Chapter 2 - HMRC Rules for Crystallisation Events Flashcards
The Lifetime Allowance (LTA)
12/13 and 13/14 = £1.5m 14/15 and 15/16 = £1.25m 16/17 and 17/18 = £1m 18/19 = £1030000 19/20 = £1055000 Increase by CPI thereafter.
Benefit Crystallisation Events (BCEs)
Scheme pension
Lifetime Annuity
Drawdown pension
Tested against LTA post age 75. Called UNUSED FUNDS.
13 BCEs in total. Each valued differently.
If in excess of LTA, benefits are taxed:-
55% if taken as lump sum, 25% if taken as income.
If liability arises on death, recipient is responsible for paying charge.
Max entitlement to PCLS is 25% of LTA.. therefore, if only proportion of LTA left, PCLS calc is 25% of that, which may be less than 25% of MP fund.
LTA charge is deducted from funds after PCLS taken and remainder into drawdown.
Member and Administrator Joint and Severally Liable
Benefits pre A Day
Valuation only starts on first BCE post A Day. % is established then used for all future calls for BCEs.
25:1 valuation factor used for pre A Day income benefits.
E.G. Income is £10000, so value is £250000.
Value for drawdown pre A Day, depends on form of drawdown.
Complex but effectively results in 120% of basis amount x 25.
Max amounts are basis amounts x 150%. (just that before 27 March 2014 on M DECLARATION flexi
Calcs are 80% x (25 x max amount) on BCE
Higher Lifetime Allowance
Not UK resident.
Transferred in from overseas.
Sharing order re divorce benefits.
Pre A Day which has been reg for Primary Protection.
2012 - £1.5m If reg for Fixed Protection 2012 re reduction to £1.5m
2014 - £1.25m If reg for Fixed Protection 2014 or Ind Prot re red to £1.25m
2016 - £1m If reg for Fixed Protection 2016 or Ind Prot re red to £1m
Minimum Pension Age
- Before 55 on ill health grounds.
Or if member has a right as at 5/4/06.
If trivial commutation or small pots paid, this is NOT tested against LTA.
Transitional Protection for Occ Schemes
Rules of scheme may allow benefits at age 50.
Provision was in rules before 10/Dec/2003.
All benefits taken in full.
Minimum age increasing. 2028 will be age 57. SPA will be 67 by then.
So MPA always 10 years earlier than SPA.
Lump Sums - PCLS
PCLS is Max is lower of 25% of capital value of benefits or 25% of available portion of remaining LTA
Lump Sums - UFPLS
Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum
Using unused/ uncrystallised funds only from MP and not designating funds to drawdown. Since April 15. This is trigger event for MPAA.
If UFPLS is > LTA, choices…
Reduce UFPLS to within limit.
Take intended amount and suffer LTA tax charge at 55%
Take UFPLS to available LTA and trf rest to drawdown, then be taxed at only 25% LTA tax charge.
If over 75 and no LTA left, full amount taken taxed under PAYE.
Small Pots
Less than £10000. Max from non-occ schemes is 3.
No limit on unconnected occ schemes.
Not tested against LTA.
Tax is as usual, 25%, remainder at PAYE.
Trivial Commutation
Occ scheme only, total of ALL pension rights less than £30000, can pay cash lump sum.
Only 1 commutation period in lifetime.
If more than one scheme, can commute one but not other.
Tax is 25% tax free and 75% at PAYE. Example says full is PAYE at 19.
Serious health commutation
Must have LTA remaining.
Under 75… payment tax free up to LTA. Excess has LTA lump sum charge at 55%.
Over 75, ill health lump sum - PAYE
Member Benefits - Income
Options are secured pension or unsecured/drawdown
Scheme Pension
DB is income from scheme pension
MP.. lifetime annuity option given first then scheme pension.
Remember 12 members MP
Does not trigger MPAA
If received prior to 75, tested against LTA.
Lifetime Annuity
Trigger for MPAA. Flexible annuities can vary.
Pre 75, tested against LTA.
If over 75 and annuity is from previously crystallised funds, no LTA test.
Capped and Flexi-access
Capped, only if other funds designated pre 6/4/15.
Limit is 150% of basis amount.
No new capped now.
Flexi access, replaced flexible drawdown. No limit on amount than can be drawn.