimensional Analysis
When you convert one unit to another using proportions
Accuracy vs Precision
Accuracy: how close a measurement is to the actual value
Precision: how close a measurement is to other measurements
Percent Error Equation
Percent Error = ([error]/accepted value) x 100
Error Equation
error = experimental value - accepted value
Metric System
G: giga M: mega k: kilo h: hecto da/D: deca BASE UNIT d: deci c: centi m: milli u: micro n: nano p: pico
Factor Label Method
When converting from one metric unit to another
ex. 55 mm x 1 m/1000mm = 0.055 m
Significant Figures: Basic Rules
- all digits 1-9
- captive zeros: zeros between significant digits
- trailing zeros: zeros right to significant digit, only significant if there is a decimal
ex. 100 - 1 significant figure
ex. 100.0 - 4 significant figures
ex. 100. - 3 significant figures - zeros following a decimal significant figure
ex. 0.00047 - 2 significant figures; 0.4700 - 4 significant figures
Conversions are not considered when determining significant figures
Significant Figures: Rounding Rules
- If a digit is to be removed, only look at the next digit to the right of the last significant figure
ex. 4.4469 –> 4.4 (only look at 4.44 to determine) - In a series of calculations, carry extra digits through to the final result, and then round
ex. 28.0 + 23.538 + 25.68 = 77.218 –> 77.2 - If the digit to the right of the last significant figure is a 5 followed by 0 or no other #, look at the last significant figure: if it’s odd, round up; if it’s even, don’t round up
ex. 2.5350 –> 2.54
ex. 2.5250 –> 2.52
Significant Figures: Multiplication and Division
Number of significant figures in the result is the same as that of the factor with the least number of significant figures
ex. 4.36 x 1.4 = 6.384 --> 6.4 ex. (6.88 x 10^2) x (1.5 x 10^5) = 10.32 x 10^7 --> 10.3 x 10 ex. (9.00000 x 10^7) / (3.00 x 10^3) = 3 x 10^4 --> 3.00 x 10^4
Independent and Dependent Variables
Independent plotted on x-axis
Dependent plotted on y-axis
Rounding Numbers for Addition and Subtraction
Round to the lowest amount of decimal places
ex. 1.42 + 14.2= 15.62 –> 15.6
What is the line used in a line graph called? Why is it called this?
Best-fit line
The line is drawn so that as many points are on it, but not all of them do
How does slope show the relationship between the dependent and independent variables?
Positive: dependent variable increases with independent variable
Negative: dependent variable decreases as independent increases