Chapter 2 - Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Flashcards
- A system component that receives input from automatic and manual fire alarm devices and may provide power to detection devices or communication devices.
Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)
p 22
The _________________________ contains the electronics that supervise and monitor the fire alarm system.
fire alarm control panel (FACP)
p 22
The FACP basically serves as the _______ for the alarm system.
p 22
The _________ electrical power supply usually is obtained from the buildings main connection to the local utility provider.
p 22
A ____________ power supply must be provided for the detection and alarm system.
p 23
The secondary power supply system must be capable of making the system fully operational within a ?
specified time period
p 23
The time period requirements for secondary power operation capabilities vary and can be found in NFPA _______.
p 23
_____________ __________ are the manual and automatic devices that are activated or sense the presence of the products of combustion or other hazardous conditions and then send a signal to the FACP.
Initiating devices
p 23
Manual pull stations, heat detectors, smoke detectors, flame detectors, water flow devices, tamper switches, combination detectors and other specialty suppression systems are examples of ?
Initiating devices
p 23
Local ____________ devices include bells, buzzers, horns, recorded voice messages, strobe lights, speakers, and other warning applications.
p 23
Notification applications fall under the following categories which can be used in any combination:
- __________ - approved sounding devices such as horns, bells or speakers
- _________ - approved lighting devices such as strobes or flashing lights
- __________ - visual texts or symbols
- ________ - indication of a fire or emergency through sense of touch or vibration
- Audible
- Visual
- Textual
- Tactile
p 24
Off site reporting:
- Provides transmission through two separate phone lines (one at a time) to provide a redundant method to signal transmission to a monitoring station.
- Digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT)
p 24
Off site reporting:
- Sends a radio signal from a digital radio transmitter located at the protected premises to a monitoring station.
- Digital alarm radio system (DARS)
p 24
Off site reporting:
- Uses cellular phone technology to transmit a signal from the protected premises to a monitoring station.
- Cellular
p 24
Off site reporting:
- Transmits a signal from the protected premises to a monitoring station via an approved internet connection.
- Internet protocol
p 24
Off site reporting:
- Uses a hard wired system that communicates a signal from the protected premises directly to the emergency services telecommunications center or other approved location.
- City tie / polarity reversal
p 24
- Device that restricts the flow of smoke through an air-handling system; usually activated by the buildings fire alarm signaling system.
Smoke Damper
p 24
Smoke detectors differ from smoke alarms in that they do not include a ________ notification appliance. When activated, smoke detectors send a signal to a ________ or similar device. The ________ then initiates the alarm to notify occupants.
local / FACP / FACP
p 25
- Alarm initiating device designed to actuate when visible or invisible products of combustion (other than fire gases) are present in the room or space where the unit is installed.
Smoke Detector
p 25
A ____________ signal is one that is used to indicate an off-normal condition of the complete fire protection system.
p 26
A ___________ signal indicates a problem with a monitored circuit or component of the fire alarm system or the power supply for the system.
p 26
A __________ signal indicates a problem with the fire alarm itself. A __________ alarm indicates a problem with an accessory of the fire alarm system.
trouble / supervisory
p 26
- Signal given by a fixed fire protection system when there is a condition in the system that is off-normal.
Supervisory signal
p 26
- Signal given by a fixed fire protection alerting system when a power failure or other system malfunction occurs.
Trouble signal
p 26
A ___________ __________ system or _______ alarm system is designed to provide notification to building occupants only on the immediate premises.
protected premises / local
p 26
- Alarm system that alerts and notifies only occupants on the premises of the existence of a fire so that they can safely exit the building and call the fire department. If a response by a public safety agency (police or fire) is required, an occupant hearing the alarm must notify the agency.
Protected Premises System
p 26
Sometimes employed in locations such as a hospital where greater assistance is needed to help occupants, this system alerts emergency personnel before the general occupancy is notified ?
Presignal Alarms
p 27
A ___________ system is the simplest type of local alarm. When an alarm-initiating device, such as a smoke detector, sends a signal to the FACP, all of the alarm-signaling devices operate simultaneously.
non coded
p 27
These systems are only practical in small occupancies with a limited number of rooms and initiating devices ?
