chapter 2: darwin's big idea Flashcards
william paley
-argument from design (teleological argument)
-complexity of organisms is explained by the existence of a (supernatural) designer
jean-baptiste de lamarck
-first to use term evolution
-hypothesis depicted the inheritance of acquired characters
the origin of species: ideas
-descent with modification from common ancestors
-natural selection leads to adaptation
charles lyell
-processes that shape the earth are uniform through time
darwin’s mechanism of natural selection
-variation: individual variation in a population
-heredity: resemblance between parents and offspring
-fitness: level of success in surviving and breeding in a given environment
august weismann’s germplasm theory
-inheritance is only by germ cells (gametes), not somatic cells
-genetic information flows in one direction: DNA to protein
elements of darwin’s theory
-evolution occurs at a population level
-variation is not directed by environment
-most fit type depends on the environment
-survival of the fitter