Chapter 2: Faith, Reason, and the Holy Spirit in Hermeneutics (John T. Baldwin) Flashcards
The… approach [taken in the interpretation of Scripture—as explained by John T. Baldwin—] rests upon __(?)_\_and upon the concept that __(?)_\_. It assumes that __(?)_\_.
The… approach [taken in the interpretation of Scripture—as explained by John T. Baldwin—] rests upon the unity and clarity of the Scriptures as a whole and upon the concept that the entire Bible is the propositional, infallible Word of God. It assumes that what the text meant originally is, in principle, what the text means for us today.
Hermeneutics involves a rational process that utilizes the reasoning powers of the human intellect, thereby assigning a central role to human reason in the interpretation of Scripture. However, a series of questions addresses reason and faith as related to hermeneutics. Are the truths __(?)_\_commensurable with the truths __(?)_\_? Is __(?)_\_possible? Moreover, is reason—understood as __(?)_\_—either __(?)_\_or __(?)_\_ in the interpretation of the written Word of God? What effect might __(?)_\_have upon human reason? Moreover, can reason be influenced either positively or negatively by __(?)_\_ perhaps even __(?)_\_?
These issues are so basic that they have received major attention through the Christian era and continue to be vigorously discussed.
Hermeneutics involves a rational process that utilizes the reasoning powers of the human intellect, thereby assigning a central role to human reason in the interpretation of Scripture. However, a series of questions addresses reason and faith as related to hermeneutics. Are the truths open to discovery by reason commensurable with the truths of faith? Is discourse between the two realms possible? Moreover, is reason—understood as the human power to think, to deliberate, to solve problems, to distinguish, to judge, and to choose freely—either a fully trustworthy power or the sole factor in the interpretation of the written Word of God? What effect might sin have upon human reason? Moreover, can reason be influenced either positively or negatively by supernatural powers perhaps even unknown to the interpreter?
These issues are so basic that they have received major attention through the Christian era and continue to be vigorously discussed.
Hermeneutics involves a rational process that utilizes the reasoning powers of the human intellect, thereby assigning a central role to human reason in the interpretation of Scripture. However, a series of questions addresses reason and faith as related to hermeneutics…
…does faith—understood as __(?)_\_—play a role in hermeneutics as well? If so, what is its role and how does this kind of faith relate to __(?)_\_ in hermeneutics?
These issues are so basic that they have received major attention through the Christian era and continue to be vigorously discussed.
Hermeneutics involves a rational process that utilizes the reasoning powers of the human intellect, thereby assigning a central role to human reason in the interpretation of Scripture. However, a series of questions addresses reason and faith as related to hermeneutics…
…does faith—understood as a divinely inspired trust in, and commitment to, God and to the canonical Scripture as the authoritative Written Word of God—play a role in hermeneutics as well? If so, what is its role and how does this kind of faith relate to reason in hermeneutics?
These issues are so basic that they have received major attention through the Christian era and continue to be vigorously discussed.
Hermeneutics involves a rational process that utilizes the reasoning powers of the human intellect, thereby assigning a central role to human reason in the interpretation of Scripture. However, a series of questions addresses reason and faith as related to hermeneutics.
…are there __(?)_\_to human reason in hermeneutics? If so, __(?)_\_, and __(?)_\_? If __(?)_\_ and __(?)_\_seem to clash regarding a particular interpretation of Scripture, how shall the tension be resolved? Should either __(?)_\_ or __(?)_\_ have the final authority in such instances? If so, on what basis could either be granted final authority?
These issues are so basic that they have received major attention through the Christian era and continue to be vigorously discussed.
Hermeneutics involves a rational process that utilizes the reasoning powers of the human intellect, thereby assigning a central role to human reason in the interpretation of Scripture. However, a series of questions addresses reason and faith as related to hermeneutics.
…are there limits to human reason in hermeneutics? If so, what are they, and upon what are they grounded? If faith and reason seem to clash regarding a particular interpretation of Scripture, how shall the tension be resolved? Should either faith or reason have the final authority in such instances? If so, on what basis could either be granted final authority?
These issues are so basic that they have received major attention through the Christian era and continue to be vigorously discussed.
…in discussing faith and reason there is a sense that, in some fashion, it is good to __(?)_\_. Peter urges believers to be prepared to __(?)_\_ (1 Pet 3:15). This implies __(?)_\_and, hence, seems to endorse, in some fashion, what has been called “__(?)_\_.” [Footnote: See Alvin Plantinga’s massive influential work entitled, __(?)_\_(2000).] While the Christian may not have __(?)_\_ as __(?)_\_, the existence of __(?)_\_ may be expected.
