Chapter 2- Cognitive neuroscience Flashcards
Cognitive neuroscience definition
The study of the physiological basis of cognition. Examines localization of function—what areas of the brain control specific skills or
behaviors, neural representations of information, and how different brain areas communicate
Levels of analysis
Refers to the idea that a topic can be studied in a number of different ways, with each approach contributing to its own dimensions of our understanding. For cognitive psychology, levels include the whole brain, to structures within the brain, to chemicals that create electrical signals (neurotransmitters). Just to do routine tasks, many processes must occur at once on different levels of the brain.
Nerve net
What early anatomists saw while looking at stained neurons under the microscope. They believed that neurons formed a continuous network, as microscopes at the time didn’t have a high enough resolution to see individual cells.
Which technique did Golgi develop?
Golgi developed a staining technique, adding silver nitrate to a slice of brain tissue. Only a few cells were stained completely, meaning that they stood out from the rest of the slightly packed cells and their structure was completely visible.
Ramon y Cajal
Used the Golgi stain, but also studied tissue from the brains of newborn animals, as this tissue is less dense. This revealed that the nerve net was not actually continuous and was made up of separate cells. This discovery was called the neuron doctrine
Neuron doctrine
The idea that individual cells transmit signals in the nervous system, and that these cells are not continuous.
3 parts of a neuron
Cell body, axon, dendrites
Cell body
The metabolic center of the neuron that keeps the cell alive. Houses the nucleus and receives information from dendrites
Branch out from the cell body and receive signals from other neurons.
A long process that transmits signals to other neurons. Ends in an axon terminal and may have a myelin sheath.
Cajal’s conclusions about neurons (3)
- There are small gaps (synapses) between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites/cell body of another neuron.
- Neurons form connections only to specific other neurons. The groups of interconnected neurons form neural circuits.
- There are specialized neurons called receptors outside of the brain
Outside of the brain, there are specialized neurons in the eyes, ears, skin, and other areas of the body that detect sensory information from the environment. These neurons are called receptors. They do have axons, but they also have specialized receptors that typical neurons in the brain don’t have.
Edgar Adrian
In the 1920s, Edgar Adrian was the first researcher to record electrical signals from single sensory neurons. He used microelectrodes to record the signals. A recording electrode has its recording tip inside the neuron, and a reference electrode is located a distance away to measure the difference in charge.
Resting membrane potential
The neuron’s resting membrane potential (-70 mV) represents the difference in charge between the inside and outside of the axon. The inside of the neuron is more negative than the outside. Therefore, if the axon is at rest, there will be a -70 mV difference in charge between the two electrodes.
How does membrane potential change as an action potential passes down the axon?
As an action potential passes down the axon, the charge becomes more positive, increasing to +40 mV. The charge will then decrease, becoming more negative until it reaches resting membrane potential. Intense sensations cause action potentials to be fired more quickly.
Do action potentials change in size?
Action potentials do not change in size or shape. This means that the signal will be the shape at the end of the axon as it was at the beginning. Adrian found that when he applied more pressure to a skin receptor, the shape and height of the action potential remained constant, but the number of action potentials traveling down the axon per second increased. A high intensity stimulus will increase the rate of action potentials.
When are neurotransmitters released?
Researchers found that neurotransmitters are released when signals reach the end of the axon. Neurotransmitters transmit the action potentials across the synapse.
Principle of neural representation
Everything a person experiences is based on representations in the person’s nervous system, or information that the brain (or neurons) carries about the organism’s environment.
Which areas of the brain are responsible for vision?
A specific stimulus causes neural firing that is distributed across many areas of the cortex. Therefore, vision is created in many different areas, not just the primary visual cortex. This holds true for multiple other functions, memory included.
Feature detectors
Neurons that respond to specific features of a stimulus, like orientation, movement, and length. Feature detectors are linked to perception- this idea is supported by many experiments. Hubel and Wiesel conducted a visual study on cats and found that each neuron in the visual area of the cortex responded to a specific type of stimulation presented to a small area of the retina.
Experience-dependent plasticity
When the structure of the brain is changed by experience. Example- a kitten’s visual cortex normally contains neurons that respond to all orientations. However, when kittens were raised in an environment that consisted only of verticals, their visual cortex was reshaped so that it only contained neurons responding to verticals. The kittens would ignore horizontal objects. Therefore, they were unable to perceive these objects.
