Chapter 2: Charting a Company's Direction Flashcards
What are the 5 interrelated stages that make up the process of crafting and executing a strategy?
- Developing a strategic vision
- Setting objectives
- Crafting a strategy
- Executing the chosen strategy
- Monitoring developments, evaluating performance, and initiating corrective adjustments
What do a company’s core values do?
Guide the pursuit of the vision and mission
What is a strategic vision?
Describes management’s aspirations for the company’s future and the course and direction charted to achieve them.
What does a strategic vision do?
Delineates management’s aspirations for the company’s future, providing a panoramic view of “where we are going” and a convincing rationale for why this makes good business sense.
What must a strategic vision do for it to function as a valuable management tool?
Must convey what top execs want the business to look like and provide managers at all organizational levels with a reference point in making strategic decisions and preparing for the company’s future.
What are the “dos” of wording a vision statement?
- Be graphic
- Be forward-looking and directional
- Keep it focused
- Have some wiggle room
- Be sure the journey is feasible
- Indicate why the directional path makes good business sense
- Make it memorable
What are the “dont’s” of wording a vision statement?
- Don’t be vague or incomplete
- Don’t dwell on the past
- Don’t use overly broad language
- Don’t state the vision in blank or uninspiring terms
- Don’t be generic
- Don’t rely on superlatives
- Don’t run on and on
How does a strategic vision differ from a mission statement?
A strategic vision portrays a company’s aspirations for its future, whereas a company’s mission statement describes the scope and purpose of its present business.
What are 3 things that the ideal mission statement does?
- Identifies the company’s products/services
- Specifies the buyer needs that the company seeks to satisfy and the customer groups or markets that it serves
- Gives the company its own identity
ie. Who we are, what we do, why we are here.
What are values?
Designated beliefs, traits, and behavioural norms that management has determined should guide the pursuit of its vision and mission.
What is the managerial purpose of setting objectives?
To convert the vision and mission into specific performance targets.
Why are concrete, measurable objectives managerially valuable?
- They focus on organizational attention and align actions through the organization
- They serve as yardsticks for tracking company’s progress and performance
- They motivate employees
What are objectives?
Organization’s performance targets - the specific results management wants to achieve
What are stretch objectives?
Set performance targets high enough to stretch an organization to perform at its full potential and deliver the best possible results.
Why are extreme stretch goals only warranted under certain conditions?
They fail more often than not and failure can kill motivation, erode confidence, and damage both worker and company performance.
What 2 conditions must be met for extreme stretch goals to work?
The company must have ample resources available.
Its recent performance must be strong.
Which two distinct types of performance targets are required?
Financial objectives
Strategic objectives
What are strategic objectives?
Goals concerning a company’s marketing standing and competitive advantage.
What are short-term objectives and what do they do?
Quarterly or annual.
Focus attention on delivering performance improvements in the current period and satisfy shareholder expectations for near-term progress.
What is the purpose of longer-term objectives?
Targets 3-5 years off force managers to consider what to do now to put the company in position to perform better later.
Which objectives should take precedence when trade-offs have to be made between achieving short- and long-term objectives?
Long-term objectives.
What type of indicators are financial performance measures?
Lagging indicators. A company’s past or current financial performance is not a reliable indicator of its future prospects.
What does the accomplishment of strategic objectives indicate?
Signals that a company is well positioned to sustain or improve its performance.
What is the Balanced Scorecard?
Method for combining the use of both strategic and financial objectives, tracking their achievement, and giving management a more complete and balanced view of how well an organization is performing.
What are the 4 dimensions of a balanced scorecard?
- Financial
- Customer
- Internal process
- Organizational
What kind of process is objective setting?
A top-down process
How should company objectives be broken down?
Into performance targets for each of the organization’s separate businesses, product lines, functional departments, individual work units.
Who has ultimate responsibility for leading the strategy-making, strategy-executing process?
The CEO is always fully accountable for the results the strategy produces.
What is corporate straetgy?
Executed by the CEO and senior execs. Establishes an overall strategy for managing a set of businesses in a diversified, multibusiness company. It establishes an overall game plan for managing a set of businesses.
What is business strategy?
Primarily concerned with strengthening the company’s market position and building competitive advantage in a single-business company or in a single business unit of a diversified multibusiness corporation.
What are two other roles of business strategy heads?
- Seeing that lower-level strategies are well conceived, consistent, and adequately matched to the overall business strategy.
- Keeping corporate level officers informed of emerging strategic issues.
What are functional area strategies?
Concern the approaches employed in managing particular functions within a business such as R&D, production, etc.
Why would the general business manager exert strong influence on the content of functional strategies?
Since the different functional-level strategies must be compatible with the overall business strategy and with one another.
What are operating strategies?
Concern the relatively narrow approaches for managing key operating units and specific operating activities with strategic significance.
What types of strategies (3) does a single-business company have? Which type does it not have.
Business strategy, functional-area strategies, operating strategies. No corporate strategy since the business strategy is the uppermost level for a single-business company.
What are the basic direction-setting tasks and what do they constitute?
Developing a strategic vision + mission, objectives, and crafting a strategy. They constitute a strategic plan for coping with industry conditions, competing with rivals, meeting objectives, etc..
What does a strategic plan do?
Lays out a company’s direction, business model, competitive strategy, and performance targets for a specified period of time.
What is the trigger point for deciding whether to continue or change a company’s vision and mission, objectives, strategy etc.?
The fifth stage in the strategy management process - monitoring new external developments, evaluating the company’s progress, and making corrective adjustments.
When might a company decide to stay the course when evaluating their performance?
As long as the company’s strategy continues to pass the 3 test of a winning strategy; fit test, competitive advantage test, strong performance test.
What are the 4 obligations of the board of directors?
- Oversee the company’s financial accounting and reporting practices
- Critically appraise the company’s direction, strategy, and business approaches
- Evaluate the caliber of senior executive’s strategic leadership skills
- Institute a compensation plan for top execs that rewards them for actions and results that serve stakeholder interests
Who do board members have a legal obligation to protect?