…in discussing faith and reason there is a sense that, in some fashion, it is good to take account of criticism through rational analysis. Peter urges believers to be prepared to present a “reason” or a “defense” to anyone who asks questions regarding some Christian position (1 Pet 3:15). This implies the importance of evidence in relation to belief and, hence, seems to endorse, in some fashion, what has been called “warranted Christian belief.” [Footnote: See Alvin Plantinga’s massive influential work entitled, Warranted Christian Belief (2000).] While the Christian may not have demonstrable proof as warrants for beliefs, the existence of sufficient evidence may be expected.
__(?)_\_ has described the relationship between evidence and faith as follows:
God never asks us to believe, without __(?)_\_. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all __(?)_\_; and __(?)_\_. Yet God has never removed __(?)_\_. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt __(?)_\_; while those who really desire to know the truth __(?)_\_ (SC105).
Ellen White has described the relationship between evidence and faith as follows:
God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason; and this testimony is abundant. Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith (SC105).
…in discussions of faith and of reason, we also recognize the value of __(?)_\_, experiencing the self-authenticating power of __(?)_\_ upon the mind.
…in discussions of faith and of reason, we also recognize the value of personal faith, experiencing the self-authenticating power of the Holy Spirit upon the mind.
The question arises: What is the relationship between reason, faith, and the Holy Spirit? Could the answer be that __(?)_\_? The Holy Spirit __(?)_\_. This __(?)_\_of the reasoning powers respecting __(?)_\_, particularly __(?)_\_. It also endorses __(?)_\_ as __(?)_\_. However, are the human reasoning powers always and fully dependable? This question introduces us to the… discussion of the distinction between __(?)_\_ and __(?)_\_ human reason.
The question arises: What is the relationship between reason, faith, and the Holy Spirit? Could the answer be that these elements are related functionally? The Holy Spirit draws us through the evidence. This amplifies the importance of the reasoning powers respecting evidence, particularly textual evidence. It also endorses the necessary contemporary work of God as leading to truth through the evidence. However, are the human reasoning powers always and fully dependable? This question introduces us to the… discussion of the distinction between unregenerate and regenerate human reason.
According to the biblical worldview the human rational power, reason, or mind consistently is characterized as __(?)_\_. Describing the natural rational power as __(?)_\_,” Jeremiah claims that it is “__(?)_\_” (Jer 17:9, NEB). Can this “__(?)_\_” natural reason that, according to the Word of God, __(?)_\_” (Eph 5:3-4, NKJV) and __(?)_\_” (Eph 5:8) interpret the Bible correctly? Paul responds as follows to this question: “__(?)_\_” (1 Cor 2:14, KJV).
According to the biblical worldview the human rational power, reason, or mind consistently is characterized as impacted by sin. Describing the natural rational power as the “heart,” Jeremiah claims that it is “more deceitful than all else and desperately sick” (Jer 17:9, NEB). Can this “sick” natural reason that, according to the Word of God, loves “uncleanness, covetousness” and “foolish talking and jesting” (Eph 5:3-4, NKJV) and other works of “darkness” (Eph 5:8) interpret the Bible correctly? Paul responds as follows to this question: “The natural man, [unchanged reason, or rationality] receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14, KJV).
Paul admonishes his listeners to “__(?)_\_” (Rom 12:2). This passage seems to suggest that __(?)_\_. Paul equates __(?)_\_with __(?)_\_” (Titus 3:5). Ellen G. White concurs: “__(?)_\_” (RH, Sept. 23, 1884, p. 609).
This raises the question of whether __(?)_\_or __(?)_\_ should hold priority in hermeneutics when apparent conflicts arise between these two contrasting ways of knowing.
The NT, in particular, addresses this issue. Using military metaphorical language, Paul admonishes his hearers to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor 10:5, NKJV). The implication is that __(?)_\_. In other words, __(?)_\_.
Placing __(?)_\_above __(?)_\_ in this fashion prepares the Christian to __(?)_\_…
Paul admonishes his listeners to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12:2). This passage seems to suggest that a renewed reason is required for a person to understand properly the will of God. Paul equates the renewing of the mind with the “regeneration by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). Ellen G. White concurs: “The grace of Christ is needed to refine and purify the mind” (RH, Sept. 23, 1884, p. 609).
This raises the question of whether faith or reason should hold priority in hermeneutics when apparent conflicts arise between these two contrasting ways of knowing.
The NT, in particular, addresses this issue. Using military metaphorical language, Paul admonishes his hearers to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor 10:5, NKJV). The implication is that the teachings of Christ, as found in the Scriptures, are to be elevated in authority over competing claims of human reason. In other words, all thoughts, whether geological, philosophical, or theological, will resonate with, and thus be “captive to” the teaching of Christ.
