Chapter 2 ; League of Nations Flashcards
What was written into the TOV and all other peace treaties at the end of WW1?
recognition of the LON
Where were the headquarters for the LON?
Geneva, Switzerland
What was the name for the rules for how the LON must be run?
Covenant of the League
What was the aim of the LON surrounding the TOV?
uphold and enforce the TOV
What was the aim of the LON surrounding negotiation?
stop war by encouraging negotiation rather than negotiation
What was the aim of the LON surrounding military?
disarmament - encourage smaller militaries to prevent wars
What was the aim of the LON surrounding the world’s population?
improve life and jobs of people - provide health, welfare and encourage businesses, trade
What did the LON aim to provide to people of the world?
health and welfare
What did the LON aim to encourage to the people of the world?
business and trade
How many articles did the Covenant of the League have?
What was article 10 of the Covenant of the League?
collective security
What was collective security in the League?
any member threatened with war was to be protected
Why did the LON not have an army?
peaceful organisation
What were the powers of the League?
moral condemnation
economic sanctions
military force
What was the League’s power - mitigation?
get disagreeing countries to talk through their problems
What was the problem with mitigation?
countries could ignore the League
What was the League’s power - moral condemnation?
countries in League would put pressure on aggressor to stop their actions
What was the problem with moral condemnation?
countries could ignore the League
What was the League’s power - economic sanctions?
members of LON couldn’t trade with countries not keeping peace
What was the problem with economic sanctions?
countries unwilling to stop trade and would lose money
offending countries could still trade with US and Russia
What was the League’s power - military force?
countries in League contribute to armed force to act against aggressor
What was the problem with military force?
heavily relied on France and Britain
How many members did the LON have when it was founded?
42 members
Why was the LON weakened from the beginning?
important countries were not members from the beginning
Which countries were not members of the LON from the beginning?
Why was Germany not a member from the beginning of the LON?
losing nations of WW1 were not allowed to join
Why was Russia not a member from the beginning of the LON?
- communist
- did not want to join
Why did Russia not want to join LON from the beginning?
saw it as capitalist group of winning countries from WW1
Why was the US not a member from the beginning of the LON?
Americans were not keen
Why did Americans not like the LON?
- did not want American money and soldiers spent on European matters
- believed in freedom for individual countries
Who did the Americans not want to support in the LON?
Britain and French because they were imperialistic
When did Germany join the LON?
When did the Soviet Union join the LON?
What event happened prior to Germany joining the LON?
signing of the Locarno Treaties
When did Germany leave the LON?
When did Japan leave the LON?
When did Italy leave the LON?
When was the Soviet Union expelled from the LON?
What was the issue in the League surrounding Britain and France?
most important but not enthusiastic - undermine League
What was the issue in the League surrounding countries who lost land in treaties?
felt post war settlement was unfair - ‘victor’s club’
What was the issue in the League surrounding post war era?
lots of political instability, refugees, unemployment and war damage
What was the Assembly?
the Parliament of LON
How often did the Assembly meet?
once a year
What did the Assembly discuss at their annual meeting?
budget, issues, council members
Who did the Assembly elect?
council members
What was needed for a decision in the Assembly?
Why was the Assembly’s annual meeting a weakness?
hard to deal with issues arising
Why was the unanimous vote of the Assembly a weakness?
had over 50 members by the 1930s so decisions were rarely made
How many judges made up the International Court of Justice?
15 judges
What did the International Court of Justice?
settled disputes between countries
What did the International Court of Justice have the ability to do?
denounce countries actions in the press
When the International Court of Justice allowed to get involved?
if countries involved asked for judgement
How many permanent members did the Council have?
4 permanent members
Who were the 4 permanent members of the Council?
How many non-permanent members did the Council have?
10 non permanent members
What were the weaknesses surrounding the International Court of Justice?
- only get involved if countries agreed to take problems to court
- countries did not have to obey
How many times a year did the Council meet?
met 5 times a year
What type of vote was needed for decisions made by the Council?
majority vote needed
What power did the permanent members of the Council have?
Who had the power of veto in the LON?
Council’s permanent members
How was the power of veto a weakness of the League?
permanent Council members could veto any decision - helped themselves
What did the Special Commissions do?
tackled issues
What did the Secretariat do?
administrators for the LON
Why did the League have to deal with disputes in Europe?
boundaries of new countries decided
What happened in Vilna?
