Chapter 2: Cells and Tissues | Their Structure and Function in Health & Disease Flashcards
What are the four types of tissues?
- epithelum
- connective and supporting
- muscle
- nerve
What is the function of Epithelium?
- forms glands and parenchymal cells of excretory or secretory organs
- absorbs
- secretes mucus, sweat, oil, enzymes, hormoens
What are the layers of epithelium?
endothelium: layer of simple squamous epithelium
Mesothelium: later of squamous epithelium that lines pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities
What are the types of connective tissue fibers?
- dense fibers
- loose fibers
- collagen fibers
- elastic fibers
- reticular fibers
- adipose tissue
- cartilage
- bone
What are examples of connective and supporting tissues?
- hematopoietic (blood forming)
- lymphatic (lymphocyte forming)
- loose and dense fibrous tissues
- elastic tissue
- fibrous tissue
- adipose tissue
- cartilage (hylaine, elaastic, fibrocartilage)
- bone
- subcutaneous tissue
- ligaments
- tendons
- blood vessel wall membranes
- bronchi walls
- trachea
- supporting framework of organs (liver, spleen, lymph nodes)
What are the three types of muscle, and their functions?
- smooth muscle: in the walls of hollow internal organs, gastro, biliary, and reproductive tracts, blood vessels, and functions automatically
- striated muscle: moves skeleton under consicous control
- cardiac muscle: found only in the heart, resembles striated muscle but has featueres common to both smooth and striated muscle
What are lysosomes?
cytoplasmic organelles that are filled with digestive enzymes
- they function as the digestive system of the cell
- break down material brought into the cell by phagocytosis
- autophagy: degrade worn-out cells and recycle their products
What are peroxisomes?
- structures that contain enzymes that break down various potnetially toxic intracellular molecules
Are there blood vessels in epithelium?
No. The cells are nourished by diffusion of material from capillaries located in the underlying connective tissue
What are the two types of epithelium and their functions?
Simple: single layer of cells; lines pulmonary air sacs, lining of vascualr system, and lining of the body cavities
- pseudostratified columnar epithelium is a type of simple epithelium, where the cells are really tightly packed together and gives the appearance of stratificaton
Stratified: contains multiple layers; forms external covering of the body, lines oral cavity, esophagous, vagina
What is osmosis?
the movement of water molecules from a dilute solution to a more concentrated one
what is ascites?
fluid accumulating in the body cavities due to low albumin. Swelling of abdominal area and legs caused by excess extracellular fluid.
What is hemolysis?
hemoglobin leakage from red cells caused by damaged cell membranes. Also destruction of blood cells around bacteria colonies
What is active transport?
transfer of materials against a concentration gradient that is necessary to maintain proper concentration of intracellular and extracellular ions.
what is the difference between hypertrophy and hyperplasia?
hypertrophy: an increasein the size of individual cells wihtout an actual increase in their numbers
hyperplasia: an increase in the size of a tissue or organ caused by an increase in the number of cells
what is metaplasia? Give an example
metaplasia: a change from one type of cell to another type that is better able to tolerate soome adverse environmental condition
e.g. if the lining of the trachea is chronically irritated by the chemical agents in cigarette smoke, the normal ciliated columnar epithelial lining may assume the characteristic structure of a layer of sqaumous epithelium - which is presume to be more resistant to irritation
what is dysplasia?
dysplasia: a condition in which the devleopment and maturation of cells are distrubed and abnormal