Placing faith above reason in this fashion prepares the Christian to be willing to deny the evidences of the human senses if empirical phenomena appear to dispute some teachings of Scripture…
Placing faith above reason… prepares the Christian to be willing to deny the evidences of the human senses if empirical phenomena appear to dispute some teachings of Scripture, e..g, Jesus predicted counterfeit comings of future false Christs (__(?)_\_). In view of this, __(?)_\_ asks, “Are the people of God now so firmly established upon His word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses? Would they, in such a crisis, cling to the Bible and the Bible only?” (GC 625).
Placing faith above reason… prepares the Christian to be willing to deny the evidences of the human senses if empirical phenomena appear to dispute some teachings of Scripture, e..g, Jesus predicted counterfeit comings of future false Christs (Matt 24:24-27). In view of this, Ellen White asks, “Are the people of God now so firmly established upon His word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses? Would they, in such a crisis, cling to the Bible and the Bible only?” (GC 625).
While it is important in instances of apparent conflict to place faith in the Bible and its claims above those of secular human reasoning, we may need to confess temporarily and freely __(?)_\_. However, we also may rest by faith on the assurance that __(?)_\_. [Footnote: Cr. Jon Paulien, “The Final Deception: An Evil, Counterfeit Trinity Is Now Making Ready for War,” Adventist Review, Oct. 29, 1998, p. 10.]
While it is important in instances of apparent conflict to place faith in the Bible and its claims above those of secular human reasoning, we may need to confess temporarily and freely our current level of ignorance in finding methods of resolving certain issues. However, we also may rest by faith on the assurance that when God finally reveals all things in the new earth, genuine harmony will be seen in matters that now appear dissonant and irreconcilable. [Footnote: Cr. Jon Paulien, “The Final Deception: An Evil, Counterfeit Trinity Is Now Making Ready for War,” Adventist Review, Oct. 29, 1998, p. 10.]
In addition to the impact of sin upon human reason, accepting __(?)_\_highlights reasons why it is difficult, if not impossible, for the natural mind to interpret the Bible correctly. Fallen spiritual powers, Satan and his angles, can __(?)_\_. This is particularly true when __(?)_\_. The attempts of Satan and evil angels to __(?)_\_ cannot be dismissed. We must also consider the positive hermeneutical role of __(?)_\_upon __(?)_\_. While the effect of these forces is easily overemphasized, in hermeneutics we need to __(?)_\_.
In addition to the impact of sin upon human reason, accepting a literal interpretation of Scripture highlights reasons why it is difficult, if not impossible, for the natural mind to interpret the Bible correctly. Fallen spiritual powers, Satan and his angles, can influence the exegete. This is particularly true when the biblical interpreter denies that these fallen supernatural powers exist as real beings, able to influence the mind, and allegorizes them into mere symbols of evil. The attempts of Satan and evil angels to redirect interpretations of the Bible cannot be dismissed. We must also consider the positive hermeneutical role of the holy angels upon humans. While the effect of these forces is easily overemphasized, in hermeneutics we need to be sensitive to the influence of both holy and unholy angels.
[On the dangers inherent in biblical interpretation wherein the “interpreter denies that… fallen supernatural powers exist as real beings, able to influence the mind, and allegorizes them into mere symbols of evil,” __(?)_\_ refernences the following:]
See Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, vol. III, part 3: The Doctrine of Creation (Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1960), pp. 519-531; Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1951-1957), 1:134, 2:27; Rudolf Bultmann, “New Testament and Mythology,” in Kerygma and Myth: A Theological Debate, ed. Hans Werner Bartsch, trans. Reginald H. Fuller (London: S.P.C.K., 1957), pp. 4-5.
[On the dangers inherent in biblical interpretation wherein the “interpreter denies that… fallen supernatural powers exist as real beings, able to influence the mind, and allegorizes them into mere symbols of evil,” John T. Baldwin refernences the following:]
See Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, vol. III, part 3: The Doctrine of Creation (Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1960), pp. 519-531; Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1951-1957), 1:134, 2:27; Rudolf Bultmann, “New Testament and Mythology,” in Kerygma and Myth: A Theological Debate, ed. Hans Werner Bartsch, trans. Reginald H. Fuller (London: S.P.C.K., 1957), pp. 4-5.
In some biblical passages angels are commissioned to __(?)_\_. A classic example is recorded in Daniel 8 in which __(?)_\_” (Dan 8:16). In the following chapter Daniel asks for further assistance and __(?)_\_; Gabriel tells him, “__(?)_\_” (Dan 9:22-23).
In some biblical passages angels are commissioned to work with specific individuals in understanding the Word of God. A classic example is recorded in Daniel 8 in which Gabriel is sent to “give this man [Daniel] understanding of the vision” (Dan 8:16). In the following chapter Daniel asks for further assistance and receives it; Gabriel tells him, “I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding… give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision” (Dan 9:22-23).