Polish army took control and Lithuania asked for help from League
When did Vilna happen?
How did the League respond to the Polish army in Vilna in 1920?
told Poland to remove their army
Why did the League not taken more serious action in Vilna?
lack of support from Britain and France
Why did Britain not send troops to help in Vilna?
did not have support of other countries
Why did France not send troops to help in Vilna?
saw Poland as ally to Germany
How was the Vilna situation a failure?
- first time League had been asked for help and they did nothing
- Poland took Vilna
- showed League would not act against aggression
When was the Polish-Soviet War?
What caused the Polish Soviet War?
Poland was not content with eastern borders and seized parts of Russia and Ukraine
How was the Polish Soviet war a failure for the League?
Poland’s aggression backed by Britain and France - undermining League
How many people died in the Polish-Soviet war?
100,000 people died in conflict
When did the dispute about the Aaland Islands occur?
What caused the dispute around the Aaland Islands?
Sweden and Finland had claims to islands - strategic naval bases
How many island make up the Aaland island?
6500 islands
How did the League deal with the Aaland island dispute?
gave Finland the islands on the condition that they did not create a military base
Was the Aaland islands a success or a failure?
Was Vilna a success or a failure?
Was the Polish-Soviet war a success or a failure?
How was the Aaland island a success?
both countries agreed to outcome
What is a plebiscite?
public vote
When did dispute over Upper Silesia occur?
Why did Germany and Poland dispute over Upper Silesia?
area of iron and steel
Which countries disputed over Upper Silesia?
Germany and Poland
Which countries disputed over Aaland islands?
Sweden and Finland
Which countries disputed over Vilna?
Poland and Lithuania
How was Upper Silesia decided?
using a plebiscite
When did the plebiscite for Upper Silesia happen?
What were the results of the plebiscite for Upper Silesia?
60% pro German
Why was Poland unhappy with the results for the plebiscite in Upper Silesia?
claimed the vote was fixed
How was land shared following the plebiscite for Upper Silesia?
land was shared according to which areas had voted which way
Why was Poland unhappy with the land distribution for the plebiscite in Upper Silesia?
more population
less land
How much of the population of Upper Silesia did Poland recieve?
half of the population
How much of the land of Upper Silesia did Poland receive?
a third of the land
Why was Germany unhappy with the results in Upper Silesia?
claimed Poland had received most of the industrial area
Was Upper Silesia a success or a failure?
success AND failure
How was Upper Silesia a success?
both countries agreed
How was Upper Silesia a failure?
created tension between the two countries
Which countries disputed over Memel?
Poland and Lithuania
When did the dispute over Memel occur?
Why was Memel disputed over?
port that was a ‘free city’ and governed by LoN
What was Memel independent of?
Poland and Lithuania
How did the League deal with the dispute over Memel?
Lithuania could keep surrounding areas but port itself must be ‘free international zone’
When did Lithuania seize the port of Memel?
Was Memel a success or a failure?
failure AND success
How was Memel a failure?
Lithuania rewarded for the initial aggression
How was Memel a success?
Lithuania agreed to ruling
When did dispute over the Ruhr occur?
Which countries were involved over the dispute of the Ruhr?
France and Belgium
What caused dispute over the Ruhr?
Germany had failed to keep up with reparation payments
What did France and Belgium do in the Ruhr?
invaded Germany
Was the Ruhr a failure or a success?
Why was the Ruhr a failure?
France undermined League as leader - not involved
When did dispute over Corfu occur?
Why was Corfu disputed over?
Italian army officer murdered in Greece
Which countries were involved in the Corfu dispute?
What was the name of the Italian army officer, murdered in Greece in 1923?
Enrico Tellini
Why had Tellini been sent to Corfu in 1923?
Greek and Albanian border undecided - sent to survey area
Who did Mussolini blame for Tellini’s murder?
What did Mussolini demand for Tellini’s death?
Why did the Greek government refuse to pay compensation?
claimed murderer could have been Albanian
How did Mussolini react to the Greek government’s refusal of compensation?
invaded Corfu
How did the League react to Mussolini’s invasion in Corfu?
verbally condemned his actions
How did Mussolini threaten the League after being verbally condemned for his invasion of Corfu?
told LoN to stay out of affair
threatened to leave League
How did Mussolini undermine the League in Corfu?
took issue to alternative body called Conference of Ambassadors
What alternative body did Mussolini take issue of Corfu to?
