Chapter 2 LO5 Flashcards
Describe the key functions performed by the AICPA
The accounting and review services commitee of the AICPA issues pronouncement of the CPAs responsibilities whena CPA is associated with financial statements of privately owned companies that are not audited. what are they called ?
Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS)
in both preparation and compilation service, the accountant does what?
help the client prepare financial statements without providing any assurance.
what 3 others things does the AICPA do?
- The AICPA writes and grades the CPA Exam. 2. The AICPA supports its own research staff and provides grants to others for research. 3, The AICPA publishes the Journal of Accountancy, industry audit guides, and periodic updates to the Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards and the Code of Professional Conduct 4. provides alot of seminars and educational aids in vbariety of subjects . like online continuing education opportunities and reference materials
Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) provide guidance for what?
preparation, compilation, and review services
what is the AICPA?
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants …. the professional organization of CPAs
is membership in the AICPA voluntary?
what does a n CPA do in a review service?
perfroms inquiry and analytical procedures that pro0vide a reasonable basis for expressing limited assurance on financial statement
the statement on standards for attestation engagements by the AICPa do what (2)
- they are standards that may be used to provide assurance on nonfinancial information 2. they are used to develop standards for specific attestation services
T/F CPAs are licensed by the state in which they practice, but significant influence is exerted by their professional organization, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA
what happens with regards to reports when a CPA performs a compilation serivice? a preparation service?
compilation- cpa issues a compilation report preparation- no report but the face of the fiancial statements must include a statement that “no assurance is provided”
T/F the AICPA is not the largest professional association for CPAs in the US
The accounting and review services commitee of the AICPA is responsible for what?
issuing pronouncement of the CPAs responsibilities whena CPA is associated with financial statements of privately owned companies that are not audited
Membership in AICPA is restricted to ?
The AICPA sets standards and rules that all members and other practicing CPAs must follow in four major areas?
1.Auditing standards 2. Compilation and review standards 3. Other attestation standards 4. Code of Professional Conduct
who sets the rules of conduct that CPAs are require to meet ?
the AICPA Professional Ethics Executive committee
The Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the AICPA issues auditing standards, called Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs), which apply to what?
all audit engagements not covered by PCAOB standards (PCAOB does publicly traded companies and broker dealers registered with the SEC