In some biblical passages angels are commissioned to __(?)_\_…
Angelic assistance in hermeneutics appears… in the NT. Speaking to Mary and to the other women at the empty tomb, an angel says, “__(?)_\_” (Luke 24:6-7). Here an angel not only helps them __(?)_\_ but assists them __(?)_\_.
In some biblical passages angels are commissioned to work with specific individuals in understanding the Word of God…
Angelic assistance in hermeneutics appears… in the NT. Speaking to Mary and to the other women at the empty tomb, an angel says, “Remember how He spoke to you… that the Son of Man must… be crucified and the third day rise again” (Luke 24:6-7). Here an angel not only helps them remember the words of Jesus but assists them to understand the true meaning of Christ’s words.
Do angels give the same kind of assistance today [as that which is Scripturally indicated] through their ability to impress human minds? Mrs. White wrote, “__(?)_\_” (ST, Sept. 18, 1893, p. 6). More specifically, she states that, “__(?)_\_” (GC 599).
Do angels give the same kind of assistance today [as that which is Scripturally indicated] through their ability to impress human minds? Mrs. White wrote, “If you come to the study of the Scriptures in humility, with earnest prayer for guidance, angels of God will open to you its living realities” (ST, Sept. 18, 1893, p. 6). More specifically, she states that, “Angels are round about those who are willing to be taught in divine things; and in the time of great necessity they will bring to their remembrance the very truths which are needed” (GC 599).
Ellen White… shares remarkable insights of the hermeneutical influence of heavenly angels in post-apostolic times. When __(?)_\_discovered a whole Latin Bible in the library of the university, she states: “Angels of heaven were by his side, and rays of light from the throne of God revealed the treasures of truth to his understanding” (GC 122). Concerning __(?)_\_ we are told that “God sent His angel to move upon the heart of a farmer who had not believed the Bible, to lead him to search the prophecies. Angels of God repeatedly visited that chosen one, to guide his mind and open to his understanding prophecies which had ever been dark to God’s people” (EW 229).
Ellen White… shares remarkable insights of the hermeneutical influence of heavenly angels in post-apostolic times. When Luther discovered a whole Latin Bible in the library of the university, she states: “Angels of heaven were by his side, and rays of light from the throne of God revealed the treasures of truth to his understanding” (GC 122). Concerning William Miller we are told that “God sent His angel to move upon the heart of a farmer who had not believed the Bible, to lead him to search the prophecies. Angels of God repeatedly visited that chosen one, to guide his mind and open to his understanding prophecies which had ever been dark to God’s people” (EW 229).
Using warfare imagery, Paul offers a broad comment regarding the impact upon humans of which Satan is capable: “__(?)_\_” (Eph 6:12). Later, Paul unpacks some of the specific consequences of the warfare: “__(?)_\_” (1 Tim 4:1). This statement indicates that __(?)_\_, and implies that __(?)_\_. Commenting on this theme and passage, Merrill Unger, whose doctoral dissertation examined biblical demonology, states: “Paul traces error to its real source in __(?)_\_, rather than in __(?)_\_.” [Footnote: Merrill F. Unger, Biblical Demonology (Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen Press, Inc., 1953), p. 166.]
Using warfare imagery, Paul offers a broad comment regarding the impact upon humans of which Satan is capable: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). Later, Paul unpacks some of the specific consequences of the warfare: “But the Spirit explicitly says, that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Tim 4:1). This statement indicates that fallen angels have the power to seduce human reason, and implies that they have power to originate doctrines ultimately contrary to the Word of God. Commenting on this theme and passage, Merrill Unger, whose doctoral dissertation examined biblical demonology, states: “Paul traces error to its real source in satanic and demonic activity, rather than in the human agent.” [Footnote: Merrill F. Unger, Biblical Demonology (Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen Press, Inc., 1953), p. 166.]
__(?)_\_plays a role in human misinterpretation of the Word of God. Paul seems to infer this conclusion in the following passage: “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case __(?)_\_ has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor 4:3-4).
Satan himself plays a role in human misinterpretation of the Word of God. Paul seems to infer this conclusion in the following passage: “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor 4:3-4).
Satan possesses fatal hermeneutical capabilities respecting the reasoning power of the biblical interpreter. This truth should strike a note of caution in the mind of an interpreter of the Word of God. In this same context, Ellen White’s comment is revealing:
When the word of God is opened without __(?)_\_and without __(?)_\_; when the thoughts and affections __(?)_\_, the mind is __(?)_\_; and in the very study of the Bible, __(?)_\_. The enemy __(?)_\_, and he __(?)_\_ (GC 704-705).
