Chapter 13 - Judgement, Decisions and Reasoning Flashcards
about appearance etc
the process of making choices between alternatives, based on judgements that we make
the process of drawing conclusions
Inductive Reasoning
- the process of drawing general conclusions based on specific observations and evidence, the conclusions we reach are probably but not definitely true
- reasoning that is based on observation
- reaching conclusions from evidence
inductive reasoning
-all the crows I’ve seen in Pittsburg are black. When I visited my brother in Washington, DC, the crows I saw there were back too
-I think it is a pretty good bet that all crows are black
Strength of Argument
- representativeness of observations – how well do the observations about a particular category represent all the members of that category?
- number of observations
- quality of observations
Used to make scientific discoveries
inductive reasoning
hypothesis and general conclusions
Used in everyday life
inductive reasoning
-make a prediction about what will happen based on observation about what has happened in the past
- ”rules of thumb” that are likely to provide the correct answer to a problem, but are not foolproof
- provide us with shortcuts to help us generalize form specific experiences to broader judgements and conclusions
- two more commonly used heuristics include the availability heuristic and the representativeness heuristic
-Availability heuristic:
events more easily remembered are judged as being more probable than those less easily remembered (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973)
- Which is more prevalent, words that begin with letter r, or words in which r is the third letter?
- Most people stated that there are more words that start with r. Actually, there are three times more words that have r in the third position
Illusory Correlations:
correlation appears to exist, but either does not exist or is much weaker than assumed. Wearing a “lucky shirt” for a certain outcome to occur, no real relationship exists
oversimplified generalizations about a group or class of people that often focuses on the negative -selective attention to the stereotypical behaviours makes these behaviours more available, based on the availability heuristic (Chapman and Chapman, 1969)
-Representativeness heuristic:
the probability that A is a member of class B can be determined by how well the properties of A resembles properties normally associated with class B
- based on how much an event resembles other events
- the probability that A come from B can be determined by how well A resembles properties of B
- use base rate information if it is all that is available
- base rate: the relative proportion of different classes in the population
- use descriptive information if available and disregard base rate information
- we randomly pick on male from the population of the US. The male, Robert, wears glasses, speaks quietly, and reads a lot. Is it more likely that Robert is a librarian for a farmer?
-Use base rate information if it all that available
- In a group of 100 people, there are 30 farmers and 1 librarian. We pick one male, Robert. Is it more likely that Robert is a librarian or a farmer?
- Use descriptive information and disregard base rate information
- in a group of 100 people, there are 30 farmers and 1 librarian, and we pick Robert
- The male, Robert, wears glasses, speaks quietly, and reads a lot. Is it more likely that Robert is a librarian for a farmer?
Conjunction rule:
probability of two events cannot be higher than the probability of the single constituents
- but 81% of participants picked two - bank teller, feminist example
Heuristics cont’d (ignore law of large number)
-law of larger numbers:
the larger the number of individuals randomly drawn from a population, the more representative the resulting group will be of the entire population
- from a group of 10,000 people (5000 males and 5000 females), we choose two groups. First group with 1000 people and the second group with 10 people
- for which group, the percent of males will be closer to 50% - larger
confirmation bias:
tendency to conform rather than falsify hypothesis, people look for information that confirms their hypothesis and ignore information that refutes it
-the myside bias:
tendency for people to generate and evaluate evidence and test their hypothesis in a way that is based towards their own opinions and attitudes
- Lord and coworkers (1979) had those in favor of capital punishment and those against it read the same article - those in favor found the article convincing - those against found the article unconvincing
the backfire effect:
a person’s viewpoint could actually become stronger when faced with corrective facts opposing their viewpoints
Deductive Reasoning
-determining whether a conclusion logically follows from statements (premises)
- basic from of deductive reasoning
- two statements called premises
- third statement called conclusion
-categorical syllogism
- describe relation between two categories, using all, no, or some
- syllogism is valid if conclusion follows logically from its two premises
- validity in this context indicates that the conclusion follows logically from its two premises
- Aristotle’s “perfect” syllogism
- Premise 1: All A are B
- Premise 2: All B are C
- Conclusions: therefore, all A are C
- If two premises of a valid syllogism are true, the syllogism’s conclusion must be true
- do not confuse “validity” with “truth”
- Premise 1: all birds are animals
- premise 2: all animals have 4 legs
- premise 3: all birds have 4 legs- valid but premise 2 and the conclusion are not true
-invalid syllogism but the premises and conclusions could be true
- premise 1: all of the students are tired
- premise 2: some tired people are irritable - premise 3: some of the students are irritable
-so, this syllogism is not valid because both premises are true, but the conclusion is not
-premise 1: all of the cats are tired
Premise 2: some tired animals are dogs Premise 3: some of the cats are dogs
-belief bias:
the tendency to think a syllogism is valid if its conclusion is believable
-good reasoning and truth is not the same thing
How Well Can People Judge Validity?
