Chapter 2 (Core Knowledge Requirements for HR Professionals) Flashcards
What are the steps of needs assessment?
- Define the object
- Define the current situation
- Conduct a gap analysis
- Set priorities
- Investigate and develop options
- Evaluate option and determine budget impact
- Recommend solutions
What sections are included in RFP formats?
Exec summary Vendor qualifications PM plan Project team Roles & responsibilities Delivery schedule Pricing information
What are the four types of risk management?
Risk Mitigation
Risk Acceptance
Risk Avoidance
Risk Transfer
Risk mitigation is where…
steps are taken to reduce the risk.
Risk acceptance is when…
you are aware of the risk but management takes the risk that it won’t occur or will be easily managed if it does occur.
Risk avoidance is where…
steps are taken to avoid the risk.
Risk transfer is…
accomplished by purchasing insurance.
What are the four environmental scanning tools?
Statistical models, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, Porter’s 5 forces
PEST Analysis….
political, economic, social, technological
SWOT Analysis….
strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats
Porter’s 5 Forces
new competitors, suppliers, buyers, alternative products available to consumers, the type and level of competition in the industry
Statistical Models…
quantitative analysis models.
What are the six organizational structures?
Functional, Product-Based, Geographic, Divisional, Matrix, Seamless
Functional organization structure is…
traditional pyramid - top/down, bottom/up (best for single product line)
Product-Based organization structure is…
organized by product line (best for well defined product lines that are clearly separate from each other)
Geographic organization structure is…
where execs of regional areas are responsible for all business functions in their region
Divisional organization structure is…
similar to geographic but based on other criteria such as market or industry
Matrix organization structure is…
where employees report to at least 2 managers
Seamless organization structure is…
horizontal organization connoted by networks instead of separated by boundaries
Return on Investment (ROI)
dividing the benefits realized as a result of a program by the total related direct and indirect costs
Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA)
compares all costs of a proposed program to the benefits that will be realized and forecasts the net impact on bottom line
What is the difference between ROI and CBA
CBA includes soft costs and ROI generally only includes hard costs
Examples of HRIS Systems include
ESS - Employee Self-Service
ATS - Applicant Tracking System
HMS - Hiring Management System
LMS - Learning Management System
What is included in the SHRM Code of Ethical and Professional Standards?
Professional responsibility, Professional development, Ethical leadership, Fairness and Justice, Conflicts of Interest, Use of Information
What are three human relations concepts?
Intrapersonal (self-knowledge)
Interpersonal (emotional & social aptitude)
Emotional (aware of emotions and able to control how they react to them)
What is diversity training?
Seeks to educate all groups about the cultures, needs and attitudes of other groups in the work force to ensure the inclusion of all groups in workplace activities
What is diversity initiative?
Seeks to increase diversity of the workforce or to increase the effectiveness of an already diverse workforce
Diversity Concepts?
A diverse workforce:
is more creative
reflects the population
increases the candidate pool
What are the Project Management concepts?
Initiation - requests evaluation & selected
Planning - lays out how to accomplish
Executing - plan is implemented
Controlling - keeps project on course
Closing - acknowledges achievement of project goals.
List six leadership styles
Authoritarian - immediate action: when productivity is the highest concern
Democratic - environment of highly skilled: when relationships are primary concern
Laissez-faire - allow group members to operate on own: results in lower productivity
Coaching - work with group members to develop skills and availability to operate independently
Transactional - focus on getting the job done by offering reward
Transformational - focus on the relationships in the group
Clayton Alderfer: ERG Theory (1969)
Builds on Maslow’s work. Three level of needs:
Existence (physiological & safety)
Relatedness (social)
Growth (esteem and self actualization)
Victor Vroom: Expectancy Theory (1964)
maintains that people are motivated by the expectation of the reward they will receive when they succeed and that each individual calculates the level of effort required to receive a particular reward to determine whether the reward is worth the effort that is required to attain it.
J. Stacey Adams: Equity Theory (1963)
basic concept: people are constantly measuring what they put into work against what they get from work
David McClelland: Acquired Needs Theory (1961)
Experiences acquired throughout their lives motivate people to achieve in one of three areas:
achievement; affiliation; power
Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y (1960)
Theory X - managers view employees as lazy and uninterested in work and needing constant direction to complete their assignments.
Theory Y - managers believe given the opportunity people will seal out challenging work and additional responsibility if the work is satisfying
Frederick Herzberg: Motivation/Hygiene Theory (1959)
Satisfaction (motivation) factors motivate by changing the nature of the work so that people are challenged to develop their talents and fulfill their potential.
Dissatisfaction (hygiene) factors motivate to the extent that they allow people to avoid unpleasant experiences
Result: Concept of job enrichment in which the significance of the tasks in a job is increased to provide challenging work and growth opportunities
B.F. Skinner: Operant Conditioning (1957)
Behavior can be changed through the use of four intervention strategies:
- positive reinforcement - providing a pleasant response
- negative reinforcement - removing an unpleasant response
- punishment - provide unpleasant response
- extinction - ceasing to reinforce it
Abraham Maslow: The Hierarchy of Needs (1954)
Physiological Needs (basic needs)
Safety Needs
Social Needs (acceptance and belonging)
Esteem Needs (recognition for achievement)
Self-Actualization Needs (creative and fulfill their own potential)
Andragogy is…
self-concept; experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learning, motivation to learn (adult learning)
What are three types of learners?
Auditory, Visual and Tactile
Examples of Quantitative Analysis (based on mathematical methods for measuring historical data)
Correlation - measures two variables to determine relationship
Correlation Coefficient - describes relationship between two variables (stated as number)
Measures of Central Tendency - mean average, mode, median, moving average (compensate for outdated data), weighted moving average
Simulation models - test several possible plans
Ratios - provide benchmark
Time Series Forecasts - can be used to measure historic data and provide basis for projecting future requirements
*Trend Analysis - compares changes in a single variable over time
*Simple Linear Regression- measures relationship between one variable against another
*Multiple Linear Regression - measures relationship between several variables to forecast another
Examples of Situational Theories
Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid (1968) - concern for people and concern for production
Path-Goal Theory (1971) - directive supportive, participative, achievement
Hersey-Blanchard Theory (1977) - four styles of leadership: telling, selling, participating, delegating
Contingency Theories (Fred E Fiedler)
Least preferred co-worker scale
- leader-member relations
- task structure
- position power
Examples of Qualitative Analysis (subjective evaluations of general observationsO
Delphi Technique - input from a group of individuals who provide their expertise in succeeding rounds of questions about an issue
Nominal Group Technique - structured meeting format designed to elicit participation from all members of the group in order to arrive at the best possible solution to the problem at hand