Chapter 2- Linking The Linguistic To The Social Flashcards
Is a communicative practice mediated by a linguistic system or systems.
Is the knowledge underlying the ability to produce and recognize a sentence of English.
Linguistic competence
Emphasize that knowledge of a grammar is not sufficient to participate in verbal practice- one needs to know the conventions by which people engage with each other in linguistic activity.
Sociolinguistic and Linguistic Anthropologists
People developed their linguistic competence in use and along with the linguistic system or system and they learn how to put the systems to work in social situations.
Wider communicative competence
US feminists introduced the social title ‘Ms.’ Into the lexicon of address forms for the purpose to provide an equivalent of ‘Mr.’
late 1960
A title not for female equality but as an alternative to offending women whose marital status was unknown to the advertiser.
Focused on day-to-day performances that have become part of our more-or-less automatic verbal routine.
A community sharing rules for the conduct and interpretation of speech and rules for the interpretation of at least one linguistic variety. (Dell Hymes, 1972)
Speech Community
A group of people who develop activities and ways of engaging in those activities, they develop common knowledge and beliefs, ways of relating to each other, ways of talking-in short, practices. (Jean Lave & Etienne Wengerm, 1991)
Community of Practice
The level of social organization at which people experience the social order on a personal and day-to-day basis.
Community of practice
Has dealt with nexus in his important insight that social interaction always involves ‘facework’.
Erving Goffman (1967)
Is the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line other assume he has taken during a particular contact.
Is something we can ‘lose’ or ‘save’ in our dealings with one another, it is tied to our presentations of ourselves and to our acknowledgement of others as certain kinds of people.
Covers all the many things people do to project certain personae and to ratify or reject other peoples’ projections of their claimed ‘personae’
Enter into shaping both the face individuals want to protect and the face others are willing to ascribe to them.
Gender ideology and Gender identity