Noncoded alarm
p 27
Fire-alarm system _____________ enables emergency responders to identify the general ___________ (_______) of alarm device activation.
annunciation / location (zone)
p 27
In this type of system, an annunciator panel, FACP, or a printout visibly indicates the building, floor, fire zone, or other area that coincides with the location of an operating alarm-initiating device ?
Zoned / Annunciated Alarm
p 27
_____________ alarm systems display the location of each initiating device on the FACP or annunciator panel.
p 28
A ______________ __________ alarm system is a system that is continuously monitored at a remote location for the purpose of reporting supervisory, trouble, or alarm signal to the appropriate authorities.
supervising station
p 28
These alarm systems are the predominant type of signal-monitoring systems used in the United States ?
Supervising station alarm systems
p 28
- System that connects the protected property with the fire department alarm communications center by a municipal master fire alarm box or over a dedicated telephone line.
Auxiliary alarm system
p 29
Two types of auxiliary fire alarm systems are the ________ ________ system and the _______-______ auxiliary fire alarm system.
local energy / shunt-type
p 29
Auxiliary alarm systems:
A ________ _________ system has its own power source and does not depend on the supply source that powers the entire municipal fire alarm system.
local energy
p 29
Auxiliary alarm systems
A _______ system is electrically connected to an integral part of the municipal fire alarm system and depends on the municipal system’s source of electric power.
p 29
NFPA _____ allows only manual ______ stations and ________ _______ detection devices to be used on shunt systems. Fire ___________ devices are not permitted on a shunt system.
72 / pull / water flow / detection
p 29
A ______________ system is used to protect large commercial and industrial buildings, high-rise structures, and groups of commonly owned facilities such as a college campus or industrial complex in single or multiple locations.
p 29
The __________ __________ of a proprietary system is continuously staffed by personnel who are trained in the system’s operation and can take necessary actions upon an alarm activation.
receiving station
p 29
- Fire protection system owned and operated by the property owner.
Proprietary Alarm System
p 29
A ____________ _____________ system consists of a dedicated telephone line between each individual alarm box or protected property and the FD telecommunications center.
parallel telephone
p 30
A __________ __________ system is monitored by contracted services at a receiving point called the central station.
central station
p 31
A central station is required to have a __________ service. The ___________ must be a qualified technician who can respond within _____ hours of an alarm or supervisory condition and within ____ hours for a trouble condition.
runner / runner / 2 / 4
p 31
All central stations systems and communication methods should meet the requirements set forth in NFPA ______.
p 31
These systems are not connected to the emergency services telecommunications center through a municipal alarm box system. Instead this system is connected by another means, usually a telephone line ?
Remote receiving systems
p 31
This system is a supplementary system that may be placed in a facility in addition to one of the other types of detection and alarm signaling systems ?
emergency communications system
p 31
- Alarm system that functions through a constantly attended location operated by an alarm company. Alarm signals from the protected property are received in the _________ _________ and are then retransmitted by trained personnel to the fire department alarm communications center.
Central station system / central station
p 31
- System in which alarm signals from the protected premises are transmitted over a leased telephone line to a _________ ___________ station with a 24 hours staff; usually the municipal FDs alarm communications center.
Remote receiving system / remote receiving
p 31
This system warns building occupants that action is needed and tells them what action to take. This is the type that is most commonly used ?
one-way voice notification system
p 31
This system allows people at other locations in the building to communicate with the person at the fire command center using either intercom controls or special telephones ?
two-way communications system
p 32
Most building codes require these systems in high rise structures ?
Two-way communication systems
p 32
The purpose of this system is to provide for emergency communications to a large number of people on a wide scale basis ?
mass notification system (MNS)
p 32
Mass notification systems
No other message should override the _______ _________ message except under specific circumstances.
fire alarm
p 32-33
- System that notifies occupants of a dangerous situation and allows for information and instructions to be provided.
Mass notification system (MNS)
p 32
Manual alarm initiating devices commonly called __________ ______ _________ or ______ ________ are placed in structures to allow occupants to manually initiate the fire signaling system.
manual pull stations / pull boxes
p 33
Although manual pull stations come in a variety of shapes and sizes, fire alarm pull stations are required to be _______ in color with ________ lettering that specifies what they are and how they are to be used.
red / white
p 33
According to NFPA _____, the pull station should be mounted on walls or columns so that the operable part is no less than ____ feet and no more than ____ feet above the floor so that it can be easily accessed by all occupants.
