Chapter 2 - Cognitive Neuroscience Flashcards
Cognitive Neuroscience
- the study of the physiological basis of cognition
- involved an understanding of both the nervous system and the individual units that compromise that system
Levels of Analysis
- we study things in several different ways, with each approach contributing its own dimensions to our understanding
- we do not examine topics of interest from a single perspective, but rather we look at them from multiple angles and different points of view
- Each “viewpoint” can add small amounts of information which, when considered together leads to greater understanding
Nerve Nets and the Neuron Doctrine
- early concept of interconnected neurons creating a nerve net, similar to a highway network
- streets are connected without stop signs
- this allows for almost nonstop, continuous communication of signals throughout the network
- contradicted by the neuron doctrine
- Ramon Y Cajal
- individual nerve cells transmit signals, and are not continuously linked with other cells
-Cell body
is the metabolic center of the neuron
cells specialized to receive and transmit electrical signal to other neurons
tube filled with fluid that transmits electrical signal to other neurons
multiple branches reaching from the cell body, which receives information from other neurons
-sensory receptors: specialized to respond to information received from the senses
How Neurons Communicate
-Action potential
- neuron receives signal from environment
- information travels down the axon of that neuron to the dendrite of another neuron
- Measuring action potentials
- microelectrodes pick up electrical signal
- places near axon
- size is not measure; it remains consistent
- low intensity stimulus: slow firing
- high intensity stimulus: fast firing
space between axon of one neuron and dendrite or cell body of another
-when the action potential reaches the end of the axon, synaptic vesicles open and release chemical neurotransmitters
chemicals that affect the electrical signal of the receiving neuron, cross the synapse and bind the receiving dendrites
are like brain neurons in that they have an axon, but they have specialized receptors that pick-up information from the environment
-nerve impulse
transmitted down the axon
increases chance neuron will fire
decreases chance neuron will fire
Principle of Neural Representation
-Definition of the mind:
- a system that creates representations of the world, so we can act on it to achieve goals
- principle of neural representation
- everything a person experiences are based on representations in the person’s nervous system
Feature Detectors
-Hubel and Wiesel (1960s) research with visual stimuli in cats
- Feature Detectors
- neurons that respond best to a specific stimulus
- Experience-dependent plasticity
- the structure of the brain changes with experience
- Kittens exposed to vertical-only stimuli over time could only perceive verticals in normal stimuli
- demonstrated that perception is determined by neurons that fire to specific qualities of a stimulus
Hierarchical Processing
- when we perceive different objects, we do so in a specific order that moves from lower to higher areas of the brain
- the ascension from lower to higher areas of the brain corresponds to perceiving objects that range from lower (simple) to higher levels of complexity
Sensory Coding
-Specificity Coding:
representation of a stimulus by firing of specifically tuned neurons specialized to respond only to a specific stimulus
-Population Coding:
Representation of a stimulus by the pattern of firing of a large number of neurons
Sparse Coding:
representation of stimulus by a pattern of firing of only a small group of neurons, with the majority or neurons remaining silent
Localization of Function
- specific functions served by specific areas of the brain
- cognitive functioning declines in specific ways when certain areas of the brain are damaged
- Cerebral cortex (3mm thick layer covering the brain) contains mechanisms responsible for most cognitive functions
- other functions are served in the subcortical areas that are located below the cortex
- Language production is impaired by damage to Broca’s area (Broca’s aphasia)
- frontal lobe
- frontal lobe
- Language comprehension is impaired by damage to Wernicke’s area (Wernicke’s Aphasia)
- Temporal Lobe
-primary receiving area for the senses
- Occipital lobe: vision
- Parietal Lobe: touch, temperature and smell
- Temporal lobe: hearing, taste and smell
- Coordination of information received from all other sense
- Frontal lobe
inability to recognize faces, also due to damage to the temporal lobe
Double Dissociation
- When damage to one part of the brain causes function A to be absent while function B is present, and damage to another area causes function B to be absent while function A is present
- allows us to identify functions that are controlled by different parts of the brain
Organization: Brain Imaging
-Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- Blood flow increases in areas of the brain activated by cognitive task
- Radioactive tracer is injected into a person’s bloodstream
- Measure signal from tracer at each location of the brain
- Higher signals indicate higher levels of brain activity
Method: Brain Imaging
- Subtraction technique measures brain activity before and during stimulation presentation
- Difference between activation determines what areas of the brain are active during manipulation
Localization Demonstrated by Brain Imaging
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
- measure neural activity by identifying highly oxygenated hemoglobin molecules
- Activity recorded in voxels (3D pixels)
- red and yellow in the scans show increase in brain activity, while blue and green show decreases
Method: Event-Related Potential (ERP)
- Neuron “firing” is an electrical event
- Measure electrical activity on the scalp and make inferences about underlying brain activity
- Averages over large number of trials to calculate ERSs
- Advantage: continuous and rapid measurements
- Disadvantage: does not give precise location
Localization Demonstrated by Brain Imaging
- Fusiform Face Area (FFA) responds specifically to faces
- damage to this area causes prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces)
- Para-hippocampal place area (PPA) responds specifically to places (indoor/outdoor scenes)
- Extrastriate body area (EBA) responds specifically to pictures of bodies and parts of bodies
Distributed Representation in the Brain
- central principle of cognition
- most of our experience is multidimensional - that is even simple experiences involve combination of different qualities
- in addition to localization of function, specific functions are processed by many different areas of the brain
- May seem to contradict the notion of localization of function, but the concepts are complementary
- the fact that looking at a face activates many areas of the brain is called distributed representation
Neural Networks
- interconnected areas of the brain that communicate with each other
- Connectome: structural description of the network of elements and connections forming the human brain
Structural and Functional Connectivity
-Structural Connectivity:
- the brain’s “wiring system” created by axons that connect brain areas
- as unique to individuals as fingerprints
- track-weighted imaging (TWI) is based on detection of how water diffuses along the length of nerve fibers
-Functional Connectivity:
- how groups of neurons within the connectome function in relation to types of cognition
- determined by the amount of correlated neural activity in two brain areas
Resting-State Functional Connectivity
- use tasks related fMRI to determine a brain location associated with carrying out a specific task. For example, movement of the finger causes an fMRI response at the location marked Motor (L) in Figure 2.25a. This location is called seed location
- Measure the resting-state fMRI at the seed location. The resting state fMRI of the seed location shown in the figure, is called a time series response because it indicates how the response changes over time
- measure the resting rate fMRI at another location, which is called the test location. The response at the test location Somatosensory, which is in an area of the brain responsible for sensing touch, shows in the figure below
- Calculate the correlation between the seed and test location responses
Dynamics of Cognition and Default Mode Network
-Dynamics of cognition
-the flow and activity within and across the brain’s function networks change based on conditions
-Default mode network:
- mode of brain functions that occurs when it is at rest (activation at rest is higher than at tasks) e.g. mind wandering is higher than when you engage I the class
- one of the brain’s largest networks
Coglab: Brain Asymmetry
This experiment uses a technique devised by Levy, Heller, Banich, & Burton (1983) (also see Rueckert, 2005) for demonstrating differences between the hemispheres of a normal subject’s brain. The stimuli involve chimeric faces. A chimeric face is made by taking two different faces, dividing them in half, and combining the left side of one face with the right side of the other face to make a combined, chimeric, face.
Prediction: A right-handed observer will choose the chimeric face with the younger half on the left in terms of the viewpoint of the subject. Left-handed people will not show as strong differences in choose the chimeric face.