Conference of Ambassadors
Why did France support Italy with dispute over Corfu?
didn’t want League’s involvement with occupation of Ruhr
What was the outcome of Mussolini taking Corfu dispute to Conference of Ambassadors?
Greece forced to apologise and pay compensation
Was the dispute over Corfu a failure or a success for the League?
Why was the dispute over Corfu a failure for the League?
Greece apologised and paid compensation despite Italy’s aggressive invasion
Italy had ignored LoN
LoN would not enforce justice
France showed lack of support
When did dispute over Bulgaria occur?
Which countries were involved in the 1925 dispute about Bulgaria?
What caused the dispute over Bulgaria in 1925?
Greek soldier crossed border while chasing his dog and was shot by Bulgarians
How did Greeks respond to killing of their soldier in 1925?
invaded Bulgaria and declared war
How did the League respond to the invasion of Bulgaria?
ordered Greece to withdraw, offered no compensation but made them pay compensation to Bulgaria for invasion
Did League offer compensation to Greeks in 1925?
no but forced them to pay compensation for invasion
Was the dispute over Bulgaria in 1925 a failure or a success?
failure AND a success
How was the dispute over Bulgaria a success?
Greece withdrew
How was dispute over Bulgaria a failure?
Greece claimed LoN was hypocritical, as Italy had gotten compensation for invading for similar reasons
Give examples of failures of League in 1920s
Polish-Soviet War
Give examples of success of the League in the 1920s
Aaland Islands
Give examples of combined failures and success in the League in the 1920s
Upper Silesia
What was the aim of the International Labour Organisation?
improve working conditions
What was a success of the International Labour Organisastion?
death rate of workers on Tanganyika railway reduced from 50% to 4%
How much did death rate of workers on Tanganyika railway reduce?
50% to 4%
What was a failure of the International Labour Organisation?
most countries refused to ban children under 14 working in 1919
Why did most countries refuse to ban children under 14 working?
too expensive for businesses
What was the aim of the Slavery commission?
end slavery
What was a success of the Slavery commission?
200,000 enslaved people freed in Sierra Leone
How many enslaved people were freed by the Slavery commission in 1920s?
200,000 enslaved people
What was the aim of the Commission for Refugees?
help people who had been homeless by war or had no place safe to live
What was a success by the Commission for Refugees?
427,000 imprisoned soldiers following WW1 freed
How many imprisoned soldiers were freed by the Commission for Refugees in 1920s?
427,000 soldiers
What was a failure of the Commission for Refugees?
failed to help Jews flee Germany in 1930s
What was the aim of the Health Organization?
cure disease
What was a success of the Health Organisation?
sent doctors to help in Turkish refugee camps
What was the aim of the Narcotics Board?
stop illegal drugs trade
What was a success of the Narcotics Board?
exposed four large companies involved in illegal drugs trade
What was a failure of the Narcotics Board?
some countries did not want to stop trade because they profited from opium trade
What was the aim of the Organization for Communications and Transport?
improve communication between countries
What was a success of the Organization for communications and transport?
introduced shipping lanes and international highway code
What was the aim of the economic and financial committee?
improve living conditions
What was a success of the economic and financial commitee?
sent advisers to Austria and Hungary to help rebuild economies when they went bankrupt in 1923
What should the LoN been at the forefront of?
international diplomacy, securing peace
Why was it difficult for LoN to be forefront of international diplomacy?
Germany, Russia and USA not members
What affect did diplomacy outside the League have on it?
international image was damaged
When was the Washington Naval Conference?
Which nations were involved in the Washington Naval Conference?
USA, UK, France, Japan and Italy
How was the Washington Naval Conference a positive for peace?
agreement on maximum size for navies - relative
prevented naval race
How was the Washington Naval Conference a negative for the LoN?
agreed without League with non-members
first successful arms control agreement made without LoN
USA could lead alternatives to LoN
When was the Treaty of Rapallo signed?
Which nations were involved in the Treaty of Rapallo?
Russia and Germany
How was the Treaty of Rapallo a positive for peace?
recognised new countries in Eastern Europe
Germany recognised communist government as official
no claims for WWI costs
How was the Treaty of Rapallo a negative for the LoN?
agreed without LoN
non members
When were the Locarno treaties signed?