72 / 3 1/2 / 4
p 33
Multistory facilities should have at least one pull station on each ________. In all cases, travel distance to the manual pull station should not exceed ______ feet.
floor / 200
p 33
NFPA _____ also requires that pull stations be placed within _____ feet of every exit so that facility occupants can activate an alarm while they are exiting the facility.
72 / 5
p 33
__________________ covers have take the place of glass; however these types of pull stations may still be found in many older structures.
p 33
Some pull stations leave a ______ or ____________ residue on the activator to discourage malicious false alarms.
dye or ultraviolet
p 33
Manual pull stations can be ________-action or _______-action.
single or dual
p 33
Depending on the type of system they serve, pull stations may be either _________ or ___________.
coded or noncoded
p 34
Automatic alarm-initiating devices, commonly called ___________, continuously monitor the atmosphere of a building, compartment, or area.
p 34
Four basic types of automatic alarm initiating devices are those that detect ______, ________, fire ________ and ________.
heat, smoke, fire gases and flames
p 35
These detectors are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of systems and are the least prone to false activations ?
Fixed-temperature heat detectors
p 35
According to NFPA _____ heat sensing fire detectors must be ________ coded and marked with their listed operating ______________.
72 / color / temperature
p 35
All heat detection devices operate on one or more of the three following principles:
- Heat causes ______________ of various materials
- Heat causes ____________ of certain materials
- Heated materials have _________________ properties that are detectable
- expansion
- melting
- thermoelectric
p 35
- Temperature sensitive device that senses temperature changes and sounds an alarm at a specific point, usually 135*F or higher.
Fixed-temperature heat detector
p 35
- Connecting link device that fuses or melts when exposed to heat; used in sprinklers, fire doors, dampers, and ventilators.
Fusible link
p 36
- Small glass vial fitted into a detector or sprinkler. The glass vial is partly filled with a liquid that expands as heat builds up. At a predetermined temperature, vapor pressure causes the glass bulb to break, which activates the device.
Frangible bulb
p 36
- Strip or disk composed of two different metals that are bonded together; used in heat detection equipment.
p 36
__________ ________ are used to hold a spring device in the detector in the open position.
Fusible links
p 36
A ___________ heat detector uses two types of metal that have different heat expansion ratios.
p 36
One style of heat-detection device, the ____________-_______ device, can be used to detect conditions over a wide area.
continuous-line (or linear)
p 37
There are two models of continuous line heat detectors available today:
- One model consist of a conductive metal inner _______ ________ that is sheathed in stainless steel tubing.
- A second model uses ______ ________ that are each insulated and bundled within an outer covering.
- core cable
- two wires
p 37
- Temperature sensitive device that sounds an alarm when the temperature changes at preset value, such as 12F to 15F per minute.
Rate of rise heat detector
p 38
These detectors operate on the principle that fires rapidly increase the temperature in a given area ?
rate or rise heat detector
p 38
The tubing in these systems is limited to about _______ feet in length. The tubing should be arranged in rows that are not more than ____ feet apart and _____ feet from walls ?
Pneumatic rate of rise line heat detector / 1000 / 30 / 15
p 38
In this detector the _______ heat detector is self contained in one unit that monitors a specific location. Alarm wiring extends from the detector back to the FACP ?
Pneumatic rate of rise spot heat detector / spot
p 38
This detector contains an outer bimetallic sleeve with a moderate expansion rate. These are designed for use in areas that are subject to regular temperature changes but at rates slower than those of fire conditions ?
Rate-compensation heat detector
p 38
This detector consists of one or more thermistors that produce a marked change in electrical resistance when exposed to heat ?
Electronic spot type heat detector
p 39
Electronic spot type heat detector
Greater changes in ______________ result in larger amounts of _________ flowing and activation of the alarm system.
temperature / current
p 39
About _____ percent of fire deaths are attributed to smoke inhalation and not to burns.
p 39
From a life safety standpoint, _________ __________ are the preferred devices in many occupancies such as residential, health care, and institutional care facilities.
smoke detectors
p 39
True or false:
Smoke detectors sense the presence of products of combustion much more quickly than heat-detection devices ?
p 39
Two basic styles of smoke detectors are in use: ______________ and _____________.
photoelectric and ionization
p 40
- Type of smoke detector that uses a small light source, either an incandescent bulb or a light emitting diode (LED) to detect smoke by shinning light through the detectors chamber: smoke particles reflect the light into a light sensitive device called a photocell.