ask people if conclusions follow logically from premises
ask people indicated what logically follows from premises
-Many errors in evaluation
-Valid but believable
Premise 1: All birds are animals
- Premise 2: All animals have four legs
- Conclusion: All birds have four legs
-Invalid but believable
- Premise 1: All of the students are tired
- Premise 2: Some tired people are irritable
- Conclusion: Some of the students are irritable
Mental Model Approach
- Mental Model (Johnson-Laird, 1999b): a specific situation represented in a person’s mind that can be used to help determine the validity of syllogism in deductive reasoning
- create a model of a situation based on the premises
- generate tentative conclusions about model
- look for exceptions to falsify model
- determine validity of syllogism
Deductive Reasoning
-Conditional syllogisms
the first premise is a “if…then”
- If p, the q. (1sr premise) - p is antecedent, q is consequent - for 2nd premise, there are 4 ways - affirming the antecedent (now p) - denying the consequent (now not q) - affirming the consequent (now q) - denying the antecedent (now not p)
-Condition syllogisms
- ”If p, then q”
- is it q. Affirming the consequent (NOT valid)
- If it’s robin, then it’s a bird
- it’s a bird (sparrow is a bird)
- therefore, it’s a robin (sparrow is a robin)
- Not P, Denying the antecedent (NOT Valid)
- If it is a robin, then it’s a bird
- It’s not a robin (sparrow is not a robin)
- Therefore, it’s not a bird (sparrow is not a bird)
The Wason 4-Card Problem
- effect of using real-world items in a conditional-reasoning problem
- determine minimum number of cards to turn over to test: if there is a vowel on one side, then there is an even number on the other side
Falsification principle:
to test a rule, you must look for situations that falsify the rule
- most participants fail to do this - when problem is stated in concrete everyday terms, correct responses greatly increase - would need to turn over the E and 7 to test the rules
-pragmatic reasoning schema:
thinking about cause and effect in the world as part of experiencing everyday life
permission schema:
if A is satisfied, B can be carried out
- used in concrete versions - people are familiar with rules
Evolutionary Perspective on Cognition
- Evolutionary principles of natural selection
- wason task governed by built-in cognitive program for detecting cheating
- in contrast to permission schema
-Social Exchange Theory
-an important aspect of human behaviour is the ability of two people to cooperate in a way that is beneficial to both of them
-Cosmides and Tooby (1992)
- created unfamiliar situations where cheating could occur
- if a man eats cassava root, then he must have a tattoo on his face
- participants did well
- evidence against permissions schema
Conditional Reasoning
- What is clear so far are
- context is important
- familiarity is not always important
Decision Making
-Expected utility theory
- people are rational
- if they have all the relevant information, they make a decision that results in maximum expected utility
outcomes are desirable because they are in the person’s best interest
-maximum monetary payoff
-advantages for utility approach
-specific procedures to determine the “best choice:
-Problems for utility approach
- not necessarily money, people find value in other things
- many decisions do not maximize the probability of the best outcome
Emotions effect decisions
-Expected emotions
- emotions that people predict that they will feel concerning an outcome
- a determinate of risk aversion: the tendency to avoid taking risks
-immediate emotions
- experienced at the time a decision is being made
- people inaccurately predict their own emotions
-incidental emotions:
emotions that are not specifically related to decision-making
- may be related to one’s general disposition or personality, some recent experience, or one’s general environment or surroundings - can affect one’s overall decisions making processes
-focusing illusion:
focus on just one aspect of a situation and ignore other aspects that may be important
- dating and happiness
- how happy are you?
- how many dates did you have last month?
- correlation higher is ask dating first
opt-in procedure
-active step to be organ donor
out-out procedure
-organ donor unless requested not be
-status-quo bias
-the tendency to do nothing when faced with deciding
Risk-Taking Strategies
-Risky decisions
- risk-aversion strategy used when problem is stated in terms of gains
- risk-taking strategy when problem is stated in terms of losses
-framing effect:
decisions are influenced by how a decision is stated
- can highlight one aspect of a situation - Tversky and Kahnemann (1981) - when situations are framed in terms of gains, people tend toward a risk-aversion strategy - when situations are framed in terms of losses, people tend toward a risk-taking strategy
-decision making process includes looking for
for justification so a rationale is presented with decision (Tversky and Shafir, 1992)
- you have taken a tough exam. You passed it (failed it or will know the result in two days). You have an opportunity to buy a very attractive 5-day Christmas vacation package. - buy, not buy, pr pay $5 to retain the rights to buy the vacation the day after tomorrow - ” pass and “fail” are both good reasons for a trip - this is why doctors may carry out medical tests that might not lead to different treatments
-one finding: decisions are influenced by emotions, and those emotions are associated with activity in specific areas of the brain
-Sanfey and coworkers (2003)
- ultimatum game
- often rejected low offers because they became angry that offers were unfair
- less angry with an “unfair” computer
- more activation of right anterior insula (connected with emotional states), participants more likely to reject more offers
- emotion is important in decisions-making
The Dual Systems Approach to Thinking
-Kahnemann (2011)
- two mental systems
- system 1: fast, automatic, intuitive, unconscious
- system 2: slower, deliberative, conscious, controlled
- much of our day-to-day existence is handled by system 1
- system 2 takes over when we need to be more thoughtful
The Dual Systems Approach to Thinking
-Stanovich and West (2000)
- favor terms Type 1 processing and Type 2 processing
- similar characteristics as Kehneman’s System 1 and system 2 concept
- favored by many researchers because better reflects the interconnected, distributed processing that occurs in the brain