Satan possesses fatal hermeneutical capabilities respecting the reasoning power of the biblical interpreter. This truth should strike a note of caution in the mind of an interpreter of the Word of God. In this same context, Ellen White’s comment is revealing:
When the word of God is opened without reverence and without prayer; when the thoughts and affections are not fixed upon God or in harmony with His will, the mind is clouded with doubt; and in the very study of the Bible, skepticism strengthens. The enemy takes control of the thoughts, and he suggests interpretations that are not correct (GC 704-705).
Demonic supernatural ability to stir up human minds in order to produce improper expositions of the Word of God represents a challenge indeed. If both good and evil angels can influence human minds (but their identity is not revealed), how can one be sure about the validity of a resulting scriptural interpretation? In response, the following statement by Ellen White provides important clues: “Those who turn from __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_ are inviting the control of demons” (DA 258). Expanding upon this theme, Ellen White offers the key to distinguishing the source of the supernatural hermeneutical influence:
We should not engage in the study of the Bible with that __(?)_\_with which so many enter the domains of science, but with __(?)_\_, and __(?)_\_. We must come with __(?)_\_ to __(?)_\_. Otherwise, __(?)_\_ (4SP 417).
Demonic supernatural ability to stir up human minds in order to produce improper expositions of the Word of God represents a challenge indeed. If both good and evil angels can influence human minds (but their identity is not revealed), how can one be sure about the validity of a resulting scriptural interpretation? In response, the following statement by Ellen White provides important clues: “Those who turn from the plain teaching of Scripture and the convicting power of God’s Holy Spirit are inviting the control of demons” (DA 258). Expanding upon this theme, Ellen White offers the key to distinguishing the source of the supernatural hermeneutical influence:
We should not engage in the study of the Bible with that self-reliance with which so many enter the domains of science, but with a prayerful dependence upon God, and a sincere desire to learn his will. We must come with a humble and teachable spirit to obtain knowledge form the great I AM. Otherwise, evil angels will so blind our minds and harden our hearts that we shall not be impressed by the truth (4SP 417).
…rational beings may exercise their free will to adopt a humble, teachable, and prayerful spirit, wholly dependent upon God, and so avoid __(?)_\_. White develops this encouraging truth as follows:
The spirit in which you come to the investigation of the Scriptures will __(?)_\_. __(?)_\_ will be with those who in humility of heart seek for divine guidance. But if the Bible is opened with irreverence, with a feeling of self-sufficiency, if the heart is filled with prejudice, __(?)_\_, and __(?)_\_ (TM 108).
…rational beings may exercise their free will to adopt a humble, teachable, and prayerful spirit, wholly dependent upon God, and so avoid demonic hermeneutical influence. White develops this encouraging truth as follows:
The spirit in which you come to the investigation of the Scriptures will determine the character of the assistant at your side. Angels from the world of light will be with those who in humility of heart seek for divine guidance. But if the Bible is opened with irreverence, with a feeling of self-sufficiency, if the heart is filled with prejudice, Satan is beside you, and he will set the plain statements of God’s word in a perverted light (TM 108).
The familiar words of Jesus that “when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth” (__(?)_\_) place __(?)_\_ in basic charge of the hermeneutical process. Moreover, His words also promise that the interpreter will be rewarded with the understanding of the truth sought. If one is to discover truth, the ultimate cause will be __(?)_\_.
In addition, the guidance is __(?)_\_because __(?)_\_. This suggests the value of __(?)_\_regarding the nature and discovery of truth. In other words, __(?)_\_. This can guard against __(?)_\_.
The familiar words of Jesus that “when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13) place the Holy Spirit in basic charge of the hermeneutical process. Moreover, His words also promise that the interpreter will be rewarded with the understanding of the truth sought. If one is to discover truth, the ultimate cause will be the action of the Holy Spirit.
In addition, the guidance is common to all because the word “you” in this text is plural. This suggests the value of community checks and balances regarding the nature and discovery of truth. In other words, the Spirit of truth guides a community of believers into complementary, not contradictory, understandings of a particular truth. This can guard against the unwarranted absolutization of a charismatic individual in hermeneutics.
Biblical searching through regenerate reason, as displayed by the Bereans, indicates that hermeneutical work involves a process characterized as “examining the Scripture… whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). This suggests a thematic comparative investigation of various biblical passages in order to discover biblical teaching regarding a specific point in question. One text sheds light upon another, suggesting not only __(?)_\_but that __(?)_\_. Consequently, Scripture is not to be __(?)_\_.
Biblical searching through regenerate reason, as displayed by the Bereans, indicates that hermeneutical work involves a process characterized as “examining the Scripture… whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). This suggests a thematic comparative investigation of various biblical passages in order to discover biblical teaching regarding a specific point in question. One text sheds light upon another, suggesting not only the unity of Scripture but that the Scripture is its own interpreter. Consequently, Scripture is not to be subjected to an alleged higher authority such as human tradition or human reason.
