Chapter 2 - Individual Taxation and Other taxes (AMT) and Other Items Flashcards
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
AMT is a tax designed to ensure that taxpayers who take a large number of tax preference deductions pay a minimum amount of tax on their income.
AMT is the excess of the tentative AMT over the regular tax.
AMT and AMTI formula and tax rate
AMT is mandatory if it exceeds the regular tax.
Taxable income \+/- certain adjustments \+ tax preferences - exemption allowance = AMTI (AMT tax base/taxable excess) x tax rate ( 26% first $184,500 and 28% on anything over) = Tentative AMT tax - = Tentative minimum tax - = AMT Tax (the greater of AMT or regular tax is the total tax liability).
AMTI in excess of $185,400 the tax rate on the excess is 28%
What are the exemption amounts for AMT?
The exemption amount is phased out by 25 cents per dollar of AMTI above $158,900 for MFJ, $119,200 for single, $79,450 MFS. exemption allowance: $83,400 MFJ LESS 25% (AMTI-\$\$158,900) $53,600 Single LESS 25% (AMTI-$119,200) $41,700 MFS LESS 25% (AMTI-$79,450)
The exemption can never be less than 0.
AMTI - = excess over threshold x 25% = reduction to exemption amount
Exemption - = AMT Exemption allowable
Adjustments for AMTI calculations
May increase or decrease AMT because the tax treatment of the item is different for AMT purposes than regular tax purposes.
Some adjustments include:
Items 1-5 are timing differences (temporary differences) and may increase or decrease AMTI based on the timing:
1) Passive activity losses
2) Accelerated depreciation
3) Net operating loss of the individual taxpayer
4) installment income of a dealer
5) contracts - percentage completion versus completed contract method
Items 6-10 are items that may be included in deductions for regular tax purposes, but not for AMT purposes and will only increase AMTI (permanent differences):
6) Tax deductions - (permanent)
7) Interest deductions on some home equity loans - (permanent)
8) Medical deductions (limited to excess over 10% AGI; adjustment for taxpayers age 65 and over) - (permanent)
9) Miscellaneous deductions not allowed - (permanent)
10) Exemptions (personal) and standard deduction - (permanent)
What are some tax preference items for AMTI calculations?
Tax preference items are always add backs (+).
These items will result in more income or less deductions being recognized for AMT vs. Regular tax. Theses include:
1) Private activity bond interest income (on certain bonds) - (permanent)
2) percentage depletion, the excess over adjusted basis of property - (permanent)
3) Pre-1987 accelerated depreciation
Credits for prior year minimum tax (AMT Credits)/ What credits are allowed against AMT?
- AMT paid in a certain year may be carried over as a credit to subsequent taxable years. It may only reduce regular tax, not future AMT.
- This carry forward of the credit is forever.
Some credits include:
1) Foreign Tax credit
2) Adoption credit
3) Child tax credit
4) Contributions to retirements plans credit
5) Earned income credit
6) Small business health care tax credit
- AMT created by permanent differences cannot be carried forward as a credit. Therefore, if AMT is paid because of these items, it is never recovered.
AMTI calculation:
regular taxable income
+/- Adjustments
- (Passive activity losses are added back or recalculated)
- (Accelerated depreciation adjustment - on real property it is the difference between reg tax depreciation and straight line using a 40 year life and for personal property it is the difference between reg tax depreciation and 150% declining balance with switch to straight line - if declining balance used for reg tax then no AMT adjustment for depreciation)
- Net operating loss must be recomputed
- installment method may not be used by dealer for property sales
- Long term contracts ( difference between % completion and completed contract method or any other method of accounting is an adjustment)
- Itemized deductions (adjustments that always add to regular taxable income) include:
- taxes reduced by taxable refunds are added back (if refund meets tax benefit rules)
- Mortgage interest not used to build/improve home is added back.
- investment interest must be recalculated
- Medical expenses must exceed 10% AGI (65 and over) - no adjustment needed for taxpayers under 65.
- Miscellaneous deductions subject to the 2% floor are not allowed (are added back)
- Exemptions - personal and standard may not be claimed (are added back)
Other AMT Adjustments:
- incentive stock options
- recalculate gain or loss on sale of depreciable assets
- pollution control facilities
- mining exploration and development costs
- circulation expenses
- research and experimental expenditures
- passive tax shelter farm activities
Tax preference items (always added back) :
- Private activity bond tax exempt interest
- Pre-1987 accelerated depreciation on real and leased personal property
- percentage depletion deduction (excess over adjusted basis)
Subtract AMT credits to reduce AMT Some credits include: 1) Foreign Tax credit 2) Adoption credit 3) Child tax credit 4) Contributions to retirements plans credit 5) Earned income credit 6) Small business health care tax credit
Taxpayers can reduce their AMT by the full amount of their nonrefundable personal tax credits
- Any amounts of medicare tax withheld by the employer in excess of $250,000 MFJ, $125,000 MFS, $200,000 for other taxpayers can be claimed as a credit on the taxpayers income tax return
- Tax penalty for individuals not covered by health insurance
- the tax is the lesser of $325 per person or 1% of family income with max income of $975
- children assessed at 50% of min penalty
- no penalty for a gap in coverage of 3 months or less
- certain low income taxpayers are exempt
- penalty is prorated by month
What is the statute of limitations for an assessment?