Which nations were involved in the Locarno treaties?
How were the Locarno treaties a positive for peace?
Germany accepted ToV and borders
improved relationships
removed threat of invasion for France and Germany
How were the Locarno treaties a negative for the LoN?
agreed with LoN
non members
LoN should have led this
When was the Kellogg-Briand Pact signed?
Which nations were included in the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
Germany, France and USA
65 nations
How was the Kellogg-Briand Pact a positive for peace?
renounced war as way of solving disputes
How was the Kellogg-Briand Pact a negative for LoN?
agreed without LoN
non members
significant new moves in international relationships
When did the Wall Street Crash happen?
October 1929
How did USA respond to Wall Street Crash?
recalled loans from countries like Germany
How did the USA recalling loans affect other countries?
economies collapsed
What spread throughout the world following the Wall Street Crash?
How did the people of the world respond to the Wall Street Crash?
lost faith in democratic governments
When did Hitler come to power?
How did the Wall Street Crash affect Japan?
army took control of Government
How did the Wall Street Crash affect Italy?
fascist leader already
- overseas empire to distract from domestic issues
How did the Wall Street Crash affect Russia?
Stalin gained power as communist dictator
How did the Wall Street Crash change government and leadership?
people looked to strong leaders who promised to restore the country
How did these new dictators feel towards the League?
not interested in agenda of peace
When did Hitler storm out of the disarmament conference?
Why were extremist parties popular following the Wall Street Crash?
simple solutions
run by state
land by force
wars overseas
blame other people
Why did the LoN struggle to deal with extremist government following the Wall Street Crash?
disregarded collective security
ignored moral condemnation
several extremist nations
no money for war
not willing to stop trade
When did the last Chinese emperor abdicate?
When did civil war begin in China?
What caused Japan to take Manchuria?
rising power
expansion wanted
small islands
few resources
Why did Japan’s economy plummet in years following Wall Street Crash?
made silk and exported to USA
- luxury item
How did USA further damage Japan’s economy following Wall Street Crash?
put tariffs on foreign products
- encourage people to buy locally / nationally
How much was Japanese silk worth in 1932?
1/5th of price from 1920s
How much did employment and production fall by in Japan?
30% decrease
How did Japan’s change in government and power cause Manchuria crisis?
becoming more militaristic
- wanted army to run government
When did Japan take over Korea?
Why was Manchuria desirable for Japan?
near Korea
rich in farmland
coal and ore
market for Japanese
Why was there confusion as to ownership over Manchuria?
Russia and Japan both exercised control in past
What Japanese infrastructure already existed in Manchuria?
army division nearby
When did the Manchuria crisis begin?
September 1931
What did Japanese troops stage?
explosion on Japanese owned South Manchurian railway
Who did the Japanese blame for explosion on South Manchurian railway?
Chinese - who denied involvement
Was the Japanese invasion of Manchuria successful?
yes - ‘puppet leader’ in place, previous Emperor
When did the Chinese involve the League?
March 1932
How did the League react to Chinese request?
When did Japan invade Manchuria?
February 1932
Why was the League reluctant to act in Manchuria?
Japan leading member
long way from Europe
economic sanctions useless
military action unpopular
confusion over events
Chinese civil war
Soviet nearby
Why did economic sanctions being useless mean the League was reluctant in Manchuria?
Japan’s main trading partner was USA
Why did military actions being unpopular mean the League was reluctant in Manchuria?
WW1 generation
economic Depression
Why did confusion over events mean the League was reluctant in Manchuria?
unclear who was at fault
Why did Chinese civil war mean League was reluctant in Manchuria?
had brought chaos
- Japanese rule could restore order
Why did Soviet Union nearby mean League was reluctant in Manchuria?
not members of LoN
but could sort it out
What did the League send to Manchuria?
a commission
Who led the commission in Manchuria?
Lord Lytton
How long did the commission in Manchuria take?
over a year
Why was commission’s length ineffective?
invasion and occupation completed
What did the League’s commission on Manchuria cause?
condemned actions of Japanese
asked Japan to withdraw
How did Japan respond to condemning of their actions?
ignored report
remained in control of Manchuria
occupied more Chinese territory
When did Japan resign from League?
When did Japan conquer Jehol?