It is precisely in the searching process of comparing one scripture with another that the Holy Spirit plays an important role outlined by Ellen G. White: “It is the Holy Spirit’s office to __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_” (1888 Materials, 4:1538). This being the case, it means that the most intense human endeavors to interpret the Scriptures properly will, in the words of Ellen White, “__(?)_\_. ‘Not by __(?)_\_, nor by __(?)_\_, but by __(?)_\_, saith the Lord of hosts’ [Zech 4:6]” (4MR 310). This shows that __(?)_\_.
It is precisely in the searching process of comparing one scripture with another that the Holy Spirit plays an important role outlined by Ellen G. White: “It is the Holy Spirit’s office to direct this search and to reward it” (1888 Materials, 4:1538). This being the case, it means that the most intense human endeavors to interpret the Scriptures properly will, in the words of Ellen White, “prove an entire failure unless the Lord Himself should by His divine power combine with the human agency. ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts’ [Zech 4:6]” (4MR 310). This shows that the human process of comparing scripture with scripture should be guided by the Holy Spirit.
The biblical interpreter must become __(?)_\_to understand __(?)_\_. In Paul’s words, “we have received… __(?)_\_… that we might __(?)_\_” (1 Cor 2:12). In other words, the biblical interpreter needs to “__(?)_\_” (John 3:6), otherwise the “__(?)_\_” will forever remain, hermeneutically, foolishness to the natural, sinful mind (__(?)_\_). This means that __(?)_\_.
The biblical interpreter must become a child of the Spirit to understand the things of the Spirit. In Paul’s words, “we have received… the Spirit… that we might know the things freely given to us by God” (1 Cor 2:12). In other words, the biblical interpreter needs to “be born of the Spirit” (John 3:6), otherwise the “things of the Spirit” will forever remain, hermeneutically, foolishness to the natural, sinful mind (1 Cor 2:14). This means that it is through the work of the Spirit that God prepares one’s mind for biblical interpretation.
Paul’s words, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Cor 12:13), may indicate that the concept of being “born of the Spirit” (John 3:8) can be qualitatively compared to the concept of being “baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5). If so, the biblical interpreter would do well to __(?)_\_and to __(?)_\_, thereby __(?)_\_. This preparation by the Holy Spirit is described by Paul as __(?)_\_.”
Paul’s words, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Cor 12:13), may indicate that the concept of being “born of the Spirit” (John 3:8) can be qualitatively compared to the concept of being “baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5). If so, the biblical interpreter would do well to ask in faith and to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, thereby to be prepared intellectually, morally, and emotionally to interpret the Word of God. This preparation by the Holy Spirit is described by Paul as the transformation of the interpreter’s mind from a “fleshly mind” to the “mind of Christ.”
A core hermeneutical passage in the whole of Scripture is found in Philippians 2:5. Here Paul urges individuals to “__(?)_\_” (KJV). In this passage the word for “mind” in the Greek is phroneo, meaning, “to think, reflect,” or “set one’s mind.” Paul indicates that he has “__(?)_\_” (1 Cor 2:16).
What is hermeneutically significant about having __(?)_\_? In North America a well-known and relevant bit of fishing wisdom goes like this: “If you want to catch a fish, you need to think like a fish.” When the necessary adjustments are made, this advice is perfectly fitting for biblical hermeneutics. If one wishes to catch the real meaning of the Word of God or to interpret the Word of God properly, the person needs to __(?)_\_. In order to __(?)_\_one needs to have __(?)_\_. Is this feasible? Reaching out to this stunning goal is precisely the actual human possibility that Paul addresses in the Philippian passage.
A core hermeneutical passage in the whole of Scripture is found in Philippians 2:5. Here Paul urges individuals to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (KJV). In this passage the word for “mind” in the Greek is phroneo, meaning, “to think, reflect,” or “set one’s mind.” Paul indicates that he has “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:16).
What is hermeneutically significant about having the mind of Christ? In North America a well-known and relevant bit of fishing wisdom goes like this: “If you want to catch a fish, you need to think like a fish.” When the necessary adjustments are made, this advice is perfectly fitting for biblical hermeneutics. If one wishes to catch the real meaning of the Word of God or to interpret the Word of God properly, the person needs to think like God. In order to think like God one needs to have the mind of God. Is this feasible? Reaching out to this stunning goal is precisely the actual human possibility that Paul addresses in the Philippian passage.