Period during which the government can assess an additional tax
Generally three years later of:
1) the due date of the return
2) date the return is filed
25% understatement of gross income:
six years from the later of:
1) the due date of the return
2) date the return is filed
Reopen closed tax years if taxpayer finds a deduction in an open tax year that was erroneously taken in a closed tax year, IRS may disallow the deduction in the closed tax year also
Fraud and False returns have no statute of limitations
What is the statute of limitations for a refund?
Period which a taxpayer can claim and receive a refund.
The later of:
1) Three years from the original due date of the return OR
2) Three years from the date the return was filed OR
3) two years form the time the tax was paid (if not when the return was filed)
For bad debts and worthless securities:
7 years from the later of:
1) the due date of the return
2) date the return is filed
Tax (pre) payements
A taxpayer typically makes prepayements of tax during the year.
These payment reduce the amount shown as total tax on the reutnr and reuslt in the calculation of tax due to the IRS or refund due to the taxpayer
Payments include:
1) taxed withheld from paychecks
2) estimated taxes paid (quarterly or applied from another year)
3) excess social security tax withheld (from 2 or more employers)
Who must make estimated payments (quarterly tax payments)?
Taxpayers with:
1) $1,000 or more tax liability (excess of tax liability over withholding)
The taxpayer’s withholding is less than the lesser of:
1) 90% of current years tax, OR
2) 100% of last years tax, even if 0 tax liability in prior year [110% is used if the taxpayers AGI > $150,000 ($75,000 MFS)]
Failure to pay estimated taxes
Results in an assessed penalty.
There is no penalty if the balance of tax due at filing is under $1,000 .
IRS may waive penalty if failure to pay was due to casualty, disaster, illness or death of the taxpayer.
Withholding tax treated as estimated payments
If estimated payments have been insufficient to avoid a penalty, a taxpayer can increase withholding from wages before year end and the withholding will be considered to have been paid evenly throughout the period.
Don Mills, a single taxpayer, had $70,000 in taxable income before personal exemptions in the current year. Mills had no tax preferences. His itemized deductions were as follows:
State and local income taxes - $ 5,000
Home mortgage interest on loan to acquire residence - $6,000
Miscellaneous deductions that exceed 2% of adjusted gross income - $2,000
What amount did Mills report as alternative minimum taxable income before the AMT exemption?
Choice “c” is correct. Mills’ alternative minimum taxable income starts with his taxable income ($70,000). This is increased by state and local taxes paid ($5,000) and miscellaneous deductions that exceed 2% of adjusted gross income ($2,000) for a total of $77,000. The home mortgage interest on a loan to acquire the residence ($6,000) does not increase alternative minimum taxable income.
Choice “d” is incorrect. State and local income taxes must be added back to Mills’ taxable income in calculating alternative minimum taxable income.
Choice “a” is incorrect. Miscellaneous deductions that exceed 2% of AGI must be added back to Mills’ taxable income in calculating alternative minimum taxable income.
Choice “b” is incorrect. Home mortgage interest is not added back to Mills’ taxable income to calculate alternative minimum taxable income.
Alternative minimum tax preferences include:
Tax exempt Charitable contributions of
interest from private appreciated capital
activity bonds gain property
a. Yes Yes
b. No No
c. Yes No
d. No Yes
Yes, No.
Choice “c” is correct. Tax exempt interest from private activity bonds (generally) and accelerated depletion, depreciation, or amortization are alternative minimum tax preference items. Charitable contributions of appreciated capital gain property are not alternative minimum tax preferences.
The credit for prior year alternative minimum tax liability may be carried:
a. Forward indefinitely.
b. Back to the 3 preceding years or carried forward for a maximum of 5 years.
c. Back to the 3 preceding years.
d. Forward for a maximum of 5 years.
Forward indefinitely.
Choice “a” is correct. Alternative minimum tax (AMT) paid can be claimed as a credit against other years if the tax was paid on items that increased AMT that year but will reverse in later years. The concept is the same as deferred taxes for financial accounting purposes. The credit is carried forward indefinitely.