When did Japan invade the rest of China?
What does the Manchuria crisis mark?
beginning of end for League
Why was Japan’s reaction significant to failure of League?
major member had ignored moral condemnation and orders to withdraw
Why was League’s failure in Manchuria significant to end of League?
economic sanctions useless on Japan
without army powerless
Britain and France not supportive
failed to prevent agression
How did League’s failure to prevent aggression is Manchuria lead to future events?
encouraged Germany and Italy
What caused Mussolini to invade Abyssinia?
no large modern empire
Great Depression
Roman Empire
When had Italy attempted to colonise Abyssinia?
Why did Italians want revenge in Abyssinia?
suffered humiliating defeat
Why was Abyssinia desirable for Italy?
natural resources
not colonised
surrounded by Italian colonies
What gave Mussolini confidence for Abysinnia?
events in Corfu
1935 agreement with Britain and France - counterbalance Hitler
When did Italian and Abyssinian troops clash?
December 1934
Where did the clash between Italian and Abyssinian troops occur?
Wal Wal oasis
What did French foreign minister agree with Mussolini?
deal with situation without French interference
When did Emperor of Abyssinia appeal for assistance from League?
June 1935
When did Italy invade Abyssinia?
October 1935
How were the Italians advantaged over Abyssinians?
modern weaponry - chemical weapons
How did the League respond to Italy’s actions in Abyssinia?
condemned aggression
imposed economic sanctions
How were League’s reaction to Abyssinia ineffective?
Mussolini able to get steel, coal and oil from non members like USA
Why did France and Britain not close Suez canal in Abyssinia crisis?
did not want to push Mussolini closer to Hitler
How did Britain and France’s lack of action help Italy?
could move troops easily from Italy to Abyssinia
What plans were made in December 1935 surrounding Abyssinia Crisis?
Hoare-Laval Pact
What was the Hoare-Laval Pact?
withdrawn pact, that had planned to offer Mussolini Abyssinia
What happened in March 1936?
Hitler invaded Rhineland
What effect did Hitler’s invasion of Rhineland effect Abyssinia crisis?
France more threatened by Hitler - feared Italy would ally if League took more action in Abyssinia
What happened in Abyssinia crisis in May 1936?
Italy captured Addis Ababa
What happened in Abyssinia crisis in 1937?
Italy left LoN
What was the significance of the Abyssinia crisis?
strong nation prepared to ignore League
League was slow
sanctions useless
Britain and France not prepared to use force
major power betrayed League
appeasement favoured by Britain
Hitler encouraged
What caused League’s ultimate failure?
failure to avert war in 1939
Why did French and British self interest cause failure to avert war?
own interest rather than League
Why did absent power caused failure to avert war?
key countries not in League
Why did ineffective sanctions cause failure to avert war?
didn’t work or weren’t used
How did lack of armed forces lead to failure of League?
no power, relied on countries
How did unfair treaty lead to failure to avert war?
members thought treaties were unfair so were not thoroughly enforced
Why did League’s slowness of reaching decisions cause failure to avert war?
League to slow - ineffective
Why did the League fail?
actions of Britain and France
membership of League
failure of sanctions
organisation of League
How did actions of Britain and France cause failure of League in general?
weak relationship
How did actions of Britain and France cause failure of League in Manchuria?
Japan restoring order
Lord Lytton too slow
How did actions of Britain and France cause failure of League in Abyssinia?
refused strong action
appeasing Italy
did not close Suez canal
African empires
How did membership cause failure of League in general?
never had all major nations
confrontation caused countries to leave
How did membership cause failure of League in Manchuria?
Russia none member
USA main trade partner
How did membership cause failure of League in Abyssinia?
absence of USA made economic sanctions ineffective
How did sanctions cause failure of League in general?
suffering from Depression
How did sanctions cause failure of League in Manchuria?
Britain unwilling to trade with Japan
refused to ban arms sales
How did sanctions cause failure of League in Abyssinia?
trade with USA continued
Mussolini allied with Hitler
did not ban coal, steel or oil
How did Organisation cause failure of League in general?
no army
unanimous vote
permanent members of council
too easy to leave
bigger members aggressive
How did Organisation cause failure of League in Manchuria?
nothing to do without army
How did Organisation cause failure of League in Abyssinia?
council members unwilling to act
assembly powerless
lack of army