Chapter 2 Key Terms Flashcards
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- federal law guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in state & local government services, public accomodations, employment, transportation, telecommunitcaions
- specifically excluded from APA are: sexual disorders, kleptomaniacs, pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, homosexuals, disorders resulting from current illegal use of drugs
- disability covered by law has to be one that restricts activities of central importance to most people
- ADA prohibits questions pertaining to past medical history until employer has made job offer
- drug testing is not prohibited by ADA
- ADA prohibits selection criteria that screen out individuals with disabilities unless the criteria is directly job-related
coerced-compliant false confessions
-most likely occur after prolonged and intense interrogation experiences, especially where sleep deprivation is a feature. Suspect conforms to appease and avoid further discomfort
coerced-internalized false confessions
-innocents who are tired, confused, and highly psychologically vulnerable come to believe they actually committed the crime
concurrent validity
- how the test relates to actual performance
- validity measured by comparing one test with another already established one
critical incidents
- threatening situations police frequently encounter
- emergencies and disasters nonroutine and unanticipated
early warning systems
- helps identify problem officers early and intervene through counseling or training to correct problem behaviors
- through selection, intervention, and postintervention monitoring
excessive force
-when level of force exceeds level considered justifiable under the circumstances
external stress
- outside of daily tasks
- frustration with the courts, prosecutor’s office, criminal justice process, corrections system, media, or public attitudes of officers
face validity
-what a test superficially appears to measure
false confessions
-induced by coercive interrogation processes
fitness-for-duty evaluations
- to determine psychological ability to perform essential job functions
- sometimes required after a critical incident
job analysis
- 1st step needed for effective screening procedures
- identification of skills, abilities, knowledge, and psychological characteristics needed to do a job
organizational stress
-evokes by policies and practices of police department
personal stressor
-relationship, health, addiction, peer pressure, depression, discrimination, sexual harassment, lack of accomplishment problems
personality assessment
-an overlapping historical trend
-offshoots are:
1-identifying “successful” personality
2-developing personality measures for screening in and screening out