Hierarchical processing
Neurons in the visual cortex that respond to simple stimuli send their axons to higher levels of the visual system, where signals from other neurons combine and interact, and these signals are sent to even higher levels of the brain
Sensory code
Refers to how neurons represent various characteristics of the environment.
Specificity coding
The idea that an object could be represented by the firing of a specialized neuron that responds only to that object. One study found that a single neuron responded to Jennifer Anniston’s face. This idea is likely incorrect. While there are neurons that only respond to faces, each neuron will respond to multiple faces, not just one person. There are also way too many objects to have one neuron dedicated to each.
Population coding
The representation of an object by large groups of neurons firing in a certain pattern. With this idea, each person’s face would be represented by a unique pattern. This would mean a large amount of stimuli could be represented, because large numbers of neurons could create many patterns. However, for some functions, a large number of neurons wouldn’t be necessary.
Sparse coding
Occurs when a particular object is represented by a pattern of firing of only a small group of neurons- the majority of neurons are not participating. With this idea, each person’s face would be represented by a pattern of a few neurons- the patterns would be different, but might overlap with a few other patterns. A particular neuron would respond to more than one stimulus.
Which functions are likely represented by sparse coding?
Code for representing objects in the visual, auditory, and olfactory systems may involve activity across a small group of neurons. Memories are likely also represented by population and sparse coding, with specific patterns of firing representing certain memories.
Localization of function
The idea that specific functions are served by specific areas of the brain. Early evidence of this idea came from neuropsychology.
Cortical equipotentiality
In the 1800s, cortical equipotentiality was widely accepted- the idea that the brain operated as a whole, without any specialized areas.
Broca’s area function
Responsible for production of language.
Broca’s aphasia
These patients were able to say limited amounts of words, or they experienced labored speech with a jumbled sentence structure. Paul Broca’s research on stroke patients with damage to Broca’s area provided evidence for localization of function and challenged the idea of cortical equipotentiality that was prevalent at the time.
Wernicke’s area
An area in the temporal lobe responsible for comprehension of language.
Wernicke’s aphasia
Patients with damage to this area produced fluent and grammatically correct speech, but it would be incoherent (basically the person is just saying random sentences). These patients are unable to match words with their meanings. They are also unable to understand the speech of others.
Which area of the brain is responsible for vision?
The occipital lobe. This is additional evidence for localization of function- studies of soldiers in world war one revealed that damage to occipital lobe resulted in blindness. There was a connection between the damaged area of the occipital lobe and the place in the visual space where the person was blind.
Auditory cortex
The auditory cortex receives signals from the ears and is located in the upper temporal lobe. It is responsible for hearing.
Somatosensory cortex
The somatosensory cortex is located in the parietal lobe. It receives signals from the skin and is responsible for perceptions of touch, pressure, and pain.
Frontal lobe
The frontal lobe receives signals from all of the senses and is responsible for coordination of the senses, as well as higher cognitive functions like thinking and problem solving.
Occurs in people with damage to the temporal lobe on the lower right side of the brain (the FFA). They are unable to recognize faces- they can see faces, they are just unable to recognize whose face it is, even with friends or family members.
Double dissociation
Occurs if damage to one area of the brain causes function A to be absent while function B is present, and damage to another area causes function B to be absent while function A is present. Therefore, two people with brain damage must be found. Ex- one patient with brain damage can’t recognize faces but can recognize objects. A second patient with brain damage in a different area can recognize faces but can’t recognize objects. This lets us conclude that function A and function B are controlled by different mechanisms that operate independently of each other.
How can localization of function be determined using single neurons?
Studies done on animals found that 97 percent of neurons in an area in the temporal lobe responded to faces but not other objects. This area is similar to the face recognition area in humans. Brain imaging studies in humans have determined which areas of the brain are activated by different cognitions.
How does an fMRI work?
Uses the fact that neural activity causes the brain to bring in more oxygen. Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in the blood, and the additional oxygen increases the magnetic properties of the hemoglobin. When the brain is exposed to a magnetic field, the oxygenated hemoglobin molecules respond more strongly and cause an increase in the fMRI signal.
How is localization of function determined by fMRI?
During the scan, a person engages in a cognitive task, like perceiving an image. Activity is recorded in voxels- small areas of the brain that are created as units of analysis for the fMRI scanner. Specific colors on the scan indicate the amount of activation. Statistical procedures are used to determine the task related MRI- the change in brain activity that is linked to the task. This is how the colors appear, they do not appear as the brain is being scanned.