Paul contrasts the mind of Christ in human beings with a haughty “fleshly mind” (__(?)_\_), also described as a “carnal mind,” or one “set on the flesh” (__(?)_\_). Paul indicates that both of these minds are at enmity with God and his law (__(?)_\_) and that these types of minds cannot understand the things of the Spirit (__(?)_\_). [Footnote: The hermeneutical implications of the biblical teaching regarding the “natural” human mind and the regenerate mind receive insightful treatment in the following article: Frank Hasel, “Theology and the Role of Reason,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 4, no. 2 (Autumn 1993): 72-198.] In other words, having a “fleshly mind,” or a “carnal mind,” is __(?)_\_.
Paul contrasts the mind of Christ in human beings with a haughty “fleshly mind” (Col 2:18), also described as a “carnal mind,” or one “set on the flesh” (Rom 8:7). Paul indicates that both of these minds are at enmity with God and his law (Rom 8:7) and that these types of minds cannot understand the things of the Spirit (1 Cor 2:14). [Footnote: The hermeneutical implications of the biblical teaching regarding the “natural” human mind and the regenerate mind receive insightful treatment in the following article: Frank Hasel, “Theology and the Role of Reason,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 4, no. 2 (Autumn 1993): 72-198.] In other words, having a “fleshly mind,” or a “carnal mind,” is death to sound hermeneutics.
Given the need for the biblical interpreter to have the mind of Christ in hermeneutics, how is the unregenerate, natural, human “fleshly mind” changed into the “mind of Christ”? Again, Paul opens the way for our thinking on this matter. We should not be __(?)_\_, but we ought to be “__(?)_\_ (Rom 12:2). How does this __(?)_\_occur? In answering this question, Paul __(?)_\_ (2 Cor 3:3). According to Paul, __(?)_\_.
Given the need for the biblical interpreter to have the mind of Christ in hermeneutics, how is the unregenerate, natural, human “fleshly mind” changed into the “mind of Christ”? Again, Paul opens the way for our thinking on this matter. We should not be conformed to this world, but we ought to be “transformed by the renewing” of our mind (Rom 12:2). How does this renewing transformation occur? In answering this question, Paul appeals to the work of the Holy Spirit in His new covenant blessing (2 Cor 3:3). According to Paul, the Holy Spirit will, upon request by any individual, and through the study of the Scriptures, create the mind of Christ in the believer.
Paul’s discussion of the blinding veil (__(?)_\_) has prompted much scholarly comment. For our purposes we note that the basic point is that the contemporary biblical interpreter also faces the challenge of this darkening veil. Paul describes its effect on the Jews of his day, saying, “But their minds [ancient Israelites] were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant [in the minds of Jews in Paul’s day] the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed __(?)_\_” (__(?)_\_).
What caused the change in the understanding of __(?)_\_from __(?)_\_ to __(?)_\_? Paul answers this question: “But whenever a man __(?)_\_ the veil is taken away. Now __(?)_\_, and where __(?)_\_ is, there is __(?)_\_” (__(?)_\_). This passage attributes the new interpretation squarely to __(?)_\_. Thus, Paul seems to be suggesting that __(?)_\_.
Paul’s discussion of the blinding veil (2 Cor 3:14-18) has prompted much scholarly comment. For our purposes we note that the basic point is that the contemporary biblical interpreter also faces the challenge of this darkening veil. Paul describes its effect on the Jews of his day, saying, “But their minds [ancient Israelites] were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant [in the minds of Jews in Paul’s day] the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed in Christ” (2 Cor 3:14).
What caused the change in the understanding of Christ from temporal king to Christ as crucified? Paul answers this question: “But whenever a man turns to the Lord the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Cor 3:16-17). This passage attributes the new interpretation squarely to the mighty work of the Third Person of the Godhead. Thus, Paul seems to be suggesting that it is by the work of the Holy Spirit that the sinful, spiritually blind interpreter is enabled to understand the OT as pointing forward to Christ crucified.
Jesus offers a remarkable and encouraging promise regarding the hermeneutical power of the Holy Spirit: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,… will… bring to your remembrance all that I said to you” (__(?)_\_). What hermeneutical possibilities might these words carry? In light of this passage, the Spirit can bring to the mind of the biblical interpreter explanatory teachings of Jesus found, for instance, in the Sermon on the Mount and in the parables of Jesus.
Moreover, if that which the Holy Spirit brings to the mind of a biblical interpreter can be extended to cover __(?)_\_, the Holy Spirit has __(?)_\_ from which to __(?)_\_to __(?)_\_. The key insight is that the biblical exegete can know that, __(?)_\_. This is a significant, helpful hermeneutical promise showing the need for __(?)_\_. It helps to show the spiritual rationale undergirding the truthfulness of the following hermeneutical claim: “We need __(?)_\_ if we would have better knowledge of the Word” (11MR 3).
