Chapter 2: Developing a Research Question Flashcards
Define: Cause
Define: law
a statement that cer- tain events are regularly associated with each other in an orderly way
Define: Theory
a statement or set of statements explaining one or more laws, usually including one indirect concept needed to explain the relationship
Define: hypothesis
a statement assumed to be true for the purpose of testing its validity
Define: Operational Definition
Define: Paradigm
Define: Variable
aspect of a testing condition that can change or take on different characteristics with different conditions (p119)
Define: independent variable
the condition manipulated or selected by the experi- menter to determine its effect on behavior (p121)
Define: Dependent Variable
a measure of the subject’s behavior that reflects the independent variable’s effects
Define: confounding variable and provide an example
one whose effect cannot be separated from the supposed independent variable
Gender colour preferences: is the preference from social habit or genetics?
Define: reliability of a measurment
the property of consistency of a measure- ment that gives the same result on different occasions
Define: validity of a measurement
Define: construct validity
Define: content validity
Define: Criterion validity