Photoelectric smoke detector
p 40
A ______________ smoke detector works satisfactorily on all types of fires and usually responds more quickly to smoldering fire than ionization smoke detectors.
p 40
Photoelectric smoke detectors are best suited for _________ _______ or ____________ because these rooms often contain large pieces of furniture such as sofas, chairs, and mattresses that can burn slowly and create more smoke than flames.
living rooms and bedrooms
p 40
The ____________ - ______ or light obscuration style of photoelectric detector uses a beam of light focused across the area being monitored onto a photoelectric receiving device such as a photodiode.
p 40
Projected beam application smoke detectors are particularly useful in buildings where a _______ ______ of coverage is desired such as churches, atriums or warehouses.
large area
p 41
A _____________ ______________, or light-scattering smoke detector uses a beam of light from a light-emitting diode (LED) that passes through a small chamber at a point distant from the light source.
refractory application
p 41
- Type of smoke detector that uses a small amount of radioactive material to make the air within a sensing chamber conduct electricity.
Ionization Detector
p 41
Products of combustion interfere with the ionized particles and result in a ____________ in the chamber current between the plates, eventually causing an alarm to sound.
p 41
Changes in _____________ and ____________ pressure in the room can cause an ionization detector to malfunction and initiate a false alarm.
humidity and atmospheric
p 42
An ionization smoke detector works satisfactorily on all types of fires, although it generally responds more quickly to _________ _______ than photoelectric smoke detectors.
flaming fires
p 42
The ionization detector is an ____________ resetting type and is best suited for rooms that contain highly _____________ materials such as cooking fat/grease, flammable liquids, newspapers, paint and cleaning solutions.
automatic / combustible
p 42
_______ __________ detectors are installed in the return or supply ducts of HVAC systems to prevent smoke and products of combustion from being spread throughout the building.
Duct smoke
p 43
An _____-__________ smoke detector is a specialty type of smoke detector that is designed to continuously monitor a small amount of air from the protected area.
p 43
________-_________ smoke detectors operate on the principle of detecting changes in a digital video image from a camera or a series of cameras.
p 44
- Detection and alarm device used in some fire detection systems (generally in high hazard areas) that detect light/flames in the ultraviolet wave spectrum (UV detectors) or detect light in the infrared wave spectrum (IR detectors).
Flame detector
p 44
Only ________, carbon _____________, and carbon _________ are released from all carbonaceous materials that burn.
water / monoxide / dioxide
p 45
- Device used to detect gases provided by a fire within a confined space.
Fire-gas detector
p 45
_______________ detectors allow the benefit of both services and increase their responsiveness to fire conditions.
p 45
An automatic initiating device that is required on automatic sprinkler systems is the ___________ ________.
water flow device
p 45
- Detector that recognizes movement of water within the sprinkler or standpipe system. Once movement is noted, the detector gives a local alarm and/or may transmit the alarm.
Water flow device
p 45
These devices are used to supervise automatic sprinkler systems and monitor the condition of the systems. These devices monitor fire protection control valves that supply the sprinkler and other fire protection systems ?
Supervisory devices
p 45
Test that are conducted when the systems are installed are commonly called ______________ tests. Periodic testing is often referred to as ___________ testing.
acceptance / service
p 46
- Preservice test on fire detection and/or suppression systems after the installation to ensure that the system operates as intended.
Acceptance test
p 46
- Series of tests performed on fire detection and/or suppression systems in order to ensure operational readiness. These tests should be performed at least yearly or whenever the system has undergone extensive repair or modification.
Service Test
p 46
A permanent record of all detector test should be maintained by the system owner for at least ____ years.
5 years
p 49
A _________________ ________-________________ detector cannot be tested periodically. Testing would destroy the detector and require the system to be rendered inoperable until a replacement detector could be located and installed. For this reason, test are not required until ____ years after the detector has been installed.
nonrestorable fixed-temperature / 15 years
p 49
If any of these systems use backup electrical generators for emergency power, those generators should run under load ___________ for at least ______ minutes.
monthly / 30
p 50
It is recommended that records be maintained for the entire ?
life of the building
p 51