Jesus offers a remarkable and encouraging promise regarding the hermeneutical power of the Holy Spirit: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,… will… bring to your remembrance all that I said to you” (John 14:26). What hermeneutical possibilities might these words carry? In light of this passage, the Spirit can bring to the mind of the biblical interpreter explanatory teachings of Jesus found, for instance, in the Sermon on the Mount and in the parables of Jesus.
Moreover, if that which the Holy Spirit brings to the mind of a biblical interpreter can be extended to cover the entire corpus of God’s written Word, the Holy Spirit has the full range of the Old and of the New Testament from which to draw material to assist the interpreter. The key insight is that the biblical exegete can know that, upon request, the Holy Spirit will bring to mind passages and biblical images that otherwise might not be present. This is a significant, helpful hermeneutical promise showing the need for faith in the Holy Spirit. It helps to show the spiritual rationale undergirding the truthfulness of the following hermeneutical claim: “We need greater faith if we would have better knowledge of the Word” (11MR 3).
We have seen that the God-given gift of reason is to be __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_ in the hermeneutical process. __(?)_\_is essential to sound biblical interpretation. Reliance on the Holy Spirit __(?)_\_. These two realities are __(?)_\_, not __(?)_\_. Although human reason is fallen, __(?)_\_and become thereby __(?)_\_. This kind of research aids in __(?)_\_.
We have seen that the God-given gift of reason is to be endorsed strongly and engaged rigorously in the hermeneutical process. Careful, circumscribed deep thinking and reflection is essential to sound biblical interpretation. Reliance on the Holy Spirit must not replace the continuing effort of human rational powers. These two realities are complementary, not mutually exclusive. Although human reason is fallen, it can be sanctified by the Holy Spirit and become thereby fitted to search humbly, willingly, and inductively all of the relevant Scriptures regarding a biblical matter. This kind of research aids in reducing misinterpretations of Scripture.
The Bible supports the posture of faith seeking understanding as the proper approach to the relationship of __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_. While __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_ ideally are complementary in hermeneutics, at times they appear to clash. In such instances the interpreter __(?)_\_will __(?)_\_.
The Bible supports the posture of faith seeking understanding as the proper approach to the relationship of faith and reason. While reason and faith ideally are complementary in hermeneutics, at times they appear to clash. In such instances the interpreter through faith will elevate the teachings of Scripture above the claims of reason.
A great controversy rages over the interpretation of Scripture. In our enlightened age the hermeneutical influence of __(?)_\_needs to be acknowledged. __(?)_\_ and __(?)_\_seek to influence the mind of the interpreter of Scripture while, at the same time, __(?)_\_ and __(?)_\_ work to counter the heavenly influence.
A great controversy rages over the interpretation of Scripture. In our enlightened age the hermeneutical influence of spiritual powers needs to be acknowledged. Unfallen angels and the Holy Spirit seek to influence the mind of the interpreter of Scripture while, at the same time, evil angels and Satan work to counter the heavenly influence.
The role of the Holy Spirit in hermeneutics is multidimensional in four ways: (1) __(?)_\_; (2) __(?)_\_; (3) __(?)_\_; (4) __(?)_\_.
The role of the Holy Spirit in hermeneutics is multidimensional in four ways: (1) The Holy Spirit guides the hermeneutical process; (2) by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the biblical interpreter is equipped with the mind of Christ and is prepared for the hermeneutical task with a softened, unveiled mind, thereby made responsive to the guidance of the Spirit; (3) the Holy Spirit brings biblical truths and images to the mind of the interpreter; (4) He illuminates the mind of the interpreter with fresh meaning.
Without the supernatural assistance of the Holy Spirit and heavenly angels, there can be __(?)_\_, no matter __(?)_\_. The Spirit who inspired the Bible is __(?)_\_.
This conclusion underscores __(?)_\_ (Luke 11:13).
Without the supernatural assistance of the Holy Spirit and heavenly angels, there can be no proper interpretation of the truths of Scripture, no matter how hard one engages the rational powers. The Spirit who inspired the Bible is needed for its proper interpretation.
This conclusion underscores the interpreter’s need to commune constantly with the Holy Spirit, requesting divine illumination and the influence of holy angels in order to understand and to apply properly the treasures in the Old and in the New Testaments (Luke 11:13).
…hermeneutics cannot be done alone. An interpreter of the Scriptures who, like Paul, has __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_, is subject to __(?)_\_and __(?)_\_. For such an interpreter the rewards are rich indeed.
…hermeneutics cannot be done alone. An interpreter of the Scriptures who, like Paul, has the mind of Christ and humbly follows a hermeneutical process involving sanctified reason, is subject to the influence of holy angels and the illuminating guidance of the Holy Spirit. For such an interpreter the rewards are rich indeed.