Fusiform face area (FFA)
Located in the fusiform gyrus on the underside of the temporal lobe. This is the area that is damaged in prosopagnosia, it is responsible for facial recognition. fMRI experiments have helped to determine its function.
Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
This area is activated by perceiving pictures representing indoor and outdoor scenes. Information about spatial layout is important for this area- it is activated by both empty and furnished rooms.
Extrastriate body area (EBA)
Activated by pictures of bodies and parts of the body, but not by faces.
Is every function localized to one part of the brain?
No. An fMRI study determined how participants’ brains responded when watching movies. Different voxels were analyzed to determine how they responded to stimuli. One voxel responded to streets, buildings, roads, interiors, and vehicles. Objects and actions similar to each other are located near each other in the brain. These results confirm prior research that specific areas of the brain were responsible for the perception of different types of stimuli. However, these new results show that there is map that stretches across the cortex- we need to consider the brain as a whole when talking about cognition.
Distributed representation
Most of our experience is multidimensional- even simple experiences like looking at a person’s face involve combinations of different qualities. The movie study found that two different areas of the brain respond to humans- they are responsible for perceiving different features of humans. Even just looking at a face requires multiple responses in the brain, and some of these areas are distributed widely across the cortex. Episodic and semantic memories are also associated with separate areas of the brain.
Episodic memories
Memories of life events
Semantic memories
Memory for facts
Why does memory activate so many different areas of the brain?
Memories can be visual, auditory, or olfactory. Memories also have both good and bad emotional components. Since memories are typically combinations of all of these components, memory activates many different areas in the brain.
Who suggested that language goes beyond isolated brain areas?
Wernicke suggested that language goes beyond isolated brain areas (not just Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas). He suggested that language includes the connections between brain regions as well as other brain areas. Damage to areas outside of Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas can also cause problems with speech and language. Non language functions are associated with Broca’s area, and the entire language system is responsible for understanding grammar.
Neural networks
Interconnected areas of the brain that can communicate with each other. This fits with distributed processing, since it makes sense that if many areas are involved in a particular type of cognition, they might be connected (functional connectivity)
4 principles of neural networks
- There are complex structural pathways called networks that form the brain’s information highway.
- Within these structural pathways there are functional pathways that serve different functions
- These networks operate dynamically, mirroring the dynamic nature of cognition
- There is a resting state of brain activity, so parts of the brain are active all the time even if there is no cognitive activity.
Structural connectivity
The brain’s “wiring diagram” created by nerve axons that connect different brain areas.
Track weighted imaging
Based on detection of how water diffuses along the length of nerve fibers. Allows us to learn more about how areas of the brain communicate.
Refers to the structural description of the network of elements and connections forming the brain (the wiring diagram of neurons). Communication depends on structural connections. Maps of structural connectivity have been compared to fingerprints in that they are unique to every person.
Functional connectivity
Determined by the extent to which neural activity in two brain areas are connected. If the responses of two brain areas are correlated, they are functionally connected.
Resting state fMRI
The fMRI response measured while a person is not performing a cognitive task.
Method for resting state functional connectivity
A task-related fMRI is used to determine the brain location associated with carrying out a specific task. The brain location that is activated is called the seed location. A resting state fMRI is taken at the seed location. This is called a time-series response because it indicates how the response changes over time. Measure the resting state fMRI at another location (the test location). Calculate the correlation between the seed and test location responses. The higher the correlation, the higher the functional connectivity.
How are structural and functional connectivity related?
Functionally connected doesn’t necessarily mean that they directly communicate by neural pathways. A response from two areas could be highly correlated because they’re both receiving inputs from another area. Regions with high structural connectivity often show a high level of functional connectivity.
What causes changes in the flow of activity within functional networks?
The flow of activity within functional networks changes depending on conditions of the brain. To look at and then pick up a coffee up, the visual networks are activated, then the attention networks as the person focuses on the cup, then the motor networks to pick up the cup.
Can changes in connectivity occur in the brain?
Changes in connectivity can occur, but more slowly. Memory networks change in functional connectivity throughout the day as memories are accumulated and are then strengthened at night. Functional networks involve constantly changing activity.
The default mode network
A network of structures that respond when a person is not involved in specific tasks- they are active during mind wandering. Some fMRI studies found that presentation of a task caused a decrease in activity in some areas of the brain, and activity increased when the task ended. Proposed that the areas that decrease activity during tasks are a “default mode” of brain function- a mode of brain function that occurs during rest. Areas in the frontal and parietal lobes that decrease in activity during tasks have correlated resting state activity- that means that they are part of a functional network (the default mode network).
Size of the brain
Weighs around 400 grams at birth, but about 3 pounds by adulthood. There are around 180 billion cells (neurons and supporting cells) which is more than all of the stars in the galaxy.
Receptor neurons
Receive information from the synapse
Neurotransmitter, has a function in memory. Deficiency is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Neurotransmitter involved in memory retrieval and attention and alertness
Neurotransmitter involved in motivation and impulse control
Neurotransmitter involved in attention, mood, and eating behavior
Neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory
Glial cells
Compose most of the brain. Don’t transmit information, but support the transmission. Includes astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
A type of glial cell that have immune functions (phagocytose synapses), provide energy by transferring mitochondria to neurons, and are involved in information processing
Glial cells that create myelin
Basal ganglia
Controls, regulates, and coordinates voluntary
movements, involved in learning
Limbic system
Deals with emotion, memory, and motivation. Includes the amygdala and the hippocampus
Fear and anger zone
Necessary for memory generation
Forebrain regions (5)
- Basal ganglia
- Limbic system
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Cerebral cortex
Sensory relay- all sense information goes through here except for smell
4 Fs of survival- fighting, fleeing, feeding, and mating
Cerebral cortex
White matter and gray matter
Brodmann areas
The Brodmann areas are a way of mapping the cortex and its distinguished functions. Through using Brodmann’s areas, the cortex of the brain can be divided into 52 areas which are numbered sequentially. These areas are distinguished by microscopic anatomy through the shapes and types of cells and their connections.
How do we study the brain? (5)
- Observing brain damage
- Brain imaging- brain structure and measuring metabolic activity
- Measuring electrical / magnetic current- EEG / MEG
- Stimulating brain via magnetic or electrical current
- Animal models
Patient KC
Memory impairment after the brain damage-impaired episodic memory but unimpaired semantic memory. This case showed us that there are at least 2 forms of LTM- semantic and episodic. Also shows us that memory damage can be selective: K.C. was competent in language, intelligence is normal.
Simple dissociation
One process affected, while one is intact. KC’s case- with impaired episodic memory but intact semantic memory
Complete association
Brain damage in a certain region causes disruption of 2 functions
Structural MRI
Good for determining brain structure, bad for determining brain function
Detects the electrical activities of all groups of neurons. Usually measures postsynaptic potentials (changes in membrane potential caused by neurotransmitters binding to the postsynaptic membrane). These changes can occur in response to an event (event related potential). Has a high temporal resolution- can measure when something occurs in milliseconds
EEG limitations (2)
- Poor spatial resolution- usually measures activity in large groups of neurons, can’t pinpoint activity to a precise location in the brain
- Can measure activity in the cortex, but is limited in its ability to measure activity in deeper structures of the brain
Electrocorticography- direct recordings from the brain. Can answer when and where something occurs
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Uses a magnetic coil to disrupt normal processing in a specific area
Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS)
Low direct-current through electrodes to applied via electrodes
How do we study the brain in animal models? (3)
- Single cell recordings
- Lesioning
- Genetic manipulation
Visual word form area (VWFA)
Encodes the abstract identity of strings of visual letters.
Control of one side of the body is localized in the opposite-side cerebral hemisphere. The left hand, for instance, is largely under the control of the right hemisphere.
Hemispheric Specialization
Each hemisphere has specialized functions and abilities
Cerebral Lateralization
Different functions within the brain tend to rely more heavily on one hemisphere or the other. Certain functions tend to be performed differently across the two hemispheres. Right hemisphere- dominance for non-verbal & spatial information. Left hemisphere- dominance for language
Corpus Collosum
Band of nerve fibers joining two hemispheres. Patients with severed corpus collosums are the subjects of split brain research.
Cortical Specialization
Different brain areas are critically involved in
certain different functions. The sensory cortex is responsible for processing sensory information and the motor cortex is responsible for controlling all of your voluntary muscle movements
Describes the map in the brain of sensory neurons in each part of the body (